【ディレクター闇属性(TOMOKI)の新譜面への道③】~曲名発表編~(公式HP : https://t.co/3D263KKSku) pic.twitter.com/ooi7cfDug1
— 太鼓の達人 Vバージョン公式アカウント (@taiko_Vver) 26 Novembre 2015
As the last Thursday of the month, it's time for V Version's latest DLC delivery news, which were preceded by one last video teaser from Dark Attribute (TOMOKI) on V Version's Twitter account. Ponder about this last hint before discovering the identity of the song teased for all this time...Popular Song Pack 8
Silent Jealousy (+ Ura) New!
Sugar Song to Bitter Step (シュガーソングとビターステップ) New!
Theme of Doctor X
Taberuna 2000
Being released on December, this packs will have 6 songs against the usual 5 tracks. Among these, we see the return of classics like Kurenai and another 2000 series song, the first non-iOS release of ROCKET DIVE and another track newcomer in form of an Anime ending theme, coming from the Kekkai Sensen series.
This song pack will launch next week on December 3rd, under the usual price of 500 Yen (+ taxes).