In case you don't know, the term session (セッション) in music means musicians gathering and playing their music together. And in Taiko no Tatsujin it implies multiplayer gameplay. Would that mean this new port will be emphasizing on powering up the current console's multiplayer setups? Only time will tell (or the next Famitsu issue, coming June 29).
Check out our rumor roundup after the jump. But be warned: because our only sources are just textual, and has no supporting images or whatever from more reputable sources like Famitsu, we are putting these solidly behind the RUMOR line.
Rumored Songs (Red = NEW / Blue = Console debut)
前前前世 Zen Zen Zense
ロードムービー Road Movie
明日も Ashita Mo
にんじゃりばんばん Ninja Re Bang Bang
女々しくて Memeshikute
キセキ Kiseki
さくらんぼ Sakuranbo
リンダリンダ Linda Linda
夏祭り Natsu Matsuri
天体観測 Tentai Kansoku
紅 Kurenai
夢をかなえてドラえもん Yume o Kanaete Doraemon
となりのトトロ Tonari no Totoro
Let It Go~ありのままで~ Let It Go ~Ari no Mama de~
全力バタンキュー Zenryoku Batankyu
残酷な天使のテーゼ A Cruel Angel's Thesis
ようこそジャパリパークへ Youkoso Japari Park e
ゴーストルール Ghost Rule
六兆年と一夜物語 Rokuchounen to Ichiya Monogatari
ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン (PPAP) Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen (PPAP)
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ Night of Knights
カルメン組曲一番終曲 Carmen Prelude
天国と地獄序曲 Heaven and Hell Overture
Game Music
テイルズオブベルセリアメドレー Tales of Berseria Medley
Namco Original
つながれ!ひろがれ!打ち上がれ! Tsunagare! Hirogare! Uchi-agare!
Rumored Features
- Ghosted Session Play: with friends on PlayStation Network
- Guest Session Play: pretend you are playing with guest characters, with special voice lines and actions before and during performance
- Exclusive USB controller: available in bundles, as well as expected separate release by Hori