With something Nintendo-related making its debut next week, we might as well join the fray with a feature that is also linked to the Kyoto entertainment company!
Version | ||||
All | x4 (117) | x6 (227) | x6 (343) | x8 (451) |

With this feature, we've already talked in the past about the bigger bulk of Wii U DLC-exclusive tracks that were later canned from downloadable means as part of time-limited collaborations, be it with Sakasama Sekai from Puzzle & Dragons Z or the trio of songs from Nintendo NES games. We're only left with one of those to talk about for Taiko Wii U Version, and it just happens to be the most recently-created track as well!
Today's featured song is the title screen theme of the game which is also referenced on the song title itself: Famicom Remix. Known as NES Remix outside of Japan (as to reflect the referenced console's Western name), this is a series of games that started out as digital-exclusive games by Nintendo EAD Tokyo and indieszero, proposing to the players a series of trials which are based on a selection of Famicom/NES games. Outside from more regular challenges within the selection of games, the series' trademark feature is the addition of the 'Remix' trials which twists fragments from the original source games with different elements from other games and visual/sound/control input alterations. The series started out on December 2013 with the semi-simultaneous worldwide release of the first Wii U game, which got a digital-only Wii U sequel (Famicom/NES Remix 2), a Wii U physical bundle of both games (Japan and North America only) and an additional revised remake for the Nintendo 3DS, going by the name of Ultimate Famicom/NES Remix.
While the series often managed to reach the Japanese market on a later date than both Europe and North America, the very first Famicom Remix title had set a collaboration campaign withing the first Wii U game of Taiko no Tatsujin, which ultimately resulted in the free DLC distribution of music from Dr. Mario, Balloon Fight and The Legend of Zelda, together with the title theme of the game itself. Arranged by the Nintendo in-house composer Toshiyuki Sudo (須戸敏之), this title theme is made out of both original music and sound effects from the 12 games that were featured in the first Famicom/NES Remix game, with the later iterations of this series re-purposing the title theme with the many SFXs from the games featured in the sequel and the Ultimate title. As of April 18th, 2014, all of the Famicom Remix collaboration songs were removed from the Nintendo eShop, meaning that only the users who have downloaded the song during the promotional period can still enjoy it to this day...
From the low note count to the low BPM value and the fluctuating cluster formations mainly made of both 1/16 and 1/24 note couples, the Famicom Remix theme's Oni mode feels pretty much like the younger brother of Boku wa Synth's Oni trial; its charter, however, is not the same as the Denji Sano Namco Original's, as Kijikiji (キジキジ) of the Taiko Team was put in charge of this song's charting.