The new J-POP song by E-girls features a typical 7★ mix of 16th triples in slightly longer streams especially in the chorus.
SEKAI NO OWARI's new song, more famed as its alternate name Dragenai, is proved to be a tough nut to feature first videos, because of very stringent policy of muting even non-capture videos. The 8★ forked path could be deceiving because the Master Route hosts horrible-looking streams, including a 43-hit mixed 24th notes, more than 20 notes of 16th-turned-24th, and just generally other complex 16th groups and streams in the chorus.
At 8★, this is the highest rated PreCure song in Taiko history. Suitably, the chart features much more long streams than previous installments, reaching mixed 7- and 9-hit streams at times, and flurries of triples throughout.
All three Geragerapo's are all 7★! The chart is similar to the original and Matsuribayashi version, with mild continuous groups of triples, sometimes longer. Jibanyan and co. are once again showcasing new choreography as in this version's anime opening (down wiggle-up).

The 8★ has a lot of mixed even number groups before the chrous, which can prove difficult for some Donders not familiar with them. Conversely it also makes a good practice for that.

The only new song with an Ura notechart at debut, the first Vocaloid song on Taiko to feature exclusively Luka Megurine is a high-average 8★ fare with common 5- to 7-hit 16th mixed groups and single color 4-hit 24ths. The 9★ Ura Oni has a lot more volume and longer streams, as well as overtaking large katsus at the vocal injections like "Whoo!"

If you hate DEBSTEP, you won't like this too much: this original Vocaloid composition with deep dubstep vibes has many similar-looking streams mixing 12th/16th/24th signature, just minus the confusing half speed, making for a borderline 9★ making a call for 10★.
The powerful entrance theme also features a powerful 8★ string of large notes and 16th groups, mostly triples and sometimes longer and more complex. The third run of the melody is a half-speed like what we saw in Spring Dragon ~Haryu~.
First of Yuugen Satellite's Touhou arrangement addition, this is a soulful serenade not unsimilar to the also 8★ Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Kaze, but with apparently more robust patterns including even number strings of groups and longer mixed streams.
Most of the difficulty in this 9★ comes from the high speed of the song, making for a high density of note. Other than this, patterns are actually quite intuitive and manageable (if you can deal with the speed and stamina).
The second entry in the latest Classical remix fab is a more mellow 9★ with much slower BPM and less complexity than Dokadoka, but still rather challenging fare. Somewhat similar to Dokidoki Munekyun Omatsuri Time, Chikochiko also has a speed-up in the music itself for the latter half, with similar patterns in a higher velocity.
Unlike Dokadoka whose name has little to do with the original inspiration, The name Chikochiko takes its roots equally from the Brazilian choro music piece Tico-Tico no Fubá. The cultural history also explains a hint of tropical vibes within the remixed composition.
The second Zero no song is again a stamina-based challenge with common mixed clusters coming as strings at a medium-high speed. Remember the last three notes!
For certain unknown causes, the official site currently lists Zero no Rhapsody as having an Ura, which was strange as the song doesn't have an in-game Ura mode at launch. Mis-reported information or Ura-locking arcade glitch? You decide.
Lastly is the final DonPoint song unlock, after Night And Day and Sunset Runaway, a fantastical composition, mashing various 12th, 16th and 24th measures for a complex challenge.