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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Song of the Week! 27 May 2023

So here we are, the last time (hopefully) I'm keeping this "SotW improv" streak going! I have to say, though- once this task was done, it really felt like business as usual. In more than a way...

Mirumiru ~Mirai Mieru~ Magical×Heroine Magimajo Pures!
ミルミル ~未来ミエル~/「魔法×戦士 マジマジョピュアーズ!」より

Game Genre
AC0 Green
AC Nijiiro (Y3 removed)
3ru3ru (Mirumiru, where 3=Mi)

Yes, I've decided to roll with what I've been dragging at the start of May, seeing how easily-distracked I've been with my own stuff noted down in pen-and-paper form. Thing is, however, real life comes around real fast and last thing I know, here I am at the literal 11th hour making a SotW from another of the AC0/Nijiiro perma-deletions, as they're usually quick to cover for the times I got quite the handful to take care of in my own away-from-the-desktop life. But you know what's really funny? By picking up my own schedule notes at the end of this here writing, it turns out I already planned this to be a 'filler/perma-deleted license day' (and to quote myself from the same notes, "it's becoming a monthly thing for the series anyways, so why not")! Truly, going back on rails was the greatest improv stunt I've pulled off for my blog antics yet...

No moping and doping, though- the work is already done! What you're looking at here is the second opening theme for Magical × Heroine Magimajo Pures, the second series in Takara Tomy and OLM, Inc's Girls × Heroine live action magical girl series aimed for pre-schoolers (think Power Rangers but with the setting of something like Ojamajo Doremi). The Nuisance World, recurring balance-threatner in the franchise, has stolen a handful of magical gemstones trinkets -the Majoka Stones- and corrupted them into malignant artifacts that are able to alter people's dreams into vicious nightmares. Thus, the Magical World has summoned three young heroines to deal with the now-altered Akiramests and eventually restore the Majoka Stones to their original forms.

Airing in 51 episodes across a year from April 2018, the series followed the same trend that all other Girls × Heroine series have stuck into: the voice actresses of the middle-school heroines on the spotlight forming an idol unit in which they both perform their songs and their magical heroine roles from the show in live events as well, with Majimajo's unit being named magical². The nicknamed halmelnuts penned the lyrics for episodes 27-51's opening theme, being composed by one Kengo Minamida (南田健吾) of many other idol/girls show themes across the years, from Aikatsu to iDOLM@STER and, more recently, the freshly-animated idol band sensation Bocchi the Rock.

Here we sit with another modern 5* Oni that might as well be classed for the AC7-14 standards with an extra star due to the hefty, not-too-far-spaced-away note amount for its Oni, but that inevitably falls flat on the ongoing creed of repeating patterns on lower speeds marking something easier to get a pass overall.