Artist: Frenesi (フレネシ)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Another future upgrade for Taiko 0
Last year a website put up promotional posters for the HD Taiko three months before any official announcement from Namco. And once again, that website has once again opened reservations for an upgraded cabinet! (click here to see details). Let's see what's new.
1) This upgrade kit will be released on late July 2012, probably after Taiko 3DS's release (don't be tricked by the other date; May 18th is the deadline for preordering the kit!).
2) It looks like this new upgrade is not software-only like the others, since the price is quite high: 278,000 Yen, the actual cost for a brand new Taiko 14 arcade! Which means....another cabinet replacement?
3) According to the description, this upgrade will bring new songs, new modes and a That's right: even Taiko will now have a camera like most of Namco's cabinets! It's probably just used either to goof around or add a profile picture to your Banapassport profile though.
Credits to crystalsuicune for the find!
1) This upgrade kit will be released on late July 2012, probably after Taiko 3DS's release (don't be tricked by the other date; May 18th is the deadline for preordering the kit!).
2) It looks like this new upgrade is not software-only like the others, since the price is quite high: 278,000 Yen, the actual cost for a brand new Taiko 14 arcade! Which means....another cabinet replacement?
3) According to the description, this upgrade will bring new songs, new modes and a That's right: even Taiko will now have a camera like most of Namco's cabinets! It's probably just used either to goof around or add a profile picture to your Banapassport profile though.
Credits to crystalsuicune for the find!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Song of the Week! 28 April 2012
Last year we dedicated one spot here for everyone's favorite autobot, Mekadon, and two of the songs that feature him (well, Future Lab is kind of a vague connection but whatever). He has another two theme songs, both of them being obscure and present in only one game each.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Namco Taiko Blog (26 April 2012) - Taiko 3DS songlist
Today's blog update is all about Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigi na Orb. Though, with everything already covered in other gaming sites and even the official site a week beforehand, there's nothing new to be offered in this blog post, just a recap of all the songs we know to be in the game so far minus Tales of the Abyss and Kiseki. To see the current Taiko 3DS songlist click here.
Next week's break day for Japan, so no blog updates. The next one will be on May 10th so stay tuned!
Link to original post
Next week's break day for Japan, so no blog updates. The next one will be on May 10th so stay tuned!
Link to original post
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Feature: Deathstream 101 - Semester II
Okay class! How many of you are back for more? Let's skip the introductions and move on with our next lecture on deathstreams, since there are definitely lots of other problem areas that are much shorter than the first six we covered in the first class. In case you missed the class, you can view it here. Now, let's begin.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Random: Dodon ga Eagle
Don't know him? This player, named 'イーグル (eagle)' made a small name for himself by pretending the Taiko arcade is the world's most expensive jukebox. Instead of attempting Dodon ga Don Ura seriously like most players do, just check out him fooling around with the song playing in the back.
Though, I still think there's a skilled player underneath the crazy exterior.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Taiko no Tatsujin 3DS first trailer and tons of screenshots
Coming from the Nintendo Direct feed detailing many of Nintendo's plans for the next few months, including Pokemon Black/White 2, New Super Mario Bros 2, 3DS firmware updates, and trailers for many announced games, including Taiko no Tatsujin 3DS of course!
It's a lot less fluidly animated than Taiko 0, but the art style is definitely the new one. Costumes return as usual, albeit with a crazy size thing going on there. 4 way multiplayer and a little story footage is in here too!
The 10000 point bonus on reaching 100 combo is present, meaning scoring system is the new one.
And more screenshots of the menu and play mode and story mode too. See them all below!
From the screenshots one more J-Pop song is revealed, another old favorite, Kiseki, which has seemingly become an evergreen song on Taiko together with things like Natsu Matsuri.
Song of the Week! 21 April 2012
This is a request from Ventus, one of our readers from chat, and a fan of Japanese pop rock band Ikimono Gakari (いきものがかり), which has many songs in Taiko in both J-Pop and Anime. Guess what song we're going to review.
Taiko no Tatsujin (3rd Generation) Update History
Taiko no Tatsujin Green Version
Game Music
Namco Original
19 February, 2020: Game Version 13.02
-Song position rearranged for the Anime genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
Taik-color (タイコロール)
22 January, 2020: Game Version 12.03
-2 songs and 1 Ura Oni added:
Touken Ranbu (刀剣乱舞)
Act! Addict! Actors!
Act! Addict! Actors!
-More Green Ver. Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses added
-LED lights of the cabinet are now turned off before a play starts (while the screen goes dark)
-2 songs removed from list:
Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto (好きな人がいること)
Doctor X Theme (ドクターXのテーマ)
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
Caribbean Knight
18 December, 2019: Game Version 11.07
-6 songs added:
Uma to Shika (馬と鹿)
Mirumiru ~Mirai Mieru~ (ミルミル ~未来ミエル~)
Zenmai Shoujo Tokei (撥条少女時計)
Grave (グラーヴェ)
-More Green Ver. Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses added
-Subtitle added to
Anata to Tu-lat-tat-ta♪ (あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪) in the song list
-Song position rearranged for the J-Pop genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Monochrome Voice (モノクロボイス)
Monochrome Voice (モノクロボイス)
Shinra Banshou (森羅万象)
Uchuu-hikoushi Boukentan (うちゅうひこうし冒険譚)
18 December, 2019: Game Version 11.07
-6 songs added:
Uma to Shika (馬と鹿)
Mirumiru ~Mirai Mieru~ (ミルミル ~未来ミエル~)
Zenmai Shoujo Tokei (撥条少女時計)
Grave (グラーヴェ)
-More Green Ver. Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses added
-Subtitle added to
Anata to Tu-lat-tat-ta♪ (あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪) in the song list
-Song position rearranged for the J-Pop genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Monochrome Voice (モノクロボイス)
Monochrome Voice (モノクロボイス)
Shinra Banshou (森羅万象)
Uchuu-hikoushi Boukentan (うちゅうひこうし冒険譚)
20 November, 2019: Game Version 10.05
-More Green Ver. Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses added
-Song position rearranged for the Anime genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed content unlock barring that are related to the song
Over Quartzer
-Timed Rewards Shop outlet change from Fall (Green Ver.) to Winter (Green Ver.)
-Timed removal of the following songs:
Kuroi Neko no Uta (黒い猫の歌)
crossing field
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
NATSU☆Shiyouze! (NATSU☆しようぜ!)
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
TD -28619029byte remix-
Rurou no Kohaku-hime (流浪の琥珀姫)
Kooryu (氷竜 ~Kooryu~)
Kooryu (氷竜 ~Kooryu~)
UFO Swingin'
-Public time-limited unlock for the following song:
Jingle Bells No.765 (ジングルベル第765番)
17 October, 2019: Game Version 9.04
-4 songs; 1 Ura Oni added:
Kimi wa Rock o Kikanai (君はロックを聴かない)
Nonsense Bungaku (ナンセンス文学)
Calamity Fortune
Calamity Fortune
Sakura Secret (サクラ・シークレット)
-Music source for
Anata to Tu-lat-tat-ta♪ (あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪) replaced with the original version
-Subtitle added to
Kerakeraho no Uta (ケラケラホーのうた) in the song list
-Song position rearranged for the J-Pop genre in the Song Selection screen
-Custom dancers removed for
Gudetama Theme Song (ぐでたまテーマソング) and
Gudetama Put Your Hands Up (ぐでたまぷちょへんざ)
-3 songs and 1 Ura mode removed from list:
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire (「ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア」)
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire (「ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア」)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Nyanyanyaa (にゃーにゃーにゃー)
Tenkyuu no Ritsu (天泣の律)
4 September, 2019: Game Version 8.07
-3 new songs,. 2 Ura Oni modes added:
Gudetama Theme Song (ぐでたまテーマソング)
Puputto Fumutto Kaiketsu Dance (ププッとフムッとかいけつダンス)
Muscat (スカット)
Hoshikuzu Struck (星屑ストラック)
Shippuudotou (疾風怒濤)
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
Tabetemo Tabetemo (タベテモタベテモ)
Otomushi o Tsukamaero! (音虫をつかまえろ!)
Kien Banjou Kagura (気焔万丈神楽)
Connect Colors (コネクトカラーズ)
-All Ranking Dojo course re-opened;
poxei♦DOON debuts as an exclusive Dojo Ranking song (See Dojo Ranking list for more details)
-Rewards Shop outlet changed from Summer (Green Ver.) to Fall (Green Ver.)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Gudetama Put Your Hands Up (ぐでたまぷちょへんざ)
Cutie☆Demonic☆Majin Emo!! (キューティー☆デモニック☆魔人エモ!!)
Don't Stop The Game
-Time-gated addition of
Surf Zapping to the Katsu Medal Shop
29 July, 2019: Game Version 7.02
-AI Battle Performance mode bug fixes (spontaneous cabinet reboots upon playing the mode for a long time; Silver/Gold crowns appearing after failing the song, if the match against the AI-Don is won; Assigned Songs folder doesn't appear)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Mopemope (もぺもぺ)
25 July, 2019: Game Version 6.02
-7 new songs, 1 new Ura Oni added:
Yes we are
Marigold (マリーゴールド)
Happy Wedding-mae Song (ハッピーウェディング前ソング)
Happy Wedding-mae Song (ハッピーウェディング前ソング)
Tada Kimi ni Hare (ただ君に晴れ)
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger (騎士竜戦隊リュウソウジャー)
Kerakeraho no Uta (ケラケラホーのうた)
Gurenge (紅蓮華)
-AI Battle Performance mode bug fixes (inaccurate score count while playing certain songs; bugged hi-scores removal)
-Public time-limited unlock for the following song:
Unagi no Tamashii Rock (うなぎのたましいロック)
8 July, 2019: Game Version 5.02
-AI Battle Performance mode bug fixes (spontaneous cabinet reboots upon playing the mode for a long time; mis-displayed markers while playing easier difficulties)
27 June, 2019: Game Version 4.06
-2 new songs, 1 new Ura Oni added:
Roki (ロキ)
Gegege no Kitaro (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎)
Gegege no Kitaro (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎)
-AI Battle Performance mode added with its related unlockables, including the following songs:
Colorful Voice ( カラフルボイス)
Colorful Voice (カラフルボイス)
