Friday, March 31, 2017

Twitter Snippets (31 March 2017) - Brother's Promo Bandai Namco Papercrafts!

Having some spare sheets of paper and you want to make a new Taiko-themed papercraft after those old models for Don-Chan and Arumi-Chan back in the Wii2 days? Japanese printer manufacturer Brother is teaming up with Bandai Namco for the digital distribution of free paperkit models from many of the company's videogame-related IPs. As you can see, among the first models to appear there's a Taiko-themed figure to make, too!

The campaign is running from today until June 29th, after which date all the papercrafts' related PDF files won't be retrievable anymore. There's also going to be featured a second course of Bandai Namco papercrafts if the cumulative milestone of 10.000 downloads is met, so perhaps there may be more of a model concerning the same series...?

Source [Brother x Bandai Namco Campaign website]