ドンだーのみなさんにおなじみ、マスブチさんがアレンジした楽曲「KAGEKIYO 源平討魔伝メドレー (from 太鼓の達人)」も収録されたアルバムです!よろしくだドーーン!そして、30周年おめでドーーン!! https://t.co/OYcm6vHf98— 太鼓チーム (@taiko_team) 16 maggio 2017
Back in the 80ies, Namco launched the original Genpei Toma Den video game and 30 years later, its modern company assessment is up to celebrate its release with the so-dubbed "Sorcerer Anniversary Soundtrack".
Being printed by Sweep Records (link here), this end-of-June release is set to include music from anything related to the gaming series, including some choice cameo roles... So much so that both the iconic KAGEKIYO of Taiko medley lore and SAMURAI ROCKET (from the Ridge Racer series) will be included as bonus tracks. Everyone's invited to this musical tribute!