Shippuudotou (疾風怒濤)
Goldfish City
What's in the box?
Amphito♢Rite (アムピト♢リーテー)
-Song position rearranged for the Anime genre in the Song Selection screen
-12 songs and 2 Ura modes removed from list:
Tomo Yo ~Kono Saki mo Zutto... (友よ ~この先もずっと…)
Gimme Choco!! (ギミチョコ!!)
Gimme Choco!! (ギミチョコ!!)
Try Everything (トライ・エヴリシング)
Kimi no 100% (キミに100パーセント)
We Can! (ウィーキャン!)
Ikari o Kure yo (怒りをくれよ)
Chousetzu☆Dynamic (超絶☆ダイナミック!)
Nimensei☆Ura-omote Life! (にめんせい☆ウラオモテライフ!)
Aozora no Rhapsody (青空のラプソディ)
Aozora no Rhapsody (青空のラプソディ)
Imagination (イマジネーション)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
AIAIAI (feat.Yasutaka Nakata) (AIAIAI (feat.中田ヤスタカ))
Hello, Morning
Hello, Morning
25 April, 2019: Game Version 3.05
-1 new song:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
Heat Haze Shadow 2
World Heritage・Prelude ( 和有るど経りて維持・序)
Moshimoshi Kamisama (もしもし神様)
Dead or Die (デッド・オア・ダイ)
-Ranking Dojo main courses re-opened (up to 10-Dan)
-Rewards Shop outlet changed from Spring (Green Ver.) to Summer (Green Ver.)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Dramaturgy (ドラマツルギー)
Dramaturgy (ドラマツルギー)
Kirari☆彡Star☆Twinkle PreCure (キラリ☆彡スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア)
-Time-gated addition of
Hung-rock to the Katsu Medal Shop
25 April, 2019: Game Version 2.04
-4 new songs, 1 new Ura Oni added:
Anata to Tu-lat-tat-ta♪ (あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪)
Anata to Tu-lat-tat-ta♪ (あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪)
Ambivalent (アンビバレント)
Uki-uki Otoppe (ウキウキオトッペ)
High Spec Neet (ハイスペックニート)
Alkali Rettousei (アルカリレットウセイ)
-Song position rearranged for the J-Pop genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Love♡Spice♡Like You!!! (ラヴ♡スパイス♡ライクユー!!!))
Aru Fuwa (或ル不和)
Hoshikuzu Struck (星屑ストラック)
28 March, 2019: Game Version 1.04
-4 new songs:
Sekai wa Anata ni Warai Kaketeiru (世界はあなたに笑いかけている)
Spread the Wings!
Hikari no destination (ヒカリのdestination)
-Ranking Dojo Gaiden courses re-opened
-Fixed a bug related to the Taiko x Idolm@ster SHINY COLORS campaign, with tickets refunds issued for the affected users
-Public time-limited unlock for the following songs:
Nesin Amatias
Kidaruma 2000 (黄ダルマ2000)
Yokuderu 15300 (よくでる15300)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Pixel Galaxy
14 March, 2019: Game Version 0.04
-Launch firmware
-Rewards Shop outlet changed from Winter (Blue Ver.) to Spring (Green Ver.)
-Blue Version's Dojo Ranking main and Gaiden courses removed
-Battle Performance Mode removed
Reason!! and
GLORIOUS RO@D moved to Game Music genre
Geki Rare-san Super Special Medley (激レアさんスペシャルメドレー)
Umi no Koe (海の声)
Dance My Generation
Dance My Generation
Sayonara Crawl (さよならクロール)
Manatsu no Sounds good! (真夏のSounds good!)
Mottai Wonderland (もったいないとらんど)
SHINE!! Kirakira Precure A La Mode (SHINE!! キラキラ☆プリキュアアラモード)
Doubutsu Sentai Zyouger (動物戦隊ジュウオウジャー)
Blood Circulator (ブラッドサーキュレーター)
Attakai'n Dakara (あったかいんだからぁ♪ )
Katte Rock (買ってロック)
Heart Slump Futari-bocchi (ハートスランプ二人ぼっち)
Maou no Showtime added to the Katsu Medal Shop
Taiko no Tatsujin Blue Version
Game Music
Namco Original
31 January, 2019: Game Version 10.04
-2 new songs:
Marine Mirage
Tenka Touitsu Roku (天下統一録)
-Performance Battle mode expansion complete (world 8)
Paradisus-Paradoxum subtitle credits changed
-3 new timed unlocks:
Dive to Blue
Youthful Coaster (ユースフルコースター)
Itadaki (頂)
19 December, 2018: Game Version 9.05
-3 new songs:
Glass o Ware! (ガラスを割れ!)
Inochi Mijikashi Koise Yo Otome (命短し恋せよ乙女)
Over "Quartzer"
-1 new Performance Battle song unlock added:
Hung-rock (ハンロック)
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
Pan vs Gohan! Dai-kessen! ( パン vs ごはん!大決戦!)
Pan vs Gohan! Dai-kessen! ( パン vs ごはん!大決戦!)
Colorful (カラフル)
-Performance Battle mode expanded (world 7)
-Slight song list arrangement change for the Anime genre
-7 new timed unlocks (and 1 Ura Oni):
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end-
Clotho (Clotho クロートー)
Seiten no Reimei (青天の黎明)
21 November, 2018: Game Version 8.06
-7 new songs and 1 Ura Oni added:
Synchronicity (シンクロニシティ)
Toki o Matou (時を待とう)
DANZEN! Futari wa PreCure ~Yuiitsumuni no Hikari-tachi~ (DANZEN! ふたりはプリキュア~唯一無二の光たち~)
DANZEN! Futari wa PreCure ~Yuiitsumuni no Hikari-tachi~ (DANZEN! ふたりはプリキュア~唯一無二の光たち~)
EterNal Ring
Toon Town's Toys' Tune
Marukute Hayakute Susamajii Rhythm (まるくてはやくてすさまじいリズム)
-Dojo Ranking Main Courses fully implemented, up to Tatsujin
-Slight song list arrangement change for the Anime genre
Start Line! (スタートライン!)
Hanamaru-biyori! (花丸◎日和!)
Hard Knock Days
V (Volt) (V (ボルト))
Warera Omou, Yue ni Warera Ari (我ら思う、故に我ら在り)
Doraemon no Uta (ドラえもんのうた)
Pokemon X/Y Wild Pokemon Battle Medley (ポケットモンスターX・Y)
Pokemon X/Y Trainer Battle Medley (ポケットモンスターX・Y)
-Public timed unlock for the following songs (and Ura Oni mode):
Dairokuten Maou (第六天魔王)
Dance Robot Dance (ダンスロボットダンス)
Cantabile × Passione (カンタービレ×パッシオーネ)
Cantabile × Passione (カンタービレ×パッシオーネ)
-Time-limited unlock slated for the following song:
Jingle Bells No.765 (ジングルベル第765番)
23 October, 2018: Game Version 7.09
-3 new songs:
Countdown (カウントダウン)
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing (魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました)
Ephemeral, Great and Splendid Land of Grief (泡沫、哀のまほろば)
-1 new Performance Battle song unlock added:
Surf Zapping
-1 song removed from list:
Groovy Duel
-Performance Battle mode expanded (worlds 5-6)
-Detective Conan songs moved in the Anime song selection screen
-4 new timed unlocks (JAIA arcades only):
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end-
Seiten no Reimei (青天の黎明)
2 October, 2018: Game Version 6.01
-1 new song:
Geki-rare-san Special Medley (激レアさんスペシャルメドレー)
-Public timed unlock for the following song:
13 September, 2018: Game Version 5.09
-2 new songs:
Mirai Connection (未来コネクション)
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
Puchipochi (プチポチ)
Ikanai de Ikaros (行かないでイカロス)
Magical Parfait (マジカル・パフェ)
-1 new time-limited Performance Battle song unlock added:
Maou no Showtime (マオウのショウタイム)
-Performance Battle mode expanded (worlds 3-4; time-limited boss event added)
-Added title unlocks by playing
Splatoon 2 Medley and
Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version
-Public timed unlock for the following song:
Shining☆Abracadabra (シャイニング☆アブラカタブラ)
8 August, 2018: Game Version 4.07
-7 songs, 1 Ura Oni added:
Ryusei (流星)
Taiyoukei Disco (太陽系デスコ)
Minuet (メヌエット)
KARMA(Tatsujin Mix)
Where is the Target?
Furi-furi♪Nori-nori♪ (フリフリ♪ノリノリ♪)
Furi-furi♪Nori-nori♪ (フリフリ♪ノリノリ♪)
Numujika ac.10 (ヌムジカac.10)
-1 Dojo Ranking unlockable song added:
Toymatic☆Parade!! (トイマチック☆パレード!!)
-Dojo Ranking Main Courses for Blue Version added, up to 10-Dan
-New Deathblow moves added to Performance Battle mode
-Youtube Theme Song song genre changed to J-Pop
-Public timed unlock for the following songs (and Ura Oni modes):
Niji (虹)
Super D&D ~Kanzen ni Lead Shite I-my-me~ (スーパーD&D~完全にリードしてアイマイミー~)
D-Zettai! SAMURAI in the Rain (D絶対!SAMURAIインザレイン)
D-Zettai! SAMURAI in the Rain (D絶対!SAMURAIインザレイン)
Hito no Okane de Yakiniku o Shokushitai! (人のお金で焼肉を食したい!)
Hito no Okane de Yakiniku o Shokushitai! (人のお金で焼肉を食したい!)
-Closing time for Tokkun Mode modified to 5 pm (Japan time)
27 June, 2018: Game Version 3.07
-3 songs, 1 Ura Oni mode added:
Sayonara Elegy (さよならエレジー)
Hibana (ヒバナ)
Hibana (ヒバナ)
Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan (アスノヨゾラ哨戒班)
-Performance Battle (演奏バトル) added; worlds 1-2 available
-Added title unlocks by playing
Be The One
-Public time-limited unlock for the following song:
Unagi no Tamashii Rock (うなぎのたましいロック)
-Public timed unlock for the following songs (and Ura Oni mode):
Ai want U (哀 want U)
Dangan Notes (ダンガンノーツ)
Dangan Notes (ダンガンノーツ)
-Yellow Version's main Dojo Ranking courses open up to 10-dan
-Title name notation change for Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Kaze
1 June, 2018: Game Version 2.06
-1 new song:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
Yo~i-don! (よーいドン!)
SORA-VII Cygnus Wall (SORA‐Ⅶ シグナスウォール)
Hinaru Medjed no Hinaru Yuu'utsu (秘ナルメジェドノ悲ナル憂鬱)
Ai to Jouzai no Mori (愛と浄罪の森)
-Songs in Play mode in 2P playes can now allow players to pick Oni and Ura Oni separately in the same play
-Most popular/Newest songs demo screen restored
-Detective Conan songs moved in the Anime song selection screen
18 April, 2018: Game Version 1.05
-3 new songs:
Lupinranger VS Patranger (ルパンレンジャーVSパトレンジャー)
We can!! HUGtto! PreCure (We can!! HUGっと!プリキュア)
Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version
-Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses opnened for Blue Version
-Custom dancers added to IDOLiSH7 songs
POP TEAM EPIC subtitle credits shortened
-Public timed unlock for the following songs and Ura Oni mode:
Heavenly Visitor
Heavenly Visitor
15 March, 2018: Game Version 0.05
-Launch firmware
-Yellow Version's Dojo Ranking main and Gaiden courses removed
-Tokkun Mode removed
-Most popular/Newest songs demo screen replaced with a Performance Battle teaser clip
Anata ni Koi wo Shite Mimashita (あなたに恋をしてみました)
Ikuze! Kaitou Shojuo -Z ver.- (行くぜっ!怪盗少女 ‐Z ver.‐)
Kimi ni Sakura-hirari To Mau (君に桜ヒラリと舞う)
Cocotama Happy~Paradise! (ここたまハッピ~パラダイス!)
Corocoro Cocotama! (ころころここたま!)
Kakushinteki☆Metamarupho~se! (かくしん的☆めたまるふぉ~ぜっ!)
Daydream café
Saa Ike! Ninninger! (さぁ行け!ニンニンジャー!)
Juumensou colorful ver. (十面相 colorful ver.)
Juumensou colorful ver. (十面相 colorful ver.)
Yobanashi Deceive (夜咄ディセイブ)
Enmei Chiryou (延命治療)
Houkago Stride (放課後ストライド)
Eccentric w (エキセントリックw)
Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪【Shite Yan Yo】 (みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】)
Kerakera Jyanken (ケラケラじゃんけん)
-Time-limited unlock slated for the following songs:
Jingle Bells No.765 (ジングルベル第765番)
Kidaruma 2000 (黄ダルマ2000)
Yokuderu 15300 (よくでる15300)
Taiko no Tatsujin Yellow Version
Game Music
Namco Original
21 December, 2017: Game Version 9.09
-5 new songs and 1 new Ura mode:
TT -Japanese ver.-
Mita-koto mo Nai Keshiki (見たこともない景色)
Mita-koto mo Nai Keshiki (見たこともない景色)
Be The One
Brand New Theater!
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
Koi wa Mizuiro (恋はみずいろ)
OK I'm blue rat
Kawatare-doki no Yuuwaku (彼は誰時の誘惑)
Kawatare-doki no Yuuwaku (彼は誰時の誘惑)
Blessed Bouquet Buskers
Future Lab (フューチャー・ラボ)
-Public timed unlock of the following songs:
Kyokuken (極圏)
Ikazuchi (怒槌)
Scarlet Lance
Taiko Drum Monster
-Slight song list arrangement change for the Anime genre
8 November, 2017: Game Version 8.06
-2 new songs:
Groovy Duel
Oodain (大打音)
Follow Me
Aitakatta (会いたかった)
24karats TRIBE OF GOLD
365 Nichi no Love Story (365日のラブストーリー。)
Chocolate Disco (チョコレイト・ディスコ)
Yukidaruma Tsukurou (雪だるまつくろう)
Dokkin♦ Mahou Tsukai PreCure! (Dokkin♦ 魔法つかいプリキュア!)
Seishun Satsubatsu-ron (青春サツバツ論)
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou (とんかつDJアゲ太郎)
Ikenai Borderline (いけないボーダーライン)
