Friday, February 24, 2017

[RANDOM] - Only-for-the-latest-firmware, Yellow Version Edition

Today's topic focuses on one of the less-documented aspects from official sources spread by Bandai Namco over the Internet about the transition to a new Taiko no Tatsujin firmware for the ongoing HD arcade line.

By this point, we are already used to hear about song removals that are affecting all the involved Taiko updates, as this is the only course of action that is promptly addressed by the Taiko Team online through blog updates or other Internet means of communication (for the latest round of removals, click here). There is, however, another batch of songs that gets deleted from all the previously-released HD firmware versions of the current arcade line, meaning that the only way to play those tracks in a game center is to find the most recent Taiko arcade version. While this underground song removal is often speculated to be a way to push vendors into the next firmware release (as some of the most recent/popular songs usually get involved on this course of action), to find data for this aspect is often a daunting task, as it usually comes out only from in-store notices from the arcade rooms that are not updating to the next firmware (or eventually delaying its release).

After the jump is the list of formerly-released tracks that will only be playable in the latest Taiko firmware after the launch of the next version, updated to the upcoming Yellow Version release. Credit to the users of Japanese Taiko wiki wikihouse for the find!

 Umi no Koe (海の声)
 Himawari no Yakusoku (ひまわりの約束)
 Sugar Song to Bitter Step (シュガーソングとビターステップ)
 Gomenasai no Kissing You (ごめんなさいのKissing You)
 Kiseki (キセキ)
 Ikenai Taiyou (イケナイ太陽)
 Sakuranbo (さくらんぼ)
 Tentai Kansoku (天体観測)
 Linda Linda (リンダリンダ)
 Natsu Matsuri (夏祭り)
 Kurenai (紅)
 Anpanman no March (アンパンマンのマーチ)
 Yume o Kanae te Doraemon (夢をかなえてドラえもん)
 Doraemon no Uta (ドラえもんのうた)
 Yawaraka Sensha (やわらか戦車)
 Night of Knights (ナイト・オブ・ナイツ)
 Last Brutal Sister Flandre S (最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S)
 Roku-Chounen to Ichiya Monogatari (六兆年と一夜物語)
 Noushou Sakuretsu Girl (脳漿炸裂ガール)
 Senbonzakura (千本桜)
 Kagerou Days (カゲロウデイズ)
 Matryoshka (マトリョシカ)
 Picopico Mappy (ピコピコ マッピー)
 Picopico Ruin (ピコピコ ルイン)