Saturday, March 22, 2025

Song of the Week! 22 March 2025


It's about time we start covering some of the winning entries from the latest Taiko no Tatsujin music contest!

Singularity Game

Game Genre
AC Nijiiro (Y5) ★4

Five years in a row with official Taiko no Tatsujin-endorsed music recruitment contests... still feels like a dream, doesn't it? Last year's winning entries have also started popping up as Weekend Warriors on Nijiiro Version fields for a while, with this here tune leading the pack.

Singluarity Game, the first of the 2024 contest edition's winners to become playable, comes from the hands of the nick-named oxygenvil (Twxttxr; BlueSky; YouTube; SoundCloud), a South Korean composer who also happens to be one of the many Taiko-related artists to have a pixiv account of theirs for publishing personal art pieces (link), often used alongside the release of original songs across online profiles. Besides, it also happens that our past BlueSky notice of the song's release on Nijiiro arcades was republished by the same oxygenvil in -shall we say- a "senpai noticed me" tangent, so... how could we not return the favor around here, I say!?

The 2024 contest marks the third accountable edition in which oxygenvil tried their hand for Taiko-music-making action means, each time presenting a couple of works per contest edition. For the Faith Creation contest in 2020, we got the songs Minority Sensation and Refractive Decay (the latter also a Bronze Honorable Mention from Masubuchi), while for the third Nippon Columbia-hosted competition -that is to say, the 2023 contest- we got Starlight 0% (星輝0%) and Cybernetic Cambria (サイバネティックカンブリア), both among Masubuchi's Bronze Honorable Mentions for that year! Given the precedents, it makes all of the sense in the world to have the BNSI veteran Yuji Masubuchi to be the one penning Singularity Game's Judge-board remarks on the winning song, dubbing it a 'new wave' kind of song made of opposite elements -the eccentricity of progressive rock with a melancholic melody- that might have people go "it's complicate by hearing it at first, but it's easy to understand how to properly hit once you understand it", something highly valued by the judge himself as fitting for Taiko grounds. Full-Sized Dune Beast (砂丘のフルカシキ獣), the other song by oxygenvil for the 2024 contest edition, however, wasn't as lucky with honorable mentions...

While most of the song flows at a steady 180 beats-per-minute ration, we've got quite the fruity tangent to hark back to the 2nd-Gen charting days, in which minor BPM/scrolling speed shifts occur multiple times inside a beat stanza... in this case, at least 7-8 times for each of the 9 beat stanzas preceeding the 32-hits baloon on its Oni setting! It's overall a middle-of-the-road scenario for as far as modern 10* charts go, with several tempo changes and medium-length clusters being the main elements to decode the perfect drumming execution.