Ikenai Borderline (いけないボーダーライン)
Yajirushi ni Natte! (やじるしになって!)
Jinsei Reset Button (人生リセットボタン)
Children Record (チルドレンレコード)
Hikyo Sentai Urotander (卑怯戦隊うろたんだー)
11 October, 2017: Game Version 7.11
-5 new songs:
Beauty and the Beast (美女と野獣)
Yuuwaku (誘惑)
Nimensei☆Ura-omote Life! (にめんせい☆ウラオモテライフ!)
Haikei Doppelganger (拝啓ドッペルゲンガー)
-4 new timed unlocks (AOU arcades only):
Kyokuken (極圏)
Ikazuchi (怒槌)
Scarlet Lance
Taiko Drum Monster
-Public timed unlock for the following songs:
MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen (MANKAI☆開花宣言)
Tsunagare! Hinogare! Uchi-agare! (つながれ!ひろがれ!打ち上がれ!)
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following song:
Gekkabijin (月下美人)
-Time-limited unlock slated for the following songs:
Kaichu Teien o Motsu Shoujo (懐中庭園を持つ少女)
Konamono☆ (コナモノ☆)
6 September, 2017: Game Version 6.07
-4 new songs and 2 new Ura modes:
Ganzo! Genius Cirno-Chan☆ (元祖!天才チルノちゃん☆)
Cirno's Perfect Math Class ⑨ Anniversary Edition (チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 ⑨周年バージョン)
Cirno's Perfect Math Class ⑨ Anniversary Edition (チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 ⑨周年バージョン)
Futari no Kessho -INNOCENCE- (二人の結晶-INNOCENCE-)
Futari no Kessho -INNOCENCE- (二人の結晶-INNOCENCE-)
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
FooFoo Cassette (FooFooカセット)
Kokushin Chronicle (黒神クロニクル)
Hoshikuzu to Rinia to Boku (星屑とリニアと僕)
Go Go Kitchen (ゴーゴー・キッチン)
Go Go Kitchen (ゴーゴー・キッチン)
-Time-limited unlock slated for the following song:
Gekkabijin (月下美人)
8 August, 2017: Game Version 5.17
-8 new songs and 1 new Ura mode:
Taakane no Hanako-san (高嶺の花子さん)
Shin Zombie (シン・ゾンビ)
GEED no Akashi (GEEDの証)
Aozora no Rhapsody (青空のラプソディ)
Aozora no Rhapsody (青空のラプソディ)
Charles (シャルル)
Sukatto Bachan no Uta (スカッとばあちゃんの歌)
Kagami no Kuni no Alice (鏡の国のアリス)
-Public timed unlock for the following songs:
Infinite Rebellion
Koi-kurenai (濃紅)
- Issho ni Waiwai Ensou (いっしょにワイワイ演奏) mode added
- Slight song selection menu tweaks
5 July, 2017: Game Version 4.05
-4 new songs:
Yatte-miyou (やってみよう)
Tomo ni (ともに)
Mirai wa Joe! Joe! (未来はジョー!ジョー!)
-Public timed unlock for the following songs (and Ura Oni mode):
Mezase Pokemon Master -20th Anniversary- (めざせポケモンマスター -20th Anniversary-)
Mezase Pokemon Master -20th Anniversary- (めざせポケモンマスター -20th Anniversary-)
Tsukuyomi (月読命)
-Closing time for Tokkun Mode modified to 5 pm (Japan time)
31 May, 2017: Game Version 3.08
-3 songs added:
Ashita Mo (明日も)
Road Movie (ロードムービー)
Cocotama Happy~Paradise! (ここたまハッピ~パラダイス!)
-2 Rewards Shop songs and 1 Ura mode added:
Ramen de Yo-Men!! (ラーメン de Yo-Men!!)
-Public timed unlock for the following song:
God Ray
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
Usagi no Shippo (うさぎのしっぽ)
Sanzegawa Ranbu (三瀬川乱舞)
Sanzegawa Ranbu (三瀬川乱舞)
Boukyaku no Tirnanog (忘却のティルナノグ)
Geki-un! Shichifuku Happy Crew (激運!七福ハッピークルー)
Kaidan (χ談)
-Timed removal of 6 songs and 1 Ura mode from list:
Nijiiro no Sensou (虹色の戦争)
Du-Du-Wa DO IT!!
Matryoshka (マトリョシカ)
Matryoshka (マトリョシカ)
Boogie Boogie Funassyi♪ (ぶぎ ぶぎ ふなっしー♪)
-Yellow Version's main Dojo Ranking courses open up to 10-dan
-Title name notation change for Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Kaze
26 April, 2017: Game Version 2.07
-13 new songs and 2 new Ura modes:
Doko Made Mo ~How Far I'll Go~ (どこまでも 〜How Far I'll Go〜)
Korokoro Cocotama! (ころころここたま!)
SHINE!! Kirakira☆PreCure a la Mode (SHINE!! キラキラ☆プリキュアアラモード)
Genkai Toppa×Survivor (限界突破×サバイバー)
Genkai Toppa×Survivor (限界突破×サバイバー)
Kagerou (カゲロウ)
Angel Dream (エンジェルドリーム)
Revenge of Meta Knight Medley (メタナイトの逆襲メドレー)
Revenge of Meta Knight Medley (メタナイトの逆襲メドレー)
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Medley (ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド メドレー)
Ouka Ranman (桜花爛漫)
-Title unlocks added to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Medley and Revenge of Meta Knight Medley
-'Special Kids Feature' (キッズ向け特集) custom folder updated; renamed as 'Popular Songs for Parents and Children' (親子・お子さまに人気の曲)
-Demo Play screen removed; replaced with a list of the most popular and newest songs of the newest software update.
22 March, 2017: Game Version 1.07
-2 new songs, 1 new Ura mode:
Koi (恋)
Koi (恋)
Yokuoso Japari Park e (ようこそジャパリパークへ)
-Time-limited unlock slated for the following songs:
Kidaruma 2000 (黄ダルマ2000)
Yokuderu 15300 (よくでる15300)
15 March, 2017: Game Version 0.13
-Launch firmware
-Red Version's Dojo Ranking main courses removed
-Custom dancers added to Hanamaru-biyori!
-Custom voice cues added while highlighting any of the following folders:
Family Party (ファミリーパーティー)
Kenka Joutou (喧嘩上等)
Amachan (あまちゃん)
Flower Song
Kaze ga Fuiteiru (風が吹いている)
Polyrhythm (ポリリズム)
Telecastic fake show
Ichido Dake Koi Nara (一度だけの恋なら)
Ichido Dake Koi Nara (一度だけの恋なら)
Feed A
Wake up!
Anpanman Taisou (アンパンマンたいそう)
DoReMiFa Sorairo (ドレミファソライロ)
Zutto Zutto Tomodachi (ずっとずっとトモダチ)
Wonderland (ワンダーランド)
Mosaic Roll (モザイクロール)
Tell Your World
Funa Funa Funassyi (ふな ふな ふなっしー♪)
Pokemon Black 2/White 2 (ポケットモンスターブラック2・ホワイト2)
Taiko no Tatsujin Red Version
Game Music
Namco Original
23 February, 2017: Game Version 8.01
-Closing of Ranking Dojo, Taiko School, personal high scores and Rewards Shop closing campaigns in preparation for upgrade to Yellow ver. and unlock system overhaul
31 January, 2017: Game Version 7.04
-5 new songs, 3 new Ura modes:
TOKIMEKI Escalate (TOKIMEKIエスカレート)
TOKIMEKI Escalate (TOKIMEKIエスカレート)
Never say never
Sotsu Omeshiki 2-ban (そつおめしき2ばん)
Sacred Ruin (セイクリッド ルイン)
20 December, 2016: Game Version 6.08
-7 new songs:
Watari-dori (ワタリドリ)
Hikari Are (ヒカリアレ)
Hanamaru-biyori! (花丸◎日和!)
Pen-Pinapple-Apple-Pen (PPAP) (ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン(PPAP))
Pokemon Sun & Moon Medley (「ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン」メドレー)
Famicom Medley (ファミコンメドレー)
No Gravity
-Public timed unlock of the following songs:
Masakari Blade (マサカリブレイド)
DokuLO CANdy♡ (毒LOCANdy♡)
-1 song removed from list:
Rising Sun
-Outfit unlock added to EXCITE
15 November, 2016: Game Version 5.08
-7 new songs:
Su・ma・i・ru (ス・マ・イ・ル)
You Got A O-tomodachi (ゆーがらお友達)
Alien Alien (エイリアンエイリアン)
Super Dragon Ball Heroes Theme Song (スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ テーマソング)
-1 new timed unlock:
Fuun! Bachi o Sensei (風雲!バチお先生)
-1 new timed unlock (AOU arcades only):
Masakari Blade (マサカリブレイド)
- Dojo Ranking Gaiden feature added; Hikari no Kanata e featured as exclusive Dojo Ranking Gaiden song (See Dojo Ranking Gaiden list for more details)
13 October, 2016: Game Version 4.05
-6 new songs, 3 new Ura modes:
We Can! (ウィーキャン!)
Tsubomi Yumemiru Rapsodia ~Alma no Michibiki~ (華蕾夢ミル狂詩曲~魂ノ導~)
Tsubomi Yumemiru Rapsodia ~Alma no Michibiki~ (華蕾夢ミル狂詩曲~魂ノ導~)
Anzu no Uta (あんずのうた)
Mitsuboshi☆☆★ (ミツボシ☆☆★)
Mitsuboshi☆☆★ (ミツボシ☆☆★)
Chain Chronicle Total War Medley (チェインクロニクル 総力戦メドレー)
Chain Chronicle Total War Medley (チェインクロニクル 総力戦メドレー)
Gasshou Stabofe! (合唱スタボーフェ!)
-1 new timed unlock (AOU arcades only):
DokuLO CANdy♡ (毒LOCANdy♡)
-Closing time for Tokkun Mode modified to 5 pm (Japan time)
-20 songs and 1 Ura mode removed from list:
Blue Bird (ブルーバード)
Bakuchi Dancer (バクチ・ダンサー)
Kibun Jojou↑↑ (気分上々↑↑)
Snow halation
Maji LOVE 2000% (マジLOVE2000%)
Ressha Sentai ToQger (烈車戦隊トッキュウジャー)
Miracle Go! Princess PreCure (Miracle Go! プリンセスプリキュア)
Yuuki 100% (勇気100%)
GO-GO Tamagotchi! (GO-GO たまごっち!)
Lovers (ラヴァーズ)
Tougenkyou Alien (桃源郷エイリアン)
Connect (コネクト)
Lion (ライオン)
Lion (ライオン)
Melt (メルト)
World is Mine (ワールドイズマイン)
Black Rock Shooter (ブラック★ロックシューター)
Omocha no Cha-cha-cha (おもちゃのチャチャチャ)
-2 special folders added (plus 1 timed release):
17 September, 2016: Game Version 3.02
-Emergency Red Version Dojo Ranking mode bug fixes
14 September, 2016: Game Version 2.07
-10 new songs:
Silent Majority (サイレントマジョリティー)
Tomo Yo~Kono Saki mo Zutto… (友よ ~この先もずっと…)
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou (とんかつDJアゲ太郎)
Blood Circulator (ブラッドサーキュレーター)
Senshaku Zesshou no Fantasia (仙酌絶唱のファンタジア)
Abandoned Temple Final 2nd
-Ranking Dojo re-opened; ≠MM returns as exclusive Dojo Ranking song (See Dojo Ranking list for more details)
-X-DAY2000 and Joubutsu 2000 added as Rewards Shop items (old unlock conditions still valid)
3 August, 2016: Game Version 1.10
-8 new songs:
Try Everything (トライ・エヴリシング)
Ikari o Kure yo (怒りをくれよ)
Orb no Inori (オーブの祈り)
Chouzetsu☆Dynamic! (超絶☆ダイナミック!)
Battle -Denkousekka- (バトル-電光石火-)
Kessen!! (決戦!!)
Climb! Parfait Mountain (食らいむ!まうんとぱふぇ)
Amaterasu (天照)
-Outfit unlock added to Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
-Song subtitle for Over Clock ~Kaihou~ fixed
- Background color changes for title title set (Banapassport users only); four colors involved: regular, purple, gold, rainbow
-Timed unlock slated for the following songs (and Ura Oni modes):
Utsukushiku Sewashiki Danube (美しく忙しきドナウ)
Utsukushiku Sewashiki Danube (美しく忙しきドナウ)
Good-bye my earth
Lightning Dance
Mada Saitama 2000 (まださいたま2000)
Tabaneito (束ね糸)
-2 special folders added:
-Launch firmware
-Synchronica event songs (Synchronicity, New World and Canon (Synchronica Remix)) now publicly playable
-Song subtitle modified to Melt, World is Mine and Tell Your World (same as Taiko +)
-Song subtitle modified to Yuugen no Ran (same as 3DS 3)
-Song subtitle for Gloria fixed (upper-case K)
-Preview Point for Toccata and Fugue and Rock modified (same as Wii 1/ PSP 2)
-Preview Point for Asagao modified
-Song title spelling for Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru o fixed (no space between words)
-Close Folder function customizable for Banapassport players (toggle on/off; default is on)
-2 special folders added:
Taiko no Tatsujin White Version
Game Music
Namco Original
30 June, 2015: Game Version 10.04
-Closing of Ranking Dojo, Taiko School and personal high scores in preparation for upgrade to Red ver.
25 May, 2016: Game Version 9.10
-5 new songs:
Netemo Netemo (ネテモネテモ)
Hiyokko Fantasy (ひよっこファンタジー)
Reitouko CJ ~Amen Taiko Brothers~ (冷凍庫CJ ~嗚呼面太鼓ブラザーズ~)
Asagao (アサガオ)
-Public unlock of the following songs:
Ghost Mask (ゴーストマスク)
Princess of Donder
Shonin YokkQ (承認欲Q)
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
-Tokkun Mode added
-Opening screen modified
-Minor Tokkun Mode bug fixes (no announcement/new version)
27 April, 2016: Game Version 8.17
-9 new songs, 1 new Ura mode:
Umi no Koe (海の声)
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger (動物戦隊ジュウオウジャー)
Kakushinteki☆Metamarupho~se! (かくしん的☆めたまるふぉ~ぜっ!)
Ichido Dake no Koi Nara (一度だけの恋なら)
Ichido Dake no Koi Nara (一度だけの恋なら)
Kimi to Boku no Mirai (キミとボクのミライ)
Sora no Michishirube (ソラのミチシルベ)
Holding Hands
Unite The Force
Waking Through The Towers
-Timed unlock slated for the following songs:
Onigiri wa Doko Kashira♪ (おにぎりはどこかしら♪)
Kokorobo (ココロボ)
1 April, 2016: Game Version 7.03
-Timed unlock slated for the following songs:
Chouzetsu-Gikoukei Shoujo (超絶技巧系少女)
Climb! Parfait Mountain (食らいむ!まうんとぱふぇ)
