もうこんな時間ですが、「天下一音ゲ祭専用CD」の情報解禁第2弾!全8曲ですが、この曲は全て「天下一音ゲ祭用先行配信楽曲」からの選曲となる予定です!現段階では、まだ聞けない楽曲のみのCDです!って考えると豪華な気がしませんか? #天下一音ゲ祭 #AOU
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) 17 Settembre 2015
Since last Thursday, the Arcade Operator Unit's Twitter account restarted sharing details on a more frequent basis about the next edition of the musical smorgasbord event that is the Tenkaichi Otogesai. Starting from last week, the main topic of the previous tweets was the event's soundtrack, with the last one of this series revealing that it will bear both the 8 tracks from this year's edition and the other 8 tracks from last year's event. How can we get our hands on one of these soundtrack CDs, you ask?
「天下一音ゲ祭専用CD」関連ツイート第3弾!今回は当選のコツ!抽選は、店舗予選に参加してプレイした方を対象に行います。そして、今回の店舗予選は10日間にわたって各店舗で行いますので、「様々な店舗で予選に参加すればするほど、当選確率UP!」です!#天下一音ゲ祭 #AOU
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) 24 Settembre 2015
Well, today's first tweet from the AOU gives the answer, as each of the participating stores will have a lottery draw among each of the players who will join the Qualification Block, both winners and losers. As it's possible to compete in multiple arcades of the AOU cirle to join the tournament, the chances of winning said album will also increase by participating in multiple Qualification Block events!
11月19日(木)〜11月29日(日) 各店舗予選大会
12月19日(土) ブロック決勝大会
2016年2月20日(土) 全国頂上決戦
#天下一音ゲ祭 #AOU
— AOU 天下一音ゲ祭 (公式) (@AOU_Tenkatui) 24 Settembre 2015
While it's still early to know about the event's shared songs yet, we already have the relevant dates for this year's Tenkaichi Otogesai tournament, with the Qualification Block events slated on November 19th, the Finals Block running on December 19th and the Nation-wise Final match among the Finals Block winners next year on February 20th (probably alongside some other big event, like last year with JAEPO).