We are given plenty of prenotice that this update is coming. Let's get straight to the meat then. New update to Taiko no Tatsujin Yellow ver. comes July 5 2017 with licensed picks galore to beat the heat!
New Songs: June 30 2017
「シンクロニカ」より Synchronica
New Songs: July 5 2017 (Yellow ver. G/V 4.xx)
WANIMA / au「三太郎シリーズ」CMソング au "Three Tarous Series" CM Song
「デュエル・マスターズ」より Duel Masters
New Songs: July 15 2017
「劇場版ポケットモンスター キミにきめた!」より Pokemon the Movie 20: I Choose You!
Being a tie-in with the upcoming Pokemon cinematic release, the rearranged version of this early Pokemon opening song will be available on the same say as the movie releases, not immediately with the update.
And wait, that's not all! Check back for more additions in this update that are kept hidden for now.
Ranking Dojo Gaiden: July 5 2017 (Yellow ver. G/V 4.xx)
While Yellow ver.'s actual Ranking Dojo goals of Kurouto and up are still being prepared, have something that is worth the challenge to pore over the wait in Ranking Dojo Gaiden. Specifically we are continuing with the series of WCS2016 inspired goals. Of course new titles are available when you pass either trial.
+) 挑戦!世界大会2016決勝(超人相当)
Challenge! World Championships 2016 Finals (approx. Choujin)
+) 挑戦!世界大会2016 EX①(名人相当)
Challenge! World Championships 2016 Extras (1) (approx. Meijin)
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