世阿弥 Zeami → Xeami
There's nothing else to say about the latest song title fix, as we've already addressed it in a lesser-official post update when the PS4 official localization for the song came out (reference), but we surely have to share a more meaty explanation for what possibly is the biggest name fix yet for us.
Ever since the inception of Tatsuya Shimizu's popular alias that is nowadays referenced behind the legacy of the 'no Mai'/'no Ran'/God Collection songs from the artist, we've always been aware on how this pseudonym had an ambiguous way to read it as either Zeami or Xeami, much like some other songs that we've seen in Taiko gaming along the years (Cycle of Rebirth and Night of Knights being the best examples on such a trend). As of late, however, the official English localization of the Taiko games to English-speaking audiences has started to use the Xeami name to reference the artist in the songs with the pseudonym in question when mentioned in a song's subtitle; this phenomenon doesn't stop at the latest home conole Taiko games, as the recently-released Groove Coaster videogame for Steam also seems to agree with the Xeami naming for the non-JP audiences.
With that in mind, we're going to replace the formerly-used translation for the Tatsuya Shimizu alias with the one that the official English localization has seemingly chosen in the last few years. We're still going to use either of the two names as usual for the purpose of news/update posts, but our song list pages will be uniformed with Xeami instead.