Don Challenge (shortened to 'DonChare' (ドンチャレ)) was introduced in the July 2012 update of Taiko no Tatsujin (HD) for Banapassport-equipped arcade players, which is a set of 11 goals that has to be cleared by playing the game and meeting certain criteria. The challenges change on a monthly basis, and once a certain number of them are cleared, the player can unlock new songs and titles for themselves too! 10 of the goals can be cleared by individual players, and the 11th one is a group effort, contributed by all players with Banapassports.
The songs unlocked through Don Challenge will be available to all other players in the following month when the goals are renewed, so it is an incentive for regular arcade-goers to clear goals so that they may be able to play new songs earlier than everyone else and unlock more new content.
Below is the list of Don Challenge goals and the content they unlock. These will also be listed in the main unlock article for Taiko 0.5.
February 2013
8 goals - Song unlocked:
10 goals - Title unlocked: Synthesizer's Child (シンセサイザーの申し子)
- Clear Taiko Time (タイコタイム) with Random modifier turned on, on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
- Clear Arumujika ac14.0V (アルムジカac14.0V), on any difficulty
- Clear Doom Noiz with Doron mode turned on while wearing the UFO costume (うちゅうひこうし), on any difficulty
- Clear Soul Calibur II (ソウルキャリバーII) while wearing the Warrior costume (武者) on Oni difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
- Clear Symphonic Druaga (シンフォニック ドルアーガ) while wearing the Hero costume (ゆうしゃ), on any difficulty
- Clear KAGEKIYO while wearing the Heavy Metal costume (ヘビメタ), on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
- Clear The Carnivorous Carnival while wearing the Portable Shrine costume (おみこし), on any difficulty
- Full combo both Rotter Tarmination and Dodon ga Do~n (ドドンガド~ン) in a single credit, on any difficulty (2P, Ura modes accepted)
- Full combo both Rumble Ranbu (らんぶる乱舞) and Samba Alegria (サンバ アレグリーア) in a single credit, on any difficulty (Ura modes accepted)
- Full combo 3 songs among Yuugao no Kimi (ユウガオノキミ), Kirame Kirari (キラメキラリ), Saturday Taiko Fever (サタデー太鼓フィーバー), junction and Nanairo Button (七彩ボタン), on any difficulty (Ura mde accepted). This can be done in separate credits.
Challenge cleared on February 28th, 2013
January 2013
8 goals - Song unlocked:
10 goals - Title unlocked: Love Starts From Here (ここから始まる恋)
- Clear Koi no Shohousen (恋の処方箋) while wearing the Princess costume (姫ギャル), on any difficulty
- Clear Oranda Nadeshiko (和蘭撫子) while wearing the Bouquet costume (ブーケ), on any difficulty
- Clear DIMENSIONS while wearing the Princess costume (姫ギャル), on any difficulty
- Clear Hanaoto Ura Hyoushi (花オト裏拍子) while wearing the Bouquet costume (ブーケ), on any difficulty
- Clear KISS KISS BANG BANG on any difficulty
- Full Combo both Chiriyuku Ran no Tsuduru Uta (散りゆく蘭の綴る詩) and Sword Battlers (ソードバトラーズ) on any difficulty. This can be done in separate credits.
- Clear Hello! Halloween (ハロー!ハロウィン) and junction on any difficulty.
- Get more than 765000 points on Senpuu no Mai (Heaven) (旋風ノ舞【天】) on Oni difficulty
- Clear 5 Namco Originals featured on Taiko Wii 5 on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
- Full combo 3 Namco Originals featured on Taiko Wii 5 on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
Challenge cleared on January 14th, 2013
8 goals - Song unlocked:
10 goals - Song unlocked:
- Title unlocked: Whirlwind Dancing on Heaven and Earth (天地を舞いし旋風)
- Full combo LOVE Ikusa!! (LOVE戦!!) on any difficulty
- Clear Ao no Senritsu (蒼の旋律) while wearing the Earth costume (ちきゅう), on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
- Get more than 876000 points on Marble Heart (マーブルハート) on Oni difficulty
- Clear Ryougen no Mai (燎原ノ舞) on any difficulty
- Clear Tenyou no Mai (天妖ノ舞) on any difficulty
- Full combo both Black Rose Apostle and White Rose Insanity in a single credit, on any difficulty
- Full combo both Red Rose Evangel and Blue Rose Ruin in a single credit, on any difficulty
- Clear Purple Rose Fusion on any difficulty
- Full combo one song with the kanji '風' in its title on any difficulty
- Full combo three songs with either the kanji '天' or '地' in its title on any difficulty. This can be done on separate credits
Challenge cleared on December 15th, 2012
8 goals - Song unlocked:
10 goals - Title unlocked: Extreme Fusion (どフュージョン)
- Clear Joyful (じょいふる) on any difficulty
- Clear Yawaraka Sensha (やわらか戦車) with Detarame modifier on, on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
- Full combo two songs related to cats with Kimagure modifier on, on any difficulty
- Clear Can Do on any difficulty
- Full combo Tell Your World on any difficulty
- Get more than 765000 points on IN THE ZONE on either Muzukashii or Oni difficulty
- Full combo Oshiri no Yama wa Everest (Ura) (おしりの山はエベレスト(裏)) while wearing the Mt. Fuji costume (富士山), on Oni difficulty
- Clear No Way Back while wearing the Yosenabe costume (よせ鍋) on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
- Clear 10 Namco Originals with full English titles on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted, junction does not count)
- Clear 5 songs from the Classic genre on any difficulty (Ura mode accepted)
Challenge cleared on November 19th, 2012
8 goals - Song unlocked:
10 goals - Title unlocked: trick or treat!
