Thursday, April 19, 2012
Namco Taiko Blog (19 April 2012) - Taiko 0 costume contest
No, this isn't an art contest to see who can make the best new costume for Don-chan to wear (we have hundreds of those in art gallery sites on the net already), but something on a more small scale.
So what is it about then? Players are invited to take a picture of their Don-chan on Taiko no Tatsujin 0, with the colors they use and the costume they're wearing, and post them on Taiko Team's Twitter account (@taiko_team) for the producers to see, and the best costumes will be featured on next week's blog entry! There's no prize involved; this is all just for fun.
Runs from today to April 26th 2012. You can change your costumes on Donder Hiroba before taking your picture!
Link to original post