Sunday, February 26, 2012
Wasure na Gusa lyrics
Artist: Mika Sato
気球にのって おばあちゃんのブログ (kikyuu ni notte obaachan no blog)
見たら 懐かし夕暮れ (mitara natsukashi yuugure)
きりんのキャンディー セピアの顔文字 (kirin no candy sepia no kaomoji)
錦糸町でお留守番してる 天使たち (kinshichou de orusuban shiteru tenshi tachi)
珈琲茶碗の雪景色みたい (ko-hi-chawan no yukikeshiki mitai)
はにかんだ街 折り紙フォーエバー (hanikanda machi origami forever)
過去と未来が見つめ合う時 (kako to mirai ga mitsume au toki)
屋形船たち 恋文ランデブー (yakatafune tachi koibumi rendezvous)
屯する猫 橋を駆けるよ (tamuro suru neko hashi o kakeru yo)
English translation
Riding a hot-air balloon reading grandma's blog
Looking at the nostalgic sunset
The giraffe-shaped candy and the sepia emoticon
Angels are looking after Kinshichou
I see the winter scenery on the coffee cup
The shy, bashful street, origami is forever
A time where the past and the present unite as one
The boathouses come together, like a rendezvous in a love letter
The cats too, group in large numbers, chasing each other on the bridge
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