The full order in which everything is unlocked cannot be confirmed yet as a full set of notes weren't made and different players seemed to get different results, however these are, so far, all the unlockables to be found in Taiko 0.
All unlockables are limited to Banapassport users only.
Don Point unlocks
A set of 45 unlockable songs, costumes and Taiko Sounds obtained by filling the Don Point meter, available from the beginning of Taiko 0's release. 3000 points unlocks something new, and the counter caps at 135000 points.
*note: All Uras are unlocked together with their corresponding songs
Festival (お祭りハッピ)
Shrine (おみこし)
Sweets (スイーツ)
Cat and Coin (ねこと杓子)
Soccer Ball (サッカーボール)
White Bear (しろくま)
Big Ribbon (ビッグリボン)
Stag Beetle(カブトムシ)
Helicopter (ヘリコプター)
Bouquet (ブーケ)
Strawberry (いちご)
Submarine (せんすいかん)
Pirate (かいぞく)
Tiger (とら)
Spaceship (うちゅうひこうし)
Red Snapper (めでタイ)
Heavy Metal (ヘビメタ)
Fortune Cat (まねきねこ)
Gold Don (ゴールドン)
Black Taiko (黒太鼓)
Taiko Sounds
Festival (お祭り)
Tambourine (タンバリン)
Cat and Dog (いぬねこ)
Drum (ドラム)
Gorgeous Taiko (豪華な太鼓)
Title unlocks
Obtained by earning specific achievements on Taiko, available after the title system was introduced on firmware 3.13 of Taiko 0. Songs
Muse Police C (ミューズポリスC) - Clear Extreme MGG★★★ on any difficulty once
Muse Police M (ミューズポリスM) - Clear Music Revolver on any difficulty once
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