Saturday, April 29, 2017

Taiko Plus - Fighting Idols Collab and End-of-April GTH Additions

A double treat for both Android and iOS Taiko players was revealed right before the Taiko Team having their latest hiatus period, as the monthly Gakkyoku Tori Houdai new song supply is coupled with a mini collaboration campaign, of which we're talking about after the jump.

The tweet shown above references the announcement of the idol-recruiting unit known as Hello! Project collaborating with Taiko no Tatsujin, which is now reflected in the smartphone games. Those who play with the app within yesterday and July 24th, 2017 will be able to enjoy some limited-edition content that is inspired to Hello! Project's Idol Raw Battle (アイドル生合戦) campaign.

During the campaign period, everyone can enjoy the brand new song Taikibansei (大器晩成) for free, while the in-game lottery will hold the special Angerme Army (アンジュルム軍) wallpaper. Both goods will be gone for good after the campaign's end, so act fast! Below is an Oni recording of the new song:

For the more usual news section, 5 songs are added to both Taiko Plus STH version, with the Android one catching up some ground by claiming an extra tune already present in the original iOS version.

Gakkyoku Tori Houdai Adds: April 28

 Haru Uta (ハルウタ)
 Ladystar Wandering
 Gensou no Satellite (幻想のサテライト)
 Shonin YokkQ (承認欲Q)
 Haryu (春竜 ~Haryu~) (+ Ura)
 Lightning Passion (らいとにんぐ ぱっしょん) (+ Ura) (Android only)