Non-rhetorically in response to
Lokamp's rhetoric question on Facebook, no "Lyrics Monday" is not yet a thing. It is just that Mondays often lack news so we try to keep the info void bearable with filler-like Lyrics Features on those days. If you guys really want this to be a real thing, let us know at any of the usual places (comments, chatbox, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
And while we're on the subject, we want to know what you want to see! Our first
Lyrics Feature Request Poll consists of 16 songs with a slight focus on Wii 5/Wii U1 songs because the lyrics text are much more readily available. Pick one or multiple that you like and we will pan out future Lyrics Features by their popularity here. See the 16-song list after the jump.
If a song on your mind isn't on this list, don't fret! We'll probably get to them the next time we do this again, and it helps to leave that in the comments or anywhere else you can reach us.
マオウのショウタイム Maou no Showtime (bonus: ソプラノ姫VSマオウ Princess Soprano VS Maou)
超時空アドベンチャー Choujikuu Adventure
クレーンシティ Crane City
うさぎのしっぽ Usagi no Shippo
ダイエット・パダライス Diet Padarise
ボクハシンセ Boku wa Synth
恋の処方箋 Koi no Shohousen
ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム Dokidoki Mune-kyun Omatsuri Time
黒神クロニクル Kokushin Chronicle
豊穣弥生 Houjou Yayoi
ロボットロケンロー Robot Rock 'n' Roll
メンクイミラクル Menkui Miracle
ニッティング・ハイ Knitting High
エリンギのエクボ Eringi no Ekubo
ねぇ教えて Neh Oshiete
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