The second Taiko Ranked Match event hits all like those cruddy sudden summer showers (I just had one today, went from 2 to 100 in like twenty seconds)! This Summer Fest (夏フェス) will be running from June 28 12:00 (tomorrow!) through July 9 12:00 (Japan Time), cuing another rounds of heated matches for songs, outfit parts and titles up for grabs.【お知らせ】PS4®『太鼓の達人 セッションでドドンがドン!』太鼓ランクマッチイベント第2弾「夏フェス」開催決定!明日6月28日12:00からスタートです!ランクマッチをプレイしてポイントを貯めて、楽曲やきせかえや称号を手に入れよう♪#taiko765— 太鼓の達人 (@taiko_team) June 27, 2018
...except THERE IS ZERO SLITHER OF INFORMATION OUTSIDE OF THIS TWEET, unlike the last event which had a two-week notification period with a special page on the main site. In fact the Spring Festival banner is still up on the front page, and we have been trying various URLs for a hidden page but to no avail. We'll keep you posted when we know what's up, probably tomorrow.
Addendum (2018/06/28): Thanks to Deadwantsha from Discord for (slightly retroactively) finding that the Taiwan BNEI Facebook fan page has posted a slew of pictures for the event yesterday afternoon. Slightly moot when the event page on the main site is also up when we get to add this.
Taiko Ranked Match Event: Summer Fest Rewards
1 FP - Title: 夏フェスはじめました Summer Fest Is Here
15 FP - Greeting: 夏フェス大好き I ♡ Summer Fest
50 FP - Outfit (Full Body): 夏フェス Summer Fest
80 FP - 15 Don Kobans
150 FP -
999 FP - Title: 夏フェスの達人 Summer Fest Master