Rin (凛)
-Timed unlock slated for the following event songs:
Ghost Mask (ゴーストマスク)
Princess of Donder
Shonin YokkQ (承認欲Q)
-Limited release on April 1st only for the following songs:
Kidaruma 2000 (黄ダルマ2000)
Yokuderu 15300 (よくでる15300)
23 March, 2016: Game Version 6.09
-3 new songs:
Audio de Ka! (オーディオ de カッ!)
Shiritsu Takama-ga-hara Gakuen Koukou Kouka (私立高天原学園高校・校歌)
My Muscle Heart
-Timed unlock slated for the following event song:
Canon (Synchronica Remix) (カノン (シンクロニカ Remix))
-11 songs deleted:
Arigatou (ありがとう)
Momoiro Taiko Dodon-ga Bushi (ももいろ太鼓どどんが節)
Love Forever
Diamond Happy (ダイヤモンドハッピー)
Chikyuu o Mawase! (地球を回せっ!)
Happiness Charge Precure! WOW! (ハピネスチャージプリキュア!WOW!)
Preserved Roses
VAMOLA! Kyoryuger (VAMOLA!キョウリュウジャー)
1 Dream (1 ドリーム)
25 February, 2016: Game Version 5.07
-4 new songs:
Dokkin♦ Mahou Tsukai PreCure! (Dokkin♦ 魔法つかいプリキュア!)
Houkago☆Magician (ほうかご☆マジシャン)
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
Tooriyo (トオリヨ)
- Close Folder function added
- Added songlist sorting functions by mode and difficulty ratings
30 January, 2016: Game Version 4.04
-Timed unlock slated for the following songs:
SORA-I Earth Rise (SORA-I アースライズ)
SORA-II Gliese 581 (SORA-II グリーゼ581)
Kagayaki o Motomete (輝きを求めて)
Choco Chiptune.
Yoake Made Ato 3-byou (夜明けまであと3秒)
Aka no Senritsu (朱の旋律)
-Bug fixes concerning White Version's Dojo Ranking mode
28 January, 2016: Game Version 3.10
-3 new songs:
Watashi Igai Watashi ja Nai no (私以外私じゃないの)
-Timed unlock slated for the following event song:
All In My Heart (オール・イン・マイハート)
-Ranking Dojo re-opened;
Dragon Spirit Medley (ドラゴンスピリットメドレー) and
≠MM added as exclusive Dojo Ranking songs (See Dojo Ranking list for more details)
6 January, 2016: Game Version 3.03
-Timed unlock slated for the following event songs:
Ten Bin-za Kyuko Yoru o Iku (てんびん座急行 夜を行く)
Heaven's Rider
-Bug fixes concerning the December '15 Taiko x Synchronica campaign
24 December, 2015: Game Version 1.10
-6 new songs, 1 new Ura mode:
Silent Jealousy
Silent Jealousy
Warera Omou, Yue ni Warera Ari (我ら思う、故に我ら在り)
Doraemon no Uta (ドラえもんのうた)
New World
-Love Live! custom dancers added to Love Live! songs
10 December, 2015: Game Version 0.13
-Launch firmware
-Shine!! and Norudon 2000 now publicly playable
-Idolm@ster songs in the Anime genre (Shine!!, GOIN'!!!, Star!!) moved to Game Music genre
-3 songs deleted:
Saraba, Itoshiki Kanashimi Tachi Yo (サラバ、愛しき悲しみたちよ)
The Other Self
Jojo ~Sono Chi no Sadame~ (ジョジョ~その血の運命~)
Taiko no Tatsujin Murasaki Version
Game Music
Namco Original
26 November, 2015: Game Version 9.05
-1 new song (AOU arcades only):
Yoake Made Ato 3-byou (夜明けまであと3秒)
-Closing of Ranking Dojo, Taiko School and personal high scores in preparation for upgrade to White ver.
29 October, 2015: Game Version 8.07
-1 new song
Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki (それは僕たちの奇跡)
-Smooth Tournament settings added to operator settings
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
!!!Chaos Time!!! (!!!カオスタイム!!! )
1 October, 2015: Game Version 7.12
-2 new songs, 1 new Ura mode:
-Timed unlock slated for the following song (AOU arcades only):
Aka no Senritsu (朱の旋律)
1 September, 2015: Game Version 6.08
-5 new songs
Dream Parade (ドリームパレード)
Eikyoku/Gyouan (郢曲/暁闇)
Kokihi no Shinzou -SCARLET HEART- (深緋の心臓 -SCARLET HEART- ))
Raiko Taiko Disco (ライコタイコディスコ)
Ladystar Wandering
5 August, 2015: Game Version 3.07
-1 new song, 1 new Ura mode:
Feed A
Karyu (夏竜 ~Karyu~)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs (and Ura Oni modes):
Charlie Dash! (チャーリー ダッシュ!)
Chain Chronicle Normal Battle Medley (チェインクロニクル 通常バトルメドレー)
Chain Chronicle Normal Battle Medley (チェインクロニクル 通常バトルメドレー)
Chain Chronicle Final Battle Medley (チェインクロニクル 最終決戦メドレー)
Chain Chronicle Final Battle Medley (チェインクロニクル 最終決戦メドレー)
Abyss of hell
Abyss of hell
Cross Blue (クロス・ブルー)
Jotei ~Imbiratuula~ (女帝~インバラトゥーラ~)
Norudon 2000 (ノるどん2000)
1 July, 2015: Game Version 3.07
-7 new songs, 4 new Uras
Anata ni Koi wo Shite Mimashita (あなたに恋をしてみました)
Hana Furumai (華振舞)
Ai Uta (愛唄)
Ultraman X (ウルトラマンX)
Ultraman X (ウルトラマンX)
Heart Slump Futari-bocchi (ハートスランプ二人ぼっち)
Mahou o Kakete! (魔法をかけて!)
shiny smile
Natsumono☆ (ナツモノ☆)
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
Kibou e no Melody (希望へのメロディー)
- Quota Gauge Display adjusted
Yuugen no Ran (幽玄ノ乱) also available as a Rewards Shop item
-8 songs deleted:
Misenai Namida wa, Kitto Itsu Ka (ミセナイナミダハ、きっといつか)
Yes (イエス)
Pegasus Fantasy (ペガサス幻想)
Kill Me no Baby! (キルミーのベイベー!)
Walking Through The Towers
Kessen!! (決戦!!)
28 May, 2015: Game Version 3.07
-4 new songs, 2 new Ura modes:
Getta Banban (ゲッタバンバン)
Daydream café
Lassen Gorelai (ラッスンゴレライ)
Lassen Gorelai (ラッスンゴレライ)
-Custom dancers background image change for many Idolm@ster songs
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
Machiuke Prince (待ち受けプリンス)
Majide...!? (マジで…!?)
23 April, 2015: Game Version 2.09
-1 new song
Saa Ike! Ninninger! (さぁ行け!ニンニンジャー!)
-Ranking Dojo re-opened
-Played Song count digits now turn to red when reaching the last play of the credit
-Color font change for forked-path modes
-Timed Unlocks slated for the following songs (and Ura Oni mode):
Sachi Sachi ni Shite Ageru♪ (さちさちにしてあげる♪)
Sachi Sachi ni Shite Ageru♪ (さちさちにしてあげる♪)
Thank You!
Mahou o Kakete! (魔法をかけて!)
shiny smile
1 April, 2015: Game Version 1.07
-3 new songs
Kimi ni Sakura-hirari to Mau (君に桜ヒラリと舞う)
Attakai'n Dakara (あったかいんだからぁ♪ )
Kerakera Jyanken (ケラケラじゃんけん)
-On-screen time of failed-burst hit-balloon animation reduced
-Medley no Tatsujin unlock condition bug fixed
-Demo Movie Reel slightly changed
-2 special folders added:
-Launch firmware
-READY!! moved to Game Music genre
-Star!! now publicly playable
-Results screen graphic elements re-arranged
Taiko no Tatsujin Kimidori Version
Game Music
Namco Original
Note: 'New songs' do not include songs added through Rewards Shop or temporary songs.
26 February, 2015: Game Version 12.08
-1 new song
Matsuribayashi no Geragerapo (祭り囃子でゲラゲラポー)
-Closing of Ranking Dojo, Taiko School and personal high scores in preparation for upgrade to Murasaki ver.
29 January, 2015: Game Version 11.06
-6 new songs, 1 new Ura mode
Help me, ERINNNNNN!!
Endless Seeker
Youkai Watch 2 Ganso/Honke/Shinuchi BGM Medley (妖怪ウォッチ2 元祖/本家/真打)
Onegai! Cinderella (お願い!シンデレラ)
-Star!! is for participants of the IdolM@ster collab only. It will be released to public on March 2015.
-All seven AOU tournament songs are released to public on February 16th, 2015
20 January, 2015: Game Version 10.06
-Unannounced back-end update
17 December, 2014: Game Version 8.03
-Preparatory update
-Demo reel shows battle between bamboo shoots and mushrooms (Meiji collaboration)
9 December, 2014: Game Version 7.10 (planned)
-7 new songs (unknown number of Uras)
Dan Dan Doobie Zuwah! (ダン・ダン ドゥビズバー!)
Love x Love Whistle (愛×愛ホイッスル)
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Champion Medley (ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア チャンピオンメドレー)
Yami no Mahou Shoujo (闇の魔法少女)
-3 special folders added
-1 new song
Tokyo Soda 8Bit Edit (東京ソーダ 8Bit Edit)
-(26 November, 2014) 4 new songs for AOU participating outlets (will go public after the Tenkaichi Otogesai tournament block finals are over)
Scars of FAUNA
FUJIN Rumble
Ignis Danse
-Added top 3 cabinet score rankings for all songs and all difficulties
-Added top 3 personal scores for each song and chart
29 October, 2014: Game Version 5.06
-6 new songs
Du-Du-Wa DO IT!!
Kessen!! (決戦!!)
Dragon Ball Heroes (ドラゴンボールヒーローズ)
Hikaru Yami (光る闇)
Yamatai★Night Party (ヤマタイ★ナイトパーティー)
IOSYS Aki no Nikushokusai 2014 (イオシス秋の肉食祭2014)
-3 new songs, 3 new Uras for AOU participating outlets (will go public after the Tenkaichi Otogesai tournament block finals are over)
Garakuta Doll Play
Garakuta Doll Play
Got more raves?
Got more raves?
-1 special folder added
1 October, 2014: Game Version 4.02
-3 new songs, 1 new Ura mode
Picopico Mappy (ピコピコ マッピー)
Picopico Ruin (ピコピコ ルイン)
Picopico Ruin (ピコピコ ルイン)
Yureru Pleats Jikkouiin (ゆれるプリーツ実行委員)
-Dojo Ranking reintroduced
-Taiko Cram School (太鼓塾) added, noting charts to practice on to challenge a higher rank on the Dojo
-Very slow-scrolling notes start scrolling from the rightmost position of the screen, instead of popping up in the middle (i.e. Donkama 2000)
10 September, 2014: Game Version 2.06
-7 new songs, 2 new Ura modes
Kenka Joutou (喧嘩上等)
World's End Dance Hall (ワールズエンド・ダンスホール)
Bokura no Sekai ni Dance o (僕らの世界にダンスを)
Mugen no Sora (夢幻の蒼空)
Souryuu no Ran (双竜ノ乱)
Souryuu no Ran (双竜ノ乱)
-2 special folders added:
-Dokadoka's difficulty rating for Muzukashii changes from 7* to 8*
-Katte Rock's difficulty rating for Oni changes from 6* to 7*
6 August, 2014: Game Version 1.05
-9 new songs
Gomenasai no Kissing You (ごめんなさいのKissing You)
Love Song wa Tomarenai Yo (ラブソングはとまらないよ)
Youkai Taizou Dai Ichi (ようかい体操第一)
Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (君の知らない物語)
Funa Funa Funassyi♪ (ふな ふな ふなっしー♪)
Boogie Boogie Funassyi♪ (ぶぎ ぶぎ ふなっしー♪)
G Ishiki Kajou (G意識過剰)
Oresama Pirates (オレサマパイレーツ)
-1 special folder added
16 July, 2014: Game Version 0.12
-4 new special folders added
-New loading screen design before playing a song
-Fixed a bug of the number of drumrolls on the results screen not displaying the correct total hit in the song.
Taiko no Tatsujin Momoiro Version
Game Music
Namco Original
9 July 2014: Game Version 18.03
-Temporary deactivation of Dojo Ranking and viewing/registering of new high scores until Kimidori Version is installed.
20 May 2014: Game Version 17.03
-1 new song
Yuugen no Ran (幽玄ノ乱)
-Fixed note hit window issues
8 May 2014: Game Version 16.06
-3 new songs:
Densha de Densha de OPA!OPA!OPA! -GMT mashup- (電車で電車でOPA!OPA!OPA! -GMT mashup-)
OPA! OPA! RACER -GMT mashup- (オパ!オパ!RACER -GMT mashup-)
Ridge de Ridge de GO!GO!GO! -GMT mashup- (リッジでリッジでGO!GO!GO! -GMT mashup-)
17 April 2014: Game Version 15.06
-6 new songs:
Ressha Sentai ToQger (烈車戦隊トッキュウジャー)
HappinessCharge PreCure! WOW! (ハピネスチャージプリキュア! WOW!)
Pokemon X/Y Wild Pokemon Battle Medley (ポケットモンスター X・Y 野生ポケモン戦メドレー)
Densha de Densha de GO!GO!GO!GC! -GMT remix- (電車で電車でGO!GO!GO!GC! -GMT remix-)
Fantasy Zone OPA-OPA! -GMT remix- (ファンタジーゾーン OPA-OPA! -GMT remix-)
10 April 2014
-20 songs removed from list:
Karon (カロン)
Love Letter (ラブレター)
Aruite Ikou (歩いていこう)
Egao ni Kanpai! (笑顔にカンパイ!)
Ring a Ding Dong
Busters Ready Go! (バスターズ レディーゴー!)
Let's go! Smile Precure (Let’s go!スマイルプリキュア!)
Yuuki Rinrin (勇気りんりん)
Kirakira Every day (キラキラ Every day)
Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo (踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭)
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャー)
Mainichi Ka-san (毎日かあさん)
Best Wishes! (ベストウイッシュ!)
Totsugeki Rock (突撃ロック)
By My Side (バイマイサイド)
Can Do
Hacking to the Gate
19 March 2014: Game Version 14.07
-1 new song and 1 new Ura mode:
Kagerou Days (カゲロウデイズ)
Kagerou Days (カゲロウデイズ)
