Friday, July 17, 2015

Twitter Snippets (July 17 2015) - Tenkaichi Otogesai 2?

This has actually been on and off teased at the official Twitter @AOU_Tenkatui, but not until now do we confirm that Taiko no Tatsujin is in, so yay!

This tweet confirms preliminarily the five games to be used in this next installment: in addition to the GMT trio (Taiko no Tatsujin/Groove Coaster/maimai), we have Konami swapping out jubeat for Sound Voltex, and Bandai Namco adding in (the Challenge Mode of) Synchronica.

Other details are also suggested in an unconfirmed state, including whether to also add last year's shared existing songs to Synchronica and SDVX, that there will not be new shared songs for this year, and special events during the AOU-member exclusivity period. There are still much to be confirmed before the actual thing, and we will be keeping updates as they pop up.