New Songs
「リッジレーサー」より from Ridge Racer
タイトー「METAL BLACK」より from Taito's METAL BLACK
「クマ・トモ」テーマ曲 Kumatomo Theme Song
新日本プロレス オカダ・カズチカ入場テーマ New Japan Pro Wrestling Kazuchika Okada Entrance Theme
Silver Forest feat.アキ Silver Forest feat. Aki
Today's 7-song shipment include both welcomed arcade exclusives and never-heard-before tracks on Taiko games, such as a new song from Namco's everlasting Ridge Racer series and a debuting Namco Original which seems to be geared to become the first of a newborne song series. Let's let time decide about that, I guess?
New Guest Characters
- Kazuchika Okada
- Kumatomo