Saturday, March 22, 2025

Song of the Week! 22 March 2025


It's about time we start covering some of the winning entries from the latest Taiko no Tatsujin music contest!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Taiko no Tatsujin (Mainland China 4th-gen) Spring 2025 Updates

For those who have been keeping track of our previous update post (singular) on the mainland China 4th-generation arcade of Taiko no Tatsujin, you might have started to wonder when the "Summer 2024" season will end as the colder months come and go.

That question has finally been answered yesterday (2025/01/03), when the promotional video for the "Spring 2025" season released on Bilibili, dating the large-scale update for 2025/01/15. Main additions of the new update (and beyond) include:
  • 32 tracks added including both mainland China exclusives and catch-up with the rest of the world in the main update. See below jump for the teased tracks and Ura Oni notecharts
  • New players using the Player ID to set up their Donder profile can play their first credit for free
  • Rolling in Rewards Campaign Spring 2025 coming soon (no date listed) (2025/01/15~04/22)
  • Ranking Dojo 2024 coming soon in February 2025 2025/02/19 (2023 trials will retire on 2025/01/28)
  • Drummers' Square mini-program updates coming soon in February 2025 2025/02/19, including the overall result panel, Ranking Dojo data and player search
While there is no full update notes from the WeChat official account as of this writing, we will continually update this post as further information arise.
Addendum (2025/01/10 onwards): Updated with full initial update notes, and we will continue to do so with any future supplementary updates. Check our Region Lock Checklist (published on Google Drive) for comparison between all regions.

Addendum (2025/02/16): Supplementary update dates Ranking Dojo 2024 release and Drummers' Square mini-program updates for 2025/02/19. In addition to the above additions, you may wish to note these changes that will take effect as well:
  • Cooldown between Donder name changes will become 90 days
    PS: While not a new change, you might also wish to note that each name change is subject to approval before taking effect, taking 1-2 working days
  • The login QR code will no longer be accessible directly from the chatlog in the WeChat official account, but will still be accessible from the mini-program

Taiko Team's Morikawa (producer for mainland China 4th-gen) and Etou also spoke about the update in a video letter on Bilibili, including development on a certain previous contest...?

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Namco Taiko Blog (2025/03/19): Nijiiro ver. March 2025 Update

While the 4th-generation arcade Taiko no Tatsujin is officially ran as one perpetual version, players (including the Japanese wiki) generally recognize annual "seasons" as spearheaded by the March update and the Spring Don Medal Shop update. In that connection, the "2025 season" will kick-start with the 2025/03/26 update (2025/03/27 elsewhere).

Aside from the usual slew of track updates, points to note with this update include —
  • Kamen Rider Gavv collab campaign (2025/03/26~2026/02/28, 📕Japan only)
    Play  Got Boost? with Bandai Namco Passport (or equivalent) to unlock the "Kamen Rider Gavv" outfit
  • Don Medal Shop Spring 2025 (2025/03/27)
  • New Clear/Full Combo/Donderful Combo title plate design, and the associated reordering of title list on the Donder Hiroba (maintenance 2025/03/26 02:00~09:00)
  • Preview: Ranking Dojo 2024 ending in late-May 2025

Official Links
Taiko no Tatsujin official blog (2025/03/19)
Asia ver. Facebook announcement (1, 2, 3, 4)

Taiko no Tatsujin Nijiiro ver. Track Updates

2025/03/26 (📕Japan only)
★? ★? ★?
Kawaii Dake Ja Dame Desuka?
★? ★? ★?
Aipai Dance Hall
★? ★? ★?
Shinako World Shinako
★? ★? ★?
Otonoke Dandadan
★? ★? ★?
2025/03/26 (mainland China exclusive → 📕Japan only)
2025/03/27 (→ 📗Asia/Oceania only)
Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies
★? ★? ★?
Miss You 3000 (想見你想見你想見你 Miss You 3000)
  Someday or One Day
★? ★? ★?
2025/03/27 (all regions, unlockable)
Toro-ika 2000
★? ★? ★?
Aosagi no Hi
★? ★? ★?
Argent Memories ★?
★? ★? ★?
Takara no Oka
★? ★? ★?
Tower of Druaga Medley
★? ★? ★?
2025/03/27 (all regions, moved to default)
Yumeutstsu Catharsis Kanoya Ooki (BNSI) feat. Kaori Aihara
夢うつつカタルシス/大木奏弥(BNSI) feat. 愛原圭織
★5 ★6 ★8
Warera Muteki no Dokon Dan
★4 ★5 ★8
★5 ★6 ★5 ★10
Metameta☆Universe! kyo (BNSI)×Mitsu (TRYTONELABO) feat. Zakuro Motoki
  kyo(BNSI) × Mitsu(TRYTONELABO) feat. 本木咲黒