- Clear PON PON PON on any difficulty
- Full combo Sakuranbo on any difficulty (さくらんぼ)
- Full combo Famires Wars (ファミレスウォーズ) while wearing the Sweets costume (スイーツ), on any difficulty
- Full combo World is Mine (ワールドイズマイン) with Kimagure modifier turned on while wearing the Princess costume (姫ギャル), on any difficulty
- Clear mint tears with Detarame modifier turned on, on Oni difficulty
- Get more than 765000 points on Angel Dream (エンジェル ドリーム) on Oni (Regular) or Muzukashii difficulty
- Full combo both Le Tombeau de Couperin (クープランの墓) and Pavane for a Dead Princess (亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ) in a single credit, both with Doron modifier turned on, on any difficulty
- Full Combo both Chiriyuku Ran no Tsuduru Uta (散りゆく蘭の綴る詩) and Sword Battlers (ソードバトラーズ) in a single credit, on any difficulty
- Clear 5 songs in the Anime genre on any difficulty (Ura mode excluded)
- Full combo 5 songs introduced on Game Version 2.09 of the arcade on any difficulty
Challenge cleared on October 14th, 2012
September 2012
8 goals - Song unlocked:
10 goals - Title unlocked: Sword of Sword (ソードオブソード)
- Clear Soul Calibur II (ソウルキャリバーII) ~Brave Sword, Braver Soul~ on any difficulty
- Full combo Yuujou Pop (友情ぽっぷ) on any difficulty
- Full combo Memeshikute (女々しくて) while wearing the Princess costume (姫ギャル), on any difficulty
- Get more than 896200 points on Ikuze! Kaito Shojo -Z ver.- (行くぜっ!怪盗少女 ‐Z ver.‐) on Oni difficulty
- Full combo both Extreme MGG★★★ (Ura) and Music Revolver (Ura) (ミュージック・リボルバー(裏)) in a single credit, on Oni difficulty
- Full combo both Mujihi na Ou (無慈悲な王) and No Way Back (Regular) in a single credit, on any difficulty.
- Full combo both Venomous (Regular) and Ridge Racer (Regular) in a single credit, on any difficulty
- Clear Dragon Ball Heroes (ドラゴンボールヒーローズ), Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) G Medley (モンスターハンター3(トライ)Gメドレー) and Nanairo Button (七彩ボタン) on any difficulty. This can be done in separate credits.
- Full combo Densetsu no Matsuri (伝説の祭り), MATSURI D/A and The Carnivorous Carnival, all while wearing the Happy Festival costume (お祭りハッピ), on any difficulty. This can be done in separate credits.
- Full combo 10 Namco Original songs with no vocals on any difficulty
Challenge cleared on September 30th, 2012
August 2012
8 goals - Song unlocked:
10 goals - Title unlocked: Warrior of the Demon Lord (魔王に仕えし武士)
- Clear Yuugao no Kimi (ユウガオノキミ) on any difficulty
- Clear Allnight de Indenai (オールナイトdeインデナイ) with Abekobe modifier turned on, on any difficulty
- Full combo Mekadesu. (メカデス。) while wearing the Heavy Metal costume on any difficulty
- Clear White Rose Insanity with over 900,000 points on Oni
- Full combo Garyoutensei (画竜点睛) and Hyakka Ryouran (百花繚乱) in a single credit, on any difficulty
- Full combo Uchuu SAMURAI (宇宙SAMURAI) and Tsukikage SASURAI (月影SASURAI) in a single credit and both with Kimagure modifier turned on, on any difficulty
- Clear Growing Up and Fly away, both with Doron modifier turned on, on any difficulty
- Full combo Inu Hoeru (犬吠える), Wanya World (わんにゃーワールド) and Inu no Omawarisan (いぬのおまわりさん), all with Detarame modifier turned on, on any difficulty
- Clear 10 of the 24 male vocal J-Pop songs, on any difficulty
- Full combo at least 5 new Namco Original songs introduced on Taiko 0.5
Challenge cleared on August 19th, 2012
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