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Saturday, September 10, 2022

Song of the Week! 10 September 2022

Today's Song of the Week is a kind reminder to thread lightly, when a member of the HARDCORE TANO*C label is tangentially related to arcade Taiko's Ranking Dojo trials...

Zou'o to Shuuaku no Hanataba

Game Genre
AC Nijiiro (Y2)

The welcoming of composer USAO under the Taiko mantle as one of the next Ranking Dojo latter-half nightmare is nothing new for his affiliated music label, considering how last year it was also the drumming debuting fields for composer Laur as well. Not to mention how one of his 'label colleagues' has effectively taken 2021's top of the Ranking Dojo food chain, all for himself...

For his 6th original song in Taiko gaming (9th overall, right before the "label ensemble collaboration" of BATTLE NO.1), Tomoyuki "t+pazolite" Hamada has been met by the Taiko Team with the candid task of delivering "a t+pazolite-like big boss song!" and the end result has been the following track, going by a literal English translation of "Bouquet with Hatred and Ugliness". Other than being the final nightmare for Nijiiro's Tatsujin Ranking Dojo course in 2021, this track has been notorious for the web-browsing Japanese audience as a search engine nightmare, considering how searching only part of the song's title with other Taiko-related keywords like the 'Ugliness' and 'Hatred' parts has been handing out no related Taiko song hits for the longest time. Pasting the full Japanese title, however, still does the trick a-la Mopemope, minus the kid-misleading-related YouTube controversies!

Explaining this song's short backstory is just as easy as selling anyone on its challenge degree, as it's basically a tune-turned-checklist to make both stamina-reliant and chart-reading masters the workout of their lives. It's a song topping the difficulty rating on all modes (and one out of 13 Namco Originals with current 10-star rating on both Oni settings), barring its many BPM/scrolling shifts its commonpace tempo averages at a really nasty 295 BPM to make even the most plain 1/16 charting passages a hell on drums and its 4-digit-notes Ura Oni pushes handswitching and note density to the point of averaging 12.54 hits/second from the latter half's Go-Go Time zone to its end... no seriously, need I say more?!