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Friday, June 5, 2020

[NS1] Summer Melodies in the Air: Pops Pack Vol.5 and Donder Pack -Veran'original- Vol.1

We are going to blatantly ignore the other thing that is in the air, and instead introduce the two DLC packs coming to Taiko no Tatsujin Nintendo Switch Version/Drum 'n' Fun! for the month of June 2020.

In the themed pack section, we have the fifth instalment of the ever-popular Pops Pack (ポップスパック) with three picks in the Pops genre for your collection (despite whatever genre they used to be).

For the core audience, the new Donder Pack -NatsuOriginal- Vol.1 (ドンだーパック -ナツオリ- Vol.1) brings five great Namco Original tunes for the summer. Maybe expect a second volume in the works seeing that "Vol.1" tag?

Pops Pack Vol.5: June 11 2020 (400 yen+tax)

Sekai wa Anata ni Warai Kaketeiru
Winding Road Golden Kamui

Donder Pack -NatsuOriginal- Vol.1: June 11 2020 (500 yen+tax)

Ko-ki-ku-kuru-kuru-kure-ko! Nana Moroboshi/Haruka Katouこ・き・く・くる・くる・くれ・こ!/諸星なな・加藤はるか★3★4★6★8
Rotter Tarmination★4★6★7★8★10
Yuujou Pop
Drawin'☆Dream! Versus feat. Ayame Shirakura (NoWorld)
ドローイン☆ドリーム!/Versus feat.白黒黒白(NoWorld)
Key: red = series debutblue = console debut