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Saturday, April 8, 2023

Song of the Week! 8 April 2023

The latest Weekend Warrior debut to the Taiko lore is a special one, something that is oh-so-close to when shenanigans happen around here and news couldn't be conveyed on a timely matter...

Don-chan Shitai! Takenoko Boy feat. Hatsune Miku
タケノコ少年 feat. 初音ミク
Game Genre
AC Nijiiro (Y4)
/ ★4

At the end of the day, we're all humans; there's no way to clear our endeavors perfectly every single time and mistakes are to be expected at some point. I sure know something about it due to the many, MANY times I've had had to proofread past posts for typos the day after (among other things), but not even the Taiko Team is exempt from forgetting stuff to do, seeing as the people behind the series' social media feeds forgot to advertise this song's coming, despite its official audio rip getting published on YouTube the day prior as per usual! In the end, the announcement came out earlier today (4 pm Japan Time), but that's still kind of a sour welcome for the last winner from the most recent Taiko song contest...

Having three Miku-related songs last week clearly wasn't enough, so fourth time is the charm! Don-chan Shitai is the contest-winning entry from the pen-named Takenoko Boy (Twitter; YouTube) is a 26-aged Vocaloid producer, donning a bamboo-flavored nickname due to his self-declared "budding aspirations", willing to become a full-fledged flowery bamboo shoot as his music graduates to the next level. In music gaming grounds, he already managed to score another win thanks to another of his Miku songs: Sou Datta!!, from the Pop-song-themed 4th ProSEKA NEXT contest in the ongoing Project Sekai mobile music/gacha game.

Giving a few choice words of appreciation for Takenoko Boy's winning entry was none other than Etou, giving the most straightforward of reasons for it: it's catchy! Catchy to the point to get what makes a song shine in Taiko no Tatsujin, with a solid intonation and a lively chorus to boot. Couple that with the synergy with the lyrics penned and you get something that is really easy to understand and enjoy while not being too messy at the same time. It's like turning a toy box upside down, but without the mess than its open lid would entail by lifting it up!

In sort of a recursive way, Don-chan Shitai ends up with the same Max Combo notecount of Tatsunoshin's RAINBOW SKY, another winning entry from the same 2022 song contest. Albeit rated one less star by comparison, it's still no walk in the park when the BPM creeps near the two-hundred threshold, moreso when there are no special notes to "shield" newbies from their fatigue in their quest for their first Full Combo performance!