For the last month of 2018, Taiko no Tatsujin Nintendo Switch Version goes with a bang, with a DLC lineup that has been much more vibrant than the previous months. All of the additions will become available starting on
December 6 2018. Sneak peek: it has Namco Originals!
A Three-fold HIKAKIN Collab
Following HIKAKIN's appearance in the
promotional video for the game before launch, the recognized YouTuber will be having a full-blown in-game collaboration.
The star collaborative element is the
HIKAKIN Pack (HIKAKINパック) available until
January 31 2019, which includes the party game
Boom-boom Rock-Paper-Scissors (ブンブンジャンケン) inspired by his video sign-outs, and the Performance Character
HIKAKIN with the Performance Skill to
Change Taiko Sound to HIKAKIN (音色が「HIKAKIN」になる)... okay?
You can also get the brand new song by HIKAKIN and his musical collaborator SEIKIN, free until
January 31 2019 (and to be paid DLC afterwards):
| Title |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Zassou NEW!
雑草/HIKAKIN & SEIKIN | ★? | ★? | ★? | ★? |
HIKAKIN Collab special page on the NS1 official site
Some Other DLC Too
Outside of the HIKAKIN collaboration, two more paid DLC packs are also coming to Nintendo Switch Version.
Winter Break Anime Pack (冬休みアニメパック, 400 yen+tax) features three songs from popular Disney animated movies, but apparently Taiko couldn't use the "Disney" name unlike Studio Ghibli:
| Title |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Try Everything Zootopia
トライ・エヴリシング/「ズートピア」より | ★2 | ★3 | ★4 | ★3 |
 | Let It Go ~Ari no Mama de~ Frozen
Let It Go~ありのままで~/「アナと雪の女王」より | ★2 | ★2 | ★2 | ★4 |
 | Do You Want To Build A Snowman Frozen
雪だるまつくろう/「アナと雪の女王」より | ★1 | ★1 | ★3 | ★7 |
Meanwhile finally the first Namco Originals in the NS1 DLC lineup can be found in the
Tatsujin Challenge Pack Vol. 1 (達人チャレンジパックVol.1, 500 yen+tax), featuring... surprisingly tame picks unlike the name suggests:
| Title |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Jingle Bells No. 765
ジングルベル第765番 | ★2 | ★3 | ★4 | ★8 |
 | Kare Kano Kanon
カレ・カノ・カノン | ★3 | ★4 | ★5
 | ★8 |
 | KAGEKIYO Genpei Toma Den Medley
源平討魔伝メドレー | ★4 | ★5 | ★7 | ★8 | ★10
 | My Mine | ★4 | ★5 | ★4 | ★6 |
 | Saitama 2000
さいたま2000 | ★5 | ★7 | ★7 | ★7 |
And a Year-end All-in-One Deal
If you have been holding out on NS1 DLC, because it fails to attract you or otherwise, this might be a chance for you to reconsider. Until
January 6 2019, the
Super Bargain! Limited Bundle Purchase Pack (超お得!期間限定まとめ買いパック) lets you buy all six paid DLC packs so far at a
20% discount, to only 2160 yen+tax:
- Studio Ghibli Pack
- Vocaloid Pack
- Touhou Project Arrange Pack
- Pops Pack Vol. 1
- Winter Break Anime Pack
- Tatsujin Challenge Pack Vol. 1