Wonder of all wonders, we have some video footage from a gameplay session in the next console Taiko title, months ahead of its release! Courtesy of Taiwanese website 4Gamers, here's a Futsuu play session on Furi-furi♪Nori-nori♪ (フリフリ♪ノリノリ♪), the Taiko Swich game's theme song.
This time around, the layout choice is a blend of both the arcade visual style and the former Wii U layout titles, with Don-chan's animations being based on a small number of frames and a result screen jingle that is more akin to the Wii times. And look, the drum siblings Calcutta and Yomogimaru have finally a new chance to shine as Fever dancers!
Thanks to user Nabix from the Taiko no Tatsujin Discord group for the find!