-Shin-Uchi scoring rule made selectable for Friend Tournaments between Donder Hiroba users
-Auto Configure option added to Donder Hiroba, letting players to customize the Song Selection menu's looks
21 February 2014: Game Version 13.02
-Fixed glitch on the Song Selection menu which prevented players to select the Ura mode of
Honey Heartbeat ~10 Stars Mix~ after Game Version 12.01. The Friend Tournaments issued with this song's Ura mode were extended by two days.
19 February 2014: Game Version 12.01
-7 new songs and 3 new Ura modes:
Bokura wa Ima no Naka de (僕らは今のなかで)
Chikyuu o Mawase! (地球を回せっ!)
The other self
NeGa/PoSi*Love/Call (NeGa/PoSi*ラブ/コール)
NeGa/PoSi*Love/Call (NeGa/PoSi*ラブ/コール)
Grip & Break down!! -Tatsujin Edit- (Grip&Break down!! -達人Edit.-)
Grip & Break down!! -Tatsujin Edit- (Grip&Break down!! -達人Edit.-)
Cirno's Perfect Math Class (チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室)
Cirno's Perfect Math Class (チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室)
Sakasama Sekai (さかさま世界)
-Dojo Ranking mode reimplemented with new courses.
-New songs and costumes added to Rewards Shop.
30 January 2014: Game Version 10.02
-Preparation update; no visible changes.
15 January 2014: Game Version 2.05
-8 new songs and 1 new Ura mode:
Koisuru Fortune Cookie (恋するフォーチュンクッキー)
Geragerabo no Uta (ゲラゲラポーのうた)
V (Volt) (V (ボルト))
Eccentric w (エキセントリックw)
Bad Apple! feat. nomico
Night of Knights (ナイト・オブ・ナイツ)
Monster Hunter 4 Medley (モンスターハンター4 メドレー)
Honey Heartbeat ~10 Stars Mix~
-1 song removed from list:
Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) G Medley (モンスターハンター3(トライ)G メドレー)
-New songs and costumes added to Rewards Shop.
-New title system implemented.
13 December 2013: Game Version 1.03
-Fixed overlapping note on
Pokemon X/Y Trainer Battle Medley's Oni chart, score readjusted, all score records for this chart is reset.
11 December 2013: Game Version 1.02
-New costume system implemented.
-All Don Points collected prior to this update is reset to zero.
-All Don Point/DonChare unlockable songs from Sorairo are now accessible by default.
-Certain secret songs and costumes are now accessible by default.
-All other data imported fully from Sorairo.
Taiko no Tatsujin Sorairo Version
Game Music
Namco Original
4 December 2013: Game Version 9.04
-Temporary deactivation of Dojo Ranking and viewing/registering of new high scores until Momoiro Version is installed.
22 October 2013: Game Version 8.03
-4 songs deleted from list:
Galaxy Express 999 (銀河鉄道999)
La La La Suite Precure (ラ♪ラ♪ラ スイートプリキュア)
Hare Hare Yukai (ハレ晴レユカイ)
Motteke! Sailor Fuku (もってけ!セーラーふく)
16 October 2013: Game Version 8.03
-3 new songs:
Karamari no Hana (カラ鞠の花)
Hurtling boys
27 August 2013: Game Version 6.07
-7 new songs:
Nijiiro no Sensou (虹色の戦争)
Walking Through The Towers
D's Adventure Note
Oozora to Taiko no Odori (大空と太鼓の踊り)
Tsundere Cafe e Youkoso☆ (ツンデレCafeへようこそ☆)
Yozakura Braiders (夜櫻ブレヰダアズ)
-Artist name for Aisowarai (愛想笑い) changed from ちはる ver. 9.1.7. to かねこちはる
24 July 2013: Game Version 5.04
-5 new songs:
Guren no Yumiya (紅蓮の弓矢)
Preserved Roses
Aisowarai (愛想笑い)
Bakemono Tsukiyo (化物月夜)
Eternal bond
-Added alternate method to unlock Joubutsu 2000.
11 July 2013: Game Version 4.03
-5 new songs:
Ninja Re Bang Bang (にんじゃりばんばん)
Sayonara Crawl (さよならクロール)
Diamond Happy (ダイヤモンドハッピー)
Geragera to Warauna (ゲラゲラと笑うな)
Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪ [Shite Yan Yo] (みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】)
-Addition of Shin-uchi Mode with changes from Taiko 14.
-Bug fix for voice sample for 2000 combo.
24 June 2013: Game Version 3.04
-Bug fix for the missing gold medals for the 9 Dan and 10 Dan courses in Dojo Ranking
19 June 2013: Game Version 2.21
-8 new songs:
Houkago Stride (放課後ストライド)*
Kohi no Aji to (珈琲の味と)*
Juukinzoku Fugitive (重金属フューギティブ)*
Dokidoki Koi no Yokan!? (ドキドキ恋の予感!? )*
Ninjin Nin (にんじんにん)*
Enmei Chiryou (延命治療)
Yobanashi Deceive (夜咄ディセイブ)
Joubutsu 2000 (万戈イム一一ノ十)
*: these songs are timed to release on June 26th, 2013
-Addition of IA dancers and costume to a public build.
-Revamp of Dojo Ranking mode, now using Dan system
-Usage of the camera to unlock new costumes
18 April 2013: Game Version 1.08
-3 new songs:
Dance My Generation
VAMOLA! Kyoryuger (VAMOLA!キョウリュウジャー)
Happy Go Lucky! Dokidoki! Precure (Happy Go Lucky! ドキドキ!プリキュア)
-Addition of Golden Bomber dancers and costume.
-Omakase (おまかせ) mode added on Donder Hiroba to choose random game modifier for tournaments and player challenges.
-Bug fix on forked paths of
Kechadon 2000
-Score adjustment made to
Rotter Tarmination
13 March 2013: Game Version 0.14
-Vocaloid genre added, all current Vocaloid songs shifted to new genre.
-All Don Points collected prior to this update is reset to zero.
-All Don Point/DonChare unlockable songs from Katsu-Don are now accessible by default.
-All other data imported fully from Katsu-Don
-Score adjustment made to
Pokemon Black 2/White 2 Gym Battle Medley
Taiko no Tatsujin July 2012 (C/N Katsu-Don)
Game Music
Namco Original
22 October 2013
-8 songs deleted from list:
Galaxy Express 999 (銀河鉄道999)
Tentai Kansoku (天体観測)
Natsu Matsuri (夏祭り)
La La La Suite Precure (ラ♪ラ♪ラ スイートプリキュア)
Hare Hare Yukai (ハレ晴レユカイ)
Motteke! Sailor Fuku (もってけ!セーラーふく)
Super Mario Bros. (スーパーマリオブラザーズ)
6 March 2013: Game Version 8.03
-Temporary deactivation of Dojo Ranking and registering of new high scores until Sorairo Version is installed.
30 January 2013: Game Version 7.05
-1 new song:
Kechadon 2000 (ケチャドン2000)
-Addition of Dojo Ranking mode, which has courses of three songs each and conditions to clear much like console Taiko Dojo
-New song folder for top 5 most played songs (by everyone)
26 December 2012: Game Version 6.07
-Update in preparation for DonChare of early 2013. No other changes.
27 November 2012: Game Version 5.06
-7 new songs:
Totsugeki Rock (突撃ロック)
Pokemon Black 2/White 2 Gym Battle Medley (ポケットモンスターブラック2・ホワイト2 ジム戦メドレー)
Koi no Shohousen (恋の処方箋)
Oranda Nadeshiko (和蘭撫子)
Hanaoto Ura Hyoushi (花オト裏拍子)
2 November 2012: Game Version 4.06
-5 new songs and 2 new Ura modes:
Doremi Fasorairo (ドレミファソライロ)
Kaze no Fantasy (風のファンタジー)
dance storm
dance storm
Lightning Passion (らいとにんぐ ぱっしょん)
Lightning Passion (らいとにんぐ ぱっしょん)
-Undo button added to song select (usable only if the timer is 30 seconds or more)
10 October 2012: Game Version 3.05
-Update in preparation for DonChare of November and December 2012. No other changes.
27 September 2012: Game Version 2.09
-7 new songs:
Manatsu no Sounds good! (真夏のSounds good!)
Kaze ga Fuiteiru (風が吹いている)
Yes (イエス)
Zutto Zutto Tomodachi (ずっとずっとトモダチ)
Haru Uta (ハルウタ)
Overture (序曲)
-Personal high score can be viewed from song selection screen, difficulty can be chosen from Donder Hiroba
-QR code on song selection screen to access Donder Hiroba while playing
-New song folder for 5 most recent songs played
1 August 2012: Game Version 1.03
-New command for closing genre folders after opening it (right kat followed by left kat quickly)
25 July 2012: Game Version 0.12
-All old songs present, many new ones added, see songlist for Taiko no Tatsujin (July 2012 Update) for more details.
-Don Challenge system.
-Bug fixes for crowns not being displayed on the arcade/Donder Hiroba.
-Deletion of all tournament records, scores and titles achieved prior to this update.
-All Don Points collected prior to this update is reset to zero.
-All Don Point unlockable songs are now accessible by default.
19 July 2012: Game Version 5.00
-Launch firmware for 2nd cabinet revision with mounted camera.
-Placeholder firmware for demo purposes
Taiko no Tatsujin
Game Music
Namco Original
14 April 2014
-20 songs and 1 Ura removed from list:
Karon (カロン)
Love Letter (ラブレター)
Egao ni Kanpai! (笑顔にカンパイ!)
Joyful (じょいふる)
Ring a Ding Dong
Kurenai (紅)
Totsugeki Rock (突撃ロック)
Busters Ready Go! (バスターズ レディーゴー!)
Let's go! Smile Precure (Let’s go!スマイルプリキュア!)
Yuuki Rinrin (勇気りんりん)
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャー)
Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo (踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭)
Mainichi Ka-san (毎日かあさん)
Best Wishes! (ベストウイッシュ!)
Hacking to the Gate
Yawaraka Sensha (やわらか戦車)
Melt (メルト)
Yawaraka Sensha (やわらか戦車)
Yawaraka Sensha (やわらか戦車)
13 October 2013
-8 songs deleted from list:
Galaxy Express 999 (銀河鉄道999)
Tentai Kansoku (天体観測)
Natsu Matsuri (夏祭り)
La La La Suite Precure (ラ♪ラ♪ラ スイートプリキュア)
Hare Hare Yukai (ハレ晴レユカイ)
Motteke! Sailor Fuku (もってけ!セーラーふく)
Super Mario Bros. (スーパーマリオブラザーズ)
27 February 2013: Game Version 7.03
-3 new songs:
Totsugeki Rock (突撃ロック)
-Scores of Banapassport users are no longer recorded.
-'Donder 2000 (ドンだー2000)' title changed into 'Pride of My Donder (自慢のマイどん)'
19-20 November 2012: Game Version 6.01
-6 new songs:
Manatsu no Sounds good! (真夏のSounds good!)
Kaze ga Fuiteiru (風が吹いている)
Yes (イエス)
Zutto Zutto Tomodachi (ずっとずっとトモダチ)
Haru Uta (ハルウタ)
19 July 2012: Game Version 5.00
-Update in preparation for the following update. No other changes.
3 July 2012: Game Version 4.03
-2 new songs and 2 new Ura modes:
Hakuchou no Mizuumi ~still a duckling~ (白鳥の湖 ~still a duckling~)
Jinpuumaru (迅風丸)
Hakuchou no Mizuumi ~still a duckling~ (白鳥の湖 ~still a duckling~)
Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu -Gekijouban- (初音ミクの消失 劇場版)
-RISING SUN and SWITCH ON!'s titles changed to lower case (Rising Sun and Switch On!)
-Hyakka Ryouran now is valid for earning the 'Donder's Last Theorem' and 'Dondoko Math Award' achievements (See 'List of Titles in Taiko no Tatsujin' page for further details)
17 April 2012: Game Version 3.13
-5 new songs and 2 new Uras:
365 Nichi no Love Story (365日のラブストーリー。)
Busters Ready Go! (バスターズ レディーゴー!)
Let's go! Smile Precure (Let’s go!スマイルプリキュア!)
Extreme MGG★★★
Music Revolver (ミュージック・リボルバー)
Extreme MGG★★★
Music Revolver (ミュージック・リボルバー)
-Nickname system added, players obtain new nicknames by playing well/playing often. Full list coming soon. Songs and costumes can be unlocked through this system, see the Taiko 0 unlock guide for more information.
-Don Points awarded more liberally based on performance instead of only using the Tamashii gauge, up to 700 per song.
-Changes in personal high score now shown on result screen.
-Drumroll count now includes hits on balloon and Kusudama notes.
-Songs used for online competitions will be marked on the song select screen.
13 March 2012: Game Version 2.03
-5 new songs and 2 new Ura modes. No other system change.
We Go! (ウィーゴー!)
Toryu (冬竜 ~Toryu~)
Blue Rose Ruin
Lion (ライオン)
Ao no Senritsu (蒼の旋律)
6 February 2012: Game Version 1.16
-Instruction messages in full voice acting for Banapassport users.
-Taiko x AKB48 promotion.
-Song preview point changed for a few songs.
-Performance improvement, such as smoother and faster selection of songs.
16 November 2011: Game Version 1.00
-Launch firmware.
Back to previous page


