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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Song of the Week! 14 January 2024

So, yeah... I'm late again. Didn't took that long for this to happen this year, huh... 🙇
GORI × GORI × SafaRI Nobuyoshi Kobayashi (BNSI)
Game Genre
AC Nijiiro (Y4)

For the past few ears of Nijiiro Version existing, the habit of hosting brand-new songs at the end of the Ranking Dojo's hardest tracks has become more of a regular thing, with fiendish Ura charts to do the honors to greet their respective curses' guests in more recent times. Prior to the 4th year, however, this seemed to be an affair only destined for external composers's pleasure... but last year we got one of the inhouse Bandai Namco musicians to humor the most skilled of Donders, too!

Standing tall as the final Kurouto/Expert course in 2023, GORI × GORI × SafaRI is the second heading-to-Taiko song from BNSI composer Nobuyoshi Kobayashi (小林伸嘉), one who's also credited as the author for select BGM tracks in modern Bandai Namco releases, inluding the weirdly-region-locked, co-op PC platformer Goonect and the upcoming gacha-embeued RPG sensation Blue Protocol. Nobuyoshi himself was invited at one of the SOUNDS ON! livestreams (link) with other BNSI artists to talk about his portfolio since joining the company in 2021, alongside other tidbits around GORI × GORI × SafaRI's creation, internally shared as 'taiko_wildsong' before the final name was landed. From the same livestream, we can even see some of the closed-doors exchange between the song's author and other Taiko-distinguished personalities about earlier versions of the songs, including Yuji Masabuchi and Etou themselves! It seems like the former is also really fond on emoticon messaging, just like recurring Taiko song charter SueP... 🍌🦍🌲

It also was the same SueP the one we owe this song's charting job for, from Kantan down the way to Ura Oni! Musical notation is the king for all of these, so expect these background percussions to be follwed quite close by... The final portion's 190BPM-averaging might be deceptive of its higher hit density ratio, so you might wanna mind that the most when Ura Oni is on the table!