~contributed by crystalsuicune. Thanks!
According to 2chan, a Taiko 14 arcade machine was leaked out before the official release date (September 8) so this info may not be 100% accurate but they are shown as follows:
1.There's no AC version of Tenyou no Mai,it's the same as the one in DS3. (Good. They understand the confusion Senpuu no Mai caused back in AC13)
2.Taiko Time's a 10-star song,although it's easier than it sounds.There are tatsujin/kurouto/futsuu notes,BTW (HOLY CRAP YES! THE BLOG IS NAMED AFTER A 10-STAR ONI SONG!)
3.SORA-III is a 9-star song,with slow BPM and mixed patterns (9* makes it the highest difficlty in the whole SORA series. Looking forward to it!)
4.NECOLOGY is a 9-star song
5.KAGEKIYO gets an 10-star Inner Oni notechart (single player),with those crazy 1/24 patterns seen in Inner!Tank (Hurp...wasn't expecting this. What happened to KAGYUKIYO? Anyway, hard notes = good news)
6 .Ridge Racer also gets a 10-star Inner Oni notechart (Yes, yes, yes! BRING THE PAIN!)
7.Both "Black Rock Shooter" and "My soul,your Beats!" are 8-star songs (8* for BRS? I expected 9)
No videos yet, but all should be made clear once the official release comes.