19 February, 2020: Game Version 13.02
-Song position rearranged for the Anime genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
22 January, 2020: Game Version 12.03
-2 songs and 1 Ura Oni added:
-More Green Ver. Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses added
-LED lights of the cabinet are now turned off before a play starts (while the screen goes dark)
-2 songs removed from list:
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
18 December, 2019: Game Version 11.07
-6 songs added:

-More Green Ver. Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses added
-Subtitle added to
-Song position rearranged for the J-Pop genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
18 December, 2019: Game Version 11.07
-6 songs added:

-More Green Ver. Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses added
-Subtitle added to
-Song position rearranged for the J-Pop genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
20 November, 2019: Game Version 10.05
-More Green Ver. Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses added
-Song position rearranged for the Anime genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed content unlock barring that are related to the song
-Timed Rewards Shop outlet change from Fall (Green Ver.) to Winter (Green Ver.)
-Timed removal of the following songs:
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
-Public time-limited unlock for the following song:
17 October, 2019: Game Version 9.04
-4 songs; 1 Ura Oni added:
-Music source for
-Subtitle added to
-Song position rearranged for the J-Pop genre in the Song Selection screen
-Custom dancers removed for
-3 songs and 1 Ura mode removed from list:
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
4 September, 2019: Game Version 8.07
-3 new songs,. 2 Ura Oni modes added:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
-All Ranking Dojo course re-opened;
-Rewards Shop outlet changed from Summer (Green Ver.) to Fall (Green Ver.)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
-Time-gated addition of
29 July, 2019: Game Version 7.02
-AI Battle Performance mode bug fixes (spontaneous cabinet reboots upon playing the mode for a long time; Silver/Gold crowns appearing after failing the song, if the match against the AI-Don is won; Assigned Songs folder doesn't appear)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
25 July, 2019: Game Version 6.02
-7 new songs, 1 new Ura Oni added:
-AI Battle Performance mode bug fixes (inaccurate score count while playing certain songs; bugged hi-scores removal)
-Public time-limited unlock for the following song:
8 July, 2019: Game Version 5.02
-AI Battle Performance mode bug fixes (spontaneous cabinet reboots upon playing the mode for a long time; mis-displayed markers while playing easier difficulties)
27 June, 2019: Game Version 4.06
-2 new songs, 1 new Ura Oni added:
-AI Battle Performance mode added with its related unlockables, including the following songs:
-Song position rearranged for the Anime genre in the Song Selection screen
-12 songs and 2 Ura modes removed from list:
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
25 April, 2019: Game Version 3.05
-1 new song:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
-Ranking Dojo main courses re-opened (up to 10-Dan)
-Rewards Shop outlet changed from Spring (Green Ver.) to Summer (Green Ver.)
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
-Time-gated addition of
25 April, 2019: Game Version 2.04
-4 new songs, 1 new Ura Oni added:

