Woohoo update! Woohoo new songs! It may be hot (depending on your location) but it is still time to celebrate and hype!
New Songs: May 31 (Yellow ver. G/V3.xx)
8OROCHI will be an unlockable by one of two ways: (1) passing (something to be mentioned in a bit below) or (2) buying with 5000 Katsu Medals on the Donder Hiroba Rewards Shop.
New Songs: June 1 (Rewards Shop Yellow ver. Summer)
KORG Gadget Kamata デモソング Demo Song
コバヤシユウヤ (IOSYS) feat. 山本椛 (monotone)
Yuuya Kobayashi (IOSYS) feat. Momiji Yamamoto (monotone)
かねこちはる Kaneko Chiharu
New Outfits: June 1 (Rewards Shop Yellow ver. Summer)
Head: サイドポニー Side Pony [500]
Body: 巫女のはかま Shrine Maiden's Hakama [500]
Head: ショベルカーヘッド Shovel Car Head [500]
Body: ショベルカーボディ Shovel Car Body [500]
Head: 水かぶり Bucket Pour [500]
Body: 火消し Hikeshi [500]
Ranking Dojo: Yellow ver.
Ranking Dojo and Taiko School are back!... well at least some of them. Only the first 21 ranks from Shoukyu (初級) through 10-dan (十段) will be added in this update on May 31, and the normally-hidden ranks from Kurouto onwards come later in a future update. For a selected sneak peek of the song choices, visit the large image in the original post.
This also comes with smaller changes to the whole system, including adding the song choices themselves into Taiko School, and retweaking the levels of Gold Pass.
While you are not able to unlock anything more from immediately clearing 10-dan for now, you can still preview the Taiko School content to prepare for the upcoming Kurouto challenge (with the actual song choices not revealed).
Ranking Dojo Gaiden: May 31 (Yellow ver. G/V3.xx)
+) 挑戦!第3回天下一音ゲ祭の巻【裏】 (pass to unlock 8OROCHI)
Challenge! Tenkaichi Otogesai 3 ver. [Ura]
-) 【限定】復活!ソライロ十段
[Limited] Revived! Sorairo 10-dan
-) 【限定】復活!カツドン大将
[Limited] Revived! Katsu-don Taishou
Also remember the wrong trial titles that were too late to fix last time? This is not last time any more and the fix will also come in this update.
x) 挑戦!世界大会2016予選①
Challenge! World Championships 2016 Qualifiers (1)
x) 挑戦!世界大会2016予選②
Challenge! World Championships 2016 Qualifiers (2)
x) 挑戦!世界大会2016エリア①
Challenge! World Championships 2016 Area (1)
x) 挑戦!世界大会2016エリア②
Challenge! World Championships 2016 Area (2)
Link to original post (Update)
Link to original post (Rewards Shop)