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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Song of the Week! 7 August 2021

No doubt about what's on our spotlight next!
Koi wa Don't Doubt Taiko de Time Travel 70's/Kawagen Kollagen with yuzuki
恋はドント・ダウト / 太鼓 de タイムトラベル70's / Kawagen Kollagen with yuzuki
Game Genre
AC Nijiiro

Known in the official English localization for overseas Taiko gaming as 'Don't Doubt This Love', this is the Taiko-original song representing the 70ies by riding the Showa Idol. It's also the latest song from BNSI songwriter/ taiko Team veteran Yoshinori "Kawagen Kollagen" Kawamoto (川元義徳), donning his Notecharter Sentai nickname for this song's subtitle credit mentions! This is a return-to-form for him as a Taiko charter devoted to vocals-powered song charting, seeing as we know how he ended up charting some modern instrumentals as well, including Namco Original Rei-Wadaiko and the collaboration-transplanted MEGALOVANIA and Leviathan.

Joining him as Koi wa Don't Doubt's singer and lyricist is the nicknamed yuzuki (Twitter; SoundCloud; YouTube), a really young songmaker who's not shy in revealing on her social media bios that she's up to make music with her own husband... that is to say, the very same Kawagen Kollagen in the flesh! The bond between the two also acquires some kind of symbolic meaning in Kawagen's iconic Taiko no Tatsujin song production, as briefly mentioned by the artist in the double-interview official Taiko blog post about the couple's song. Kawagen ended up marrying someone who's born in the same year as the Taiko no Tatsujin franchise, unknowingly created his most popular song's two parts on the same years her fiancee graduated from elementary school (Sotsu Omeshiki) and junior high (Sotsu Omeshiki 2-ban) and now this impromptu trilogy is complete by letting yuzuki herself to help creating and performing a song fitting for a 20-aged lady!

Clocking a little over 2 minutes and a half, this lovely couple's joint Taiko contribution can be seen in many respects as the charting soulmate to Off Rock's modern charts, thanks to its signature 1/12 spacing peppered all throughout the play. Do mind the slower section in the middle following the Viennese watlz rhythms or the final, longer cluster if you're aiming to be an accuracy top-dog on this anniversary-fueled treat!