Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Feature: Character Relation Chart Remastered


(full view to read all the glorious details!)

 Longtime readers of the blog will remember an obscure piece of Taiko lore that is the character relation chart, which features bits of backstory of how Don-chan and Kat-chan came to be and all the characters they come into contact with in and out of festivals. The chart seems to be made around 2008 (or earlier) so it's by no means anywhere near an exhaustive list of characters that show up in Taiko today, but everything in this chart are still mainstay characters.

However, sometime in the past few years, Namco has retired the whole domain (making a more modern site for Taiko as a whole), bringing down every single piece of material with it. Not a great situation for our blog, which has direct links to the official site for many of their images and documents, desktop wallpapers and other things. Even the original translated chart I made is gone due to it being hosted on a now-inactive Photobucket account! It was on a very low resolution anyway and not very readable.

Thanks to a few readers and the Internet Wayback Machine, a few things could be recovered from the old website, including the character relation chart PDF. I have set about to re-translate everything in it and host the high-quality image on the blog itself, as you see now above you on this post, to ensure it sticks around this time for the foreseeable future. Some additional details have been added that wasn't in the original translation too.

The original pdf file can be downloaded here.

On a later date, some cleanup and recovery work will be done where the materials from the old site are involved, including our now very decrepit-looking Downloads page. Stay tuned for it!