Another new version update has dropped today (April 8, at about 10:00 JPT) for Taiko no Tatsujin Nintendo Switch Version. The key change is that the results screen for Online Ranking Match will show an additional tally of large notes hit on both sides (with the 2× bonus points), giving more transparency to the score total.

That large notes would give double points is a main point of contention apparently, as on the same week Namco also added two very similar FAQs to the NS1 main site telling the masses of it.
Arcade etiquette PSA: In Generation 1~3, the large note bonus is given if the hit is forceful enough, not by hitting on both sides. In Generation 4 onwards, there is no large note bonus. Please take care of arcade Taiko no Tatsujin drums and not hit unnecessarily hard.
NS1 Main Site Announcement