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Thursday, July 25, 2019

[AC0 Asia] A Greater Asian Reason to go through with the Ranking Dojo

You know how we have a few Katsu Medal Rewards Shop exclusive songs in this installment of Ranking Dojo, and that greater Asian Donders have no way of obtaining them so far? With today's update to Green ver. Asia ver. cabinets, now there is a way! (hiroba-nai yays from afar)

...and no it does not involve the Donder Hiroba. (hiroba-nai boos from afar)

Like Kimi no Akari and Kuon no Yoru way back in the Kimidori ver., greater Asian Donders can now get SAMURAI ROCKET, Knuckle Heads and STAGE 0.ac11 by clearing the Ranking Dojo trial just before its appearance (or any trial after that). That also goes for Asteroid and R.I. if you missed their Don Medal Rewards Shop appearance. Check the above video from Teamfish Taiko for an example unlocking sequence after their clear on 8-dan.

Ranking Dojo Unlockable Songs: as of July 25 2019
Trial Cleared (or up)Song Unlocked
一級 1-kyuuKimi no Akari
三段 3-danKuon no Yoru
四段 4-dan NEW!Knuckle Heads Ouburoukou
七段 7-dan NEW!STAGE 0.ac11
八段 8-dan NEW!Asteroid KORG Gadget Kamata Demo Song
  KORG Gadget Kamata デモソング
九段 9-danX-DAY2000
九段 9-dan NEW!R.I. Yamato × Daisuke Kurosawa
  大和 × 黒沢ダイスケ
十段 10-danJoubutsu 2000
超人 Choujin
(not yet released in Green ver.)
Yuugen no Ran Xeami
Key: red = exclusive to Asia ver.