Saturday, April 20, 2019

Song of the Week! 20 April 2019

Max-star Oni difficulty time, starring one of the "jointed-introduction" Namco Original boss tracks from Blue Version!

 Toon Town's Toys' Tune Retropolitaliens
Allx4 (119)x5 (184)x6 (315)x10 (659)
 Taiko 0 B

Easter is approaching fast once again, but today's song bears no relation to that other Toon Town with a certain rabbit on it! As also mentioned in the intro, Toon Town's Toys' Tune is part of Blue Version's package of newly-added 10-star Oni made to close the firmware's hardest Dojo Ranking trials. This is the 2nd song of this cycle we're talking about under these lines after Jun Kuroda's Coquette, which is doubly fitting as this track's creator(s) also happen to have a pre-exister history in music gaming stuff!

The Retropolitaliens act is made by a composer/singer duo, the latter of which being the nick-named Dadaco (駄々子) (SoundCloud; JP Profile). As of now, nothing has been made public about this female vocalist's identity and activities, outside of her avid music game player reputation and her contest-related victories in bemani fields, which lead to the playable releases of original tracks starring Dadako herself as the singer! Among these, we include Enka no Ne (炎夏の音) from SOUND VOLTEXTsukikage Komachi (月影小町) from jubeat and the Gold Submission track Natsuiro Melancholy (夏色メランコリー) from Dynamix.

Together with the nick-named composer Ms., Dadaco has taken part in the production of original tracks in the Shibuya-Kei genre, under the Retropolitaliens act. Either as the two main aliases or the just-mentioned act, the two do share song-making dibs in the SOUND VOLTEX and Dynamix series, respectively with the Touhou Project arrange piece Princess K and the song Speedster, Trickster, which also managed to get ported into the mobile game Stellaris due to shared collaboration endeavors with C4Cat's music game (link).

As the second Retropolitaliens-signed song in music gaming, Toon Town's Toys' Tune barges in with a note-light Oni notechart for the current top-star scenario, meaning that a smaller error margin than the average is permitted for anything resulting into a song clear. Imagine the players' first-play pressure on this song, then, as multiple intertwining tempo signatures and a x2 scrolling speed dominance are commonplace all throughout the performance! The ending portion might even steal some near-clear attempts, too.


Be sure to check back our Altale Song of the Week entry, as it too got updated today!