Friday, March 7, 2025

Namco Taiko Blog (March 7th, 2025) - Nijiiro Update on Lokamp's Bestest and Favouritest Day Evah

A surprise Nijiiro Sunday update deserves its own quick blog entry! As you can tell by the totes-not-sarcastic title from the author, we're about to bound into the Vocaloid sphere once more...

In a nutshell, Intern No.111 (a new one..?) was summoned to announce the lucky revivial of a console-exclusive Hatsune Miku song to go along with the goroawase-friendly 'Miku Day' (3/9, so March 9th). It's currently confirmed as a General-Asia simultaneous release (confirmation pending for Nijiiro China)

The song in question is Hatsune Miku no Gekishou, formerly an exclusive treat of select Sony Taiko titles between PSP's Portable DX and PS4's Session de Dodon ga Don. The first play for Banapassport players will also grant the unlock of a dedicated Hatsune Miku Petit Chara to go along with it!

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