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Saturday, December 21, 2019

First Video: Monochrome Voice

Monochrome Voice cosMo@BousouP feat. Hatsune Miku, GUMI
モノクロボイス/cosMo@暴走P feat.初音ミク・GUMI

With an perfect antonym for a title, the exact same talent lineup and referential phrases in the composition, Monochrome Voice is the direct, negative sequel to the AI Battle Performance unlockable Colorful Voice. For the last song cosMo@BousouP has released an accompanying MV since the release, showing the backstory of a sister/nun (Miku) with a passion to become an idol to spread her songs of salvation and roping a ordinary schoolgirl (GUMI) into her plans along the way. We await further news on how this new composition falls into the narrative.

The notechart difficulty spread is also similar to Colorful Voice, with the Ura Oni being the intended full-scale carnage while regular Oni stayed as a toned down interim challenge.

Note for title hunters: Full Combo titles are "'Destroy! Everything!'" (「『滅セヨ!スベテヲ!』」) for regular Oni and Achromatic Singing Voice (無彩色の歌声) for Ura Oni.