-Song position rearranged for the J-Pop genre in the Song Selection screen
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
28 March, 2019: Game Version 1.04
-4 new songs:
-Ranking Dojo Gaiden courses re-opened
-Fixed a bug related to the Taiko x Idolm@ster SHINY COLORS campaign, with tickets refunds issued for the affected users
-Public time-limited unlock for the following songs:
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
14 March, 2019: Game Version 0.04
-Launch firmware
-Rewards Shop outlet changed from Winter (Blue Ver.) to Spring (Green Ver.)
-Blue Version's Dojo Ranking main and Gaiden courses removed
-Battle Performance Mode removed
-16 songs and 1 Ura mode removed from list:

Taiko no Tatsujin Blue Version

31 January, 2019: Game Version 10.04
-2 new songs:
-Performance Battle mode expansion complete (world 8)
-3 new timed unlocks:
19 December, 2018: Game Version 9.05
-3 new songs:
-1 new Performance Battle song unlock added:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
-Performance Battle mode expanded (world 7)
-Slight song list arrangement change for the Anime genre
-7 new timed unlocks (and 1 Ura Oni):
21 November, 2018: Game Version 8.06
-7 new songs and 1 Ura Oni added:
-Dojo Ranking Main Courses fully implemented, up to Tatsujin
-Slight song list arrangement change for the Anime genre
-11 songs and 1 Ura mode removed from list:
-Public timed unlock for the following songs (and Ura Oni mode):

-Time-limited unlock slated for the following song:
23 October, 2018: Game Version 7.09
-3 new songs:
-1 new Performance Battle song unlock added:
-1 song removed from list:
-Performance Battle mode expanded (worlds 5-6)
-Detective Conan songs moved in the Anime song selection screen
-4 new timed unlocks (JAIA arcades only):
2 October, 2018: Game Version 6.01
-1 new song:
-Public timed unlock for the following song:
13 September, 2018: Game Version 5.09
-2 new songs:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
-1 new time-limited Performance Battle song unlock added:
-Performance Battle mode expanded (worlds 3-4; time-limited boss event added)
-Added title unlocks by playing
-Public timed unlock for the following song:
8 August, 2018: Game Version 4.07
-7 songs, 1 Ura Oni added:

-1 Dojo Ranking unlockable song added:
-Dojo Ranking Main Courses for Blue Version added, up to 10-Dan
-New Deathblow moves added to Performance Battle mode
-Youtube Theme Song song genre changed to J-Pop
-Public timed unlock for the following songs (and Ura Oni modes):
-Closing time for Tokkun Mode modified to 5 pm (Japan time)
27 June, 2018: Game Version 3.07
-3 songs, 1 Ura Oni mode added:

-Performance Battle (演奏バトル) added; worlds 1-2 available
-Added title unlocks by playing
-Public time-limited unlock for the following song:
-Public timed unlock for the following songs (and Ura Oni mode):
-Yellow Version's main Dojo Ranking courses open up to 10-dan
-Title name notation change for Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Kaze
1 June, 2018: Game Version 2.06
-1 new song:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
-Songs in Play mode in 2P playes can now allow players to pick Oni and Ura Oni separately in the same play
-Most popular/Newest songs demo screen restored
-Detective Conan songs moved in the Anime song selection screen
18 April, 2018: Game Version 1.05
-3 new songs:
-Dojo Ranking Gaiden courses opnened for Blue Version
-Custom dancers added to IDOLiSH7 songs
-Public timed unlock for the following songs and Ura Oni mode:
15 March, 2018: Game Version 0.05
-Launch firmware
-Yellow Version's Dojo Ranking main and Gaiden courses removed
-Tokkun Mode removed
-Most popular/Newest songs demo screen replaced with a Performance Battle teaser clip
-15 songs and 1 Ura mode removed from list:

-Time-limited unlock slated for the following songs:
Taiko no Tatsujin Yellow Version

21 December, 2017: Game Version 9.09
-5 new songs and 1 new Ura mode:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
-Public timed unlock of the following songs:
-Slight song list arrangement change for the Anime genre
8 November, 2017: Game Version 8.06
-2 new songs:
-20 songs and 2 Ura modes removed from list:

11 October, 2017: Game Version 7.11
-5 new songs:

-4 new timed unlocks (AOU arcades only):
-Public timed unlock for the following songs:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following song:
-Time-limited unlock slated for the following songs:
6 September, 2017: Game Version 6.07
-4 new songs and 2 new Ura modes:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:
-Time-limited unlock slated for the following song:
8 August, 2017: Game Version 5.17
-8 new songs and 1 new Ura mode:

-Public timed unlock for the following songs:
- Issho ni Waiwai Ensou (いっしょにワイワイ演奏) mode added
- Slight song selection menu tweaks
5 July, 2017: Game Version 4.05
-4 new songs:
-Public timed unlock for the following songs (and Ura Oni mode):
-Closing time for Tokkun Mode modified to 5 pm (Japan time)
31 May, 2017: Game Version 3.08
-3 songs added:
-2 Rewards Shop songs and 1 Ura mode added:
-Public timed unlock for the following song:
-Public timed addition to the Rewards Shop lineup for the following songs:

-Yellow Version's main Dojo Ranking courses open up to 10-dan
-Title name notation change for Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Kaze
26 April, 2017: Game Version 2.07
-13 new songs and 2 new Ura modes:
-Title unlocks added to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Medley and Revenge of Meta Knight Medley
-'Special Kids Feature' (キッズ向け特集) custom folder updated; renamed as 'Popular Songs for Parents and Children' (親子・お子さまに人気の曲)
-Demo Play screen removed; replaced with a list of the most popular and newest songs of the newest software update.
22 March, 2017: Game Version 1.07
-2 new songs, 1 new Ura mode:

-Time-limited unlock slated for the following songs:
15 March, 2017: Game Version 0.13
-Launch firmware
-Red Version's Dojo Ranking main courses removed
-Custom dancers added to Hanamaru-biyori!
-Custom voice cues added while highlighting any of the following folders:
- Popular Songs at Karaoke (カラオケで人気の曲)
- Yokai Watch Feature (妖怪ウォッチ特集)
- Idolm@ster Feature (アイドルマスター特集)
- Touhou Project Arrange Feature (東方Projectアレンジ特集)
-Song arrangement order change for J-POP and Game Music genres
-20 songs and 1 Ura mode removed from list:

Taiko no Tatsujin Red Version

23 February, 2017: Game Version 8.01
-Closing of Ranking Dojo, Taiko School, personal high scores and Rewards Shop closing campaigns in preparation for upgrade to Yellow ver. and unlock system overhaul
31 January, 2017: Game Version 7.04
-5 new songs, 3 new Ura modes:
20 December, 2016: Game Version 6.08
-7 new songs:
-Public timed unlock of the following songs:
-1 song removed from list:
-Outfit unlock added to EXCITE
15 November, 2016: Game Version 5.08
-7 new songs:

-1 new timed unlock:
-1 new timed unlock (AOU arcades only):
- Dojo Ranking Gaiden feature added; Hikari no Kanata e featured as exclusive Dojo Ranking Gaiden song (See Dojo Ranking Gaiden list for more details)
13 October, 2016: Game Version 4.05
-6 new songs, 3 new Ura modes:
-1 new timed unlock (AOU arcades only):
-Closing time for Tokkun Mode modified to 5 pm (Japan time)
-20 songs and 1 Ura mode removed from list:

-2 special folders added (plus 1 timed release):
- Popular Songs at Karaoke (カラオケで人気の曲)
- Idolm@ster Feature (アイドルマスター特集)
- Tenkaichi Otogesai (天下一音ゲ祭)
17 September, 2016: Game Version 3.02
-Emergency Red Version Dojo Ranking mode bug fixes
14 September, 2016: Game Version 2.07
-10 new songs:
-Ranking Dojo re-opened; ≠MM returns as exclusive Dojo Ranking song (See Dojo Ranking list for more details)
-X-DAY2000 and Joubutsu 2000 added as Rewards Shop items (old unlock conditions still valid)
3 August, 2016: Game Version 1.10
-8 new songs:
-Outfit unlock added to Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
-Song subtitle for Over Clock ~Kaihou~ fixed
- Background color changes for title title set (Banapassport users only); four colors involved: regular, purple, gold, rainbow
-Timed unlock slated for the following songs (and Ura Oni modes):
-2 special folders added:
- One Piece Film Gold Collaboration (ワンピース フィルム ゴールド コラボ)
- Puzzle & Dragons Collaboration (パズドラ コラボ)
-Launch firmware
-Synchronica event songs (Synchronicity, New World and Canon (Synchronica Remix)) now publicly playable
-Song subtitle modified to Melt, World is Mine and Tell Your World (same as Taiko +)
-Song subtitle modified to Yuugen no Ran (same as 3DS 3)
-Song subtitle for Gloria fixed (upper-case K)
-Preview Point for Toccata and Fugue and Rock modified (same as Wii 1/ PSP 2)
-Preview Point for Asagao modified
-Song title spelling for Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru o fixed (no space between words)
-Close Folder function customizable for Banapassport players (toggle on/off; default is on)
-2 special folders added:
- Studio Ghibli Features! (スタジオジブリ特集!)
- Macross Δ Special Feature (マクロスΔ特集)
Taiko no Tatsujin White Version

30 June, 2015: Game Version 10.04
-Closing of Ranking Dojo, Taiko School and personal high scores in preparation for upgrade to Red ver.
25 May, 2016: Game Version 9.10
-5 new songs:
-Public unlock of the following songs:

-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
-Tokkun Mode added
-Opening screen modified
-Minor Tokkun Mode bug fixes (no announcement/new version)
27 April, 2016: Game Version 8.17
-9 new songs, 1 new Ura mode:
-Timed unlock slated for the following songs:

1 April, 2016: Game Version 7.03
-Timed unlock slated for the following songs:

-Timed unlock slated for the following event songs:

-Limited release on April 1st only for the following songs:
23 March, 2016: Game Version 6.09
-3 new songs:
-Timed unlock slated for the following event song:
-11 songs deleted:
25 February, 2016: Game Version 5.07
-4 new songs:
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:

- Close Folder function added
- Added songlist sorting functions by mode and difficulty ratings
30 January, 2016: Game Version 4.04
-Timed unlock slated for the following songs:
-Bug fixes concerning White Version's Dojo Ranking mode
28 January, 2016: Game Version 3.10
-3 new songs:
-Timed unlock slated for the following event song:
-Ranking Dojo re-opened;
6 January, 2016: Game Version 3.03
-Timed unlock slated for the following event songs:
-Bug fixes concerning the December '15 Taiko x Synchronica campaign
24 December, 2015: Game Version 1.10
-6 new songs, 1 new Ura mode:
-Love Live! custom dancers added to Love Live! songs
10 December, 2015: Game Version 0.13
-Launch firmware
-Shine!! and Norudon 2000 now publicly playable
-Idolm@ster songs in the Anime genre (Shine!!, GOIN'!!!, Star!!) moved to Game Music genre
-3 songs deleted:
Taiko no Tatsujin Murasaki Version

