New Songs: December 20 (Red ver. Asia V4.02)
Ranking Dojo Gaiden: December 20 (Red ver. Asia V4.02)
+) 挑戦!ナムコオリジナル②
Challenge! Namco Original (2)
+) 太鼓チームからの挑戦!④
Challenge from the Taiko Team! (4)
+) 太鼓チームからの挑戦!⑤
Challenge from the Taiko Team! (5)
-) 太鼓チームからの挑戦!③
Challenge from the Taiko Team! (3)
-) 復活!カツドン大将
Revived! Katsu-don Taishou
See the official Taiko Team blog post for details of the new trials: they are the same as Japan by and large. Alternately also check our translated coverage.
Link to original post