2025/03/28 (all regions)
High-tension☆Anki SHOW!
★? ★? ★?
Key: red = series debut; blue = arcade debut

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Chirping Crumbles (March 16th, 2025) - Blue-chiming Academy Antics at the WADIVERSE

This Sunday update from the taiko_all Twitter handle brings us an official reveal to the upcoming development of the WADIVERSE project that started last year, with Chapter 4 spanning throughout the next couple of weeks in many a media facet. The theme, this time around, is the fabled Aoharu no Tatsujin academy that was quite the riot on April Fools grounds circa 2023!

We're also going to get a brand-new playable song in two Fridays from now, with its MV releasing the day prior! My gut feeling is that we're about to hear more Hige Driver in Taiko after many years since the 8-bit port of his Tokyo Soda, considering the peculiar grounds on which I could make such an educated guess...

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Song of the Week! 15 March 2025


A segway from the year's first Anim SotW, let's have the first Variety-themed one, while we're at it... as a double feature and, why not- both from the same core artist ensemble!

Friday, March 14, 2025

[DF] March '25 Taiko Music Pass Update (2/2) and Crown Point System

The promised delivery for March's latter half has come, revealing two brand new Pops tunes (including the final Strawberry Prince console Taiko tie-in) as well as the lucky revival (for the time being, at least) of the Girls×Heroine tunes of arcade perma-deletion fame, now relocated to the Variety genre. For once, Donderful/Rhythm Festival players will also nab a console-port-first among modern music contests' Namco Originals that was not ported to any of the i-device/mobile games, too!

Taiko Music Pass New Tracks/Notecharts

Bunny Girl ★? ★? ★? ★?
Strawberry Prince Forever Strawberry Prince
★? ★? ★? ★?
Fun!Fun!Fun! ~Yume Mugendai~ Bittomo×Heroine Kirameki Powers!
Fun!Fun!Fun! ~夢∞~/「ビッ友×戦士 キラメキパワーズ!」より
★2 ★3 ★5 ★6
Chuwapane! Secret×Heroine Phantomirage!
チュワパネ!/    「ひみつ×戦士 ファントミラージュ!」より
★1 ★1 ★3 ★5
Mirumiru ~Mirai Mieru~ Magical×Heroine Magimajo Pures!
ミルミル ~未来ミエル~/「魔法×戦士 マジマジョピュアーズ!」より
★1 ★2 ★4 ★5
Unlimited Games Ponchi♪ feat. Hachi
/Ponchi♪ feat. はぁち
★5 ★7 ★7 ★10 ★10
Key: red = series debut; green = subscription/freemium debut

Together with the Music Pass reveals, yesterday also saw the implementation on all DF/RF versions of a crown-count-based feature, one that also got added on the game's official website.

From yesterday's update onward, every unique song clear on any mode that would award a crown of any kind for completion will also award players a variable amount of Crown Points, which in turn will unlock a series of customizable headgear for your Taiko avatar to bask in its glory! The scoring goes by 1 point for Silver crowns (=Normal Clear), 2 points for Gold ones (=Full Combo Clear) and 3 points for the Rainbow ones (=Donder-Full Combo Clear), with crown improvements on a specific song's difficulty performance awarding players the resulting rank difference in points. For those who are already seasoned Donderful/Rhythm Festival players (especially the Switch players), the system will retroactively add every Crown Point for every pre-existing achieved crown play after playing any song once, after the update's implementation... including crowns on the deleted songs from the Taiko Music Pass!

Actually, there's... something else to talk about for the day, but we'll see you after the jump for that course of action!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Song of the Week! 8 March 2025


2025's first Anime-coded Song of the Week sure was one held in high-regards from the people at the helm of the Taiko franchise, considering its source material went to have two different collaboration campaigns with the arcade branch... and both in the same year, mind you!!