26 November, 2015: Game Version 9.05
-1 new song (AOU arcades only):
-Closing of Ranking Dojo, Taiko School and personal high scores in preparation for upgrade to White ver.
29 October, 2015: Game Version 8.07
-1 new song
-Smooth Tournament settings added to operator settings
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
1 October, 2015: Game Version 7.12
-2 new songs, 1 new Ura mode:
-Timed unlock slated for the following song (AOU arcades only):
1 September, 2015: Game Version 6.08
-5 new songs
5 August, 2015: Game Version 3.07
-1 new song, 1 new Ura mode:
1 July, 2015: Game Version 3.07
-7 new songs, 4 new Uras
-Timed unlock slated for the following song:
- Quota Gauge Display adjusted
-8 songs deleted:
28 May, 2015: Game Version 3.07
-4 new songs, 2 new Ura modes:
-Custom dancers background image change for many Idolm@ster songs
-Timed unlocks slated for the following songs:
23 April, 2015: Game Version 2.09
-1 new song
-Ranking Dojo re-opened
-Played Song count digits now turn to red when reaching the last play of the credit
-Color font change for forked-path modes
-Timed Unlocks slated for the following songs (and Ura Oni mode):
1 April, 2015: Game Version 1.07
-3 new songs
-On-screen time of failed-burst hit-balloon animation reduced
-Medley no Tatsujin unlock condition bug fixed
-Demo Movie Reel slightly changed
-2 special folders added:
- I Love Everyone! Classic Songs Featured (みんな大好き!定番曲特集)
- Hit Songs Featured (ヒットソング特集)
-Launch firmware
-READY!! moved to Game Music genre
-Star!! now publicly playable
-Results screen graphic elements re-arranged
Taiko no Tatsujin Kimidori Version

Note: 'New songs' do not include songs added through Rewards Shop or temporary songs.
26 February, 2015: Game Version 12.08
-1 new song
-Closing of Ranking Dojo, Taiko School and personal high scores in preparation for upgrade to Murasaki ver.
29 January, 2015: Game Version 11.06
-6 new songs, 1 new Ura mode
-Star!! is for participants of the IdolM@ster collab only. It will be released to public on March 2015.
-All seven AOU tournament songs are released to public on February 16th, 2015
20 January, 2015: Game Version 10.06
-Unannounced back-end update
17 December, 2014: Game Version 8.03
-Preparatory update
-Demo reel shows battle between bamboo shoots and mushrooms (Meiji collaboration)
9 December, 2014: Game Version 7.10 (planned)
-7 new songs (unknown number of Uras)

-3 special folders added
- It's IM@S! IM@S! (アイマスですよ!アイマス!)
- Youkai Watch Special (妖怪ウオッチ特集)
- Winter Song Special (冬うた特集)
-1 new song
-(26 November, 2014) 4 new songs for AOU participating outlets (will go public after the Tenkaichi Otogesai tournament block finals are over)
-Added top 3 cabinet score rankings for all songs and all difficulties
-Added top 3 personal scores for each song and chart
29 October, 2014: Game Version 5.06
-6 new songs
-3 new songs, 3 new Uras for AOU participating outlets (will go public after the Tenkaichi Otogesai tournament block finals are over)
-1 special folder added
- Tenkaichi Otogesai (天下一音ゲ祭)
1 October, 2014: Game Version 4.02
-3 new songs, 1 new Ura mode
-Dojo Ranking reintroduced
-Taiko Cram School (太鼓塾) added, noting charts to practice on to challenge a higher rank on the Dojo
-Very slow-scrolling notes start scrolling from the rightmost position of the screen, instead of popping up in the middle (i.e. Donkama 2000)
10 September, 2014: Game Version 2.06
-7 new songs, 2 new Ura modes

-2 special folders added:
- Prof. Sakamoto Special (サカモト教授特集)
- Extreme Composer Rush!! (コンポーザーめちゃラッシュ!!)
-Dokadoka's difficulty rating for Muzukashii changes from 7* to 8*
-Katte Rock's difficulty rating for Oni changes from 6* to 7*
6 August, 2014: Game Version 1.05
-9 new songs

-1 special folder added
- Summer Song Special (夏うた特集)
16 July, 2014: Game Version 0.12
-4 new special folders added
- Dodon! New songs festival! (ドドンと!新曲祭り!)
- Taiko no Tatsujin new release memento! (太鼓の達人 新作発売記念!) (folder for Taiko 3DS2 songs)
- Kids' Special (キッズ向け特集)
- Touhou Project Special (東方Projectアレンジ特集)
-New loading screen design before playing a song
-Fixed a bug of the number of drumrolls on the results screen not displaying the correct total hit in the song.
Taiko no Tatsujin Momoiro Version

9 July 2014: Game Version 18.03
-Temporary deactivation of Dojo Ranking and viewing/registering of new high scores until Kimidori Version is installed.
20 May 2014: Game Version 17.03
-1 new song
-Fixed note hit window issues
8 May 2014: Game Version 16.06
-3 new songs:
17 April 2014: Game Version 15.06
-6 new songs:
10 April 2014
-20 songs removed from list:
19 March 2014: Game Version 14.07
-1 new song and 1 new Ura mode:

-Shin-Uchi scoring rule made selectable for Friend Tournaments between Donder Hiroba users
-Auto Configure option added to Donder Hiroba, letting players to customize the Song Selection menu's looks
21 February 2014: Game Version 13.02
-Fixed glitch on the Song Selection menu which prevented players to select the Ura mode of
19 February 2014: Game Version 12.01
-7 new songs and 3 new Ura modes:
-Dojo Ranking mode reimplemented with new courses.
-New songs and costumes added to Rewards Shop.
30 January 2014: Game Version 10.02
-Preparation update; no visible changes.
15 January 2014: Game Version 2.05
-8 new songs and 1 new Ura mode:

-1 song removed from list:
-New songs and costumes added to Rewards Shop.
-New title system implemented.
13 December 2013: Game Version 1.03
-Fixed overlapping note on
11 December 2013: Game Version 1.02
-New costume system implemented.
-All Don Points collected prior to this update is reset to zero.
-All Don Point/DonChare unlockable songs from Sorairo are now accessible by default.
-Certain secret songs and costumes are now accessible by default.
-All other data imported fully from Sorairo.
Taiko no Tatsujin Sorairo Version

4 December 2013: Game Version 9.04
-Temporary deactivation of Dojo Ranking and viewing/registering of new high scores until Momoiro Version is installed.
22 October 2013: Game Version 8.03
-4 songs deleted from list:
16 October 2013: Game Version 8.03
-3 new songs:

27 August 2013: Game Version 6.07
-7 new songs:
-Artist name for Aisowarai (愛想笑い) changed from ちはる ver. 9.1.7. to かねこちはる
24 July 2013: Game Version 5.04
-5 new songs:

-Added alternate method to unlock Joubutsu 2000.
11 July 2013: Game Version 4.03
-5 new songs:

-Addition of Shin-uchi Mode with changes from Taiko 14.
-Bug fix for voice sample for 2000 combo.
24 June 2013: Game Version 3.04
-Bug fix for the missing gold medals for the 9 Dan and 10 Dan courses in Dojo Ranking
19 June 2013: Game Version 2.21
-8 new songs:

*: these songs are timed to release on June 26th, 2013
-Addition of IA dancers and costume to a public build.
-Revamp of Dojo Ranking mode, now using Dan system
-Usage of the camera to unlock new costumes
18 April 2013: Game Version 1.08
-3 new songs:
-Addition of Golden Bomber dancers and costume.
-Omakase (おまかせ) mode added on Donder Hiroba to choose random game modifier for tournaments and player challenges.
-Bug fix on forked paths of
-Score adjustment made to
13 March 2013: Game Version 0.14
-Vocaloid genre added, all current Vocaloid songs shifted to new genre.
-All Don Points collected prior to this update is reset to zero.
-All Don Point/DonChare unlockable songs from Katsu-Don are now accessible by default.
-All other data imported fully from Katsu-Don
-Score adjustment made to
Taiko no Tatsujin July 2012 (C/N Katsu-Don)

22 October 2013
-8 songs deleted from list:
6 March 2013: Game Version 8.03
-Temporary deactivation of Dojo Ranking and registering of new high scores until Sorairo Version is installed.
30 January 2013: Game Version 7.05
-1 new song:
-Addition of Dojo Ranking mode, which has courses of three songs each and conditions to clear much like console Taiko Dojo
-New song folder for top 5 most played songs (by everyone)
26 December 2012: Game Version 6.07
-Update in preparation for DonChare of early 2013. No other changes.
27 November 2012: Game Version 5.06
-7 new songs:
2 November 2012: Game Version 4.06
-5 new songs and 2 new Ura modes:
-Undo button added to song select (usable only if the timer is 30 seconds or more)
10 October 2012: Game Version 3.05
-Update in preparation for DonChare of November and December 2012. No other changes.
27 September 2012: Game Version 2.09
-7 new songs:
-Personal high score can be viewed from song selection screen, difficulty can be chosen from Donder Hiroba
-QR code on song selection screen to access Donder Hiroba while playing
-New song folder for 5 most recent songs played
1 August 2012: Game Version 1.03
-New command for closing genre folders after opening it (right kat followed by left kat quickly)
25 July 2012: Game Version 0.12
-All old songs present, many new ones added, see songlist for Taiko no Tatsujin (July 2012 Update) for more details.
-Don Challenge system.
-Bug fixes for crowns not being displayed on the arcade/Donder Hiroba.
-Deletion of all tournament records, scores and titles achieved prior to this update.
-All Don Points collected prior to this update is reset to zero.
-All Don Point unlockable songs are now accessible by default.
19 July 2012: Game Version 5.00
-Launch firmware for 2nd cabinet revision with mounted camera.
-Placeholder firmware for demo purposes
Taiko no Tatsujin

14 April 2014
-20 songs and 1 Ura removed from list:
13 October 2013
-8 songs deleted from list:
27 February 2013: Game Version 7.03
-3 new songs:
-Scores of Banapassport users are no longer recorded.
-'Donder 2000 (ドンだー2000)' title changed into 'Pride of My Donder (自慢のマイどん)'
19-20 November 2012: Game Version 6.01
-6 new songs:
19 July 2012: Game Version 5.00
-Update in preparation for the following update. No other changes.
3 July 2012: Game Version 4.03
-2 new songs and 2 new Ura modes:
-RISING SUN and SWITCH ON!'s titles changed to lower case (Rising Sun and Switch On!)
-Hyakka Ryouran now is valid for earning the 'Donder's Last Theorem' and 'Dondoko Math Award' achievements (See 'List of Titles in Taiko no Tatsujin' page for further details)
17 April 2012: Game Version 3.13
-5 new songs and 2 new Uras:
-Nickname system added, players obtain new nicknames by playing well/playing often. Full list coming soon. Songs and costumes can be unlocked through this system, see the Taiko 0 unlock guide for more information.
-Don Points awarded more liberally based on performance instead of only using the Tamashii gauge, up to 700 per song.
-Changes in personal high score now shown on result screen.
-Drumroll count now includes hits on balloon and Kusudama notes.
-Songs used for online competitions will be marked on the song select screen.
13 March 2012: Game Version 2.03
-5 new songs and 2 new Ura modes. No other system change.
6 February 2012: Game Version 1.16
-Instruction messages in full voice acting for Banapassport users.
-Taiko x AKB48 promotion.
-Song preview point changed for a few songs.
-Performance improvement, such as smoother and faster selection of songs.
16 November 2011: Game Version 1.00
-Launch firmware.
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