
From Momoiro Version 2.04 onwards, arcade Banapassport players are able to set titles for their personal nickname either with one of the titles previously unlocked by doing specific tasks or by creating a new one by scratch by using specific title parts.
These title parts are basically divided into two different groups: nouns and phrases ('Group A') and symbols or connectives ('Group B'). Players can use up to 2 words from Group A and a symbol/connective from Group B to construct a custom title, following the scheme A-B-A. Any spot of said scheme can be left blank and the slots for Group A words can be filled with the same word.
While all the units from Group B are unlocked by default, players have to get the title parts from Group A through the rewards shop. Certain Group A parts can be unlocked only by achieving specific goals just like regular titles, whose unlocking requirements are explained into Kimidori Version's unlock page.
Below there is the full list of title parts achievable on Taiko Kimidori Version from both groups, listed under the related Title Parts Gacha that grant the unlock of the title part. Title parts marked in red cannot be purchased through the Rewards shop and have to be unlocked individually. Empty Space and Blank entries for both the groups are not listed.
Group A
Unlocks / Normal Gacha (from Momoiro Version 2.04 onwards)
- Summer Battle (夏の陣)
- Everlasting Summer (常夏)
- Winter Battle (冬の陣)
- New-Year Battle (新年の陣)
- Spring Battle (春陽の陣)
- Cherry Bloissom (桜花)
- Sorairo Battle (ソライロの陣)
- Sorairo (ソライロ)
- Sorairo (Rank) (ソライロ(段位)) (1*)
- Momoiro (Rank) モモイロ(段位) (2*)
- Kantan (かんたん)
- Futsuu (ふつう)
- Muzukashii (むずかしい)
- Oni (おに)
- Baizoku (ばいそく)
- Sanbai (さんばい)
- Yonbai (よんばい)
- Doron (ドロン)
- Abekobe (あべこべ)
- Kimagure (きまぐれ)
- Detarame (でたらめ)
- Clear (クリア)
- Full Combo (フルコンボ)
- Score (スコア)
- High Score (ハイスコア)
- Great (良)
- Roll (連打)
- Don-chan (どんちゃん)
- Kat-chan (かっちゃん)
- Meka-Katsu (メカカツ)
- Mekadon (メカドン)
- Donder (ドンだー)
- Beginner (初心者)
- Veteran (ベテラン)
- Expert (玄人)
- Tetsujin (鉄人)
- Meijin (名人)
- Tatsujin (達人)
- Chojin (超人)
- Warrior (戦士)
- Friend (友達)
- Drumstick Use (バチ使い)
- Brave (勇者)
- Hero (ヒーロー)
- Prince Charming (王子様)
- Gentleman (紳士)
- Master (ご主人様)
- Heroine (ヒロイン)
- Princess (お姫様)
- Lady (淑女)
- Producers (プロデューサー)
- Fledgling (駆け出し)
- In Training (修行中)
- Challenging (挑戦中)
- Pupil (門下生)
- Good Skill (一人前)
- Perfect Skill (スゴ腕)
- All (全)
- Medium (中)
- Super (超)
- Together (いっしょ)
- Festival (お祭り)
- Youth (青春)
- Friend (仲間)
- Herbivorous (草食系)
- Carnivorous (肉食系)
- Literature (文系)
- Math and Science (理数系)
- Recruiting (募集中)
- Finesse (技巧)
- Brain (頭脳)
- Body (肉体)
- Fashionable (おしゃれ)
- Gold (金)
- Silver (銀)
- Purple (パープル)
- Black (ブラック)
- Blue (ブルー)
- White (ホワイト)
- Red (レッド)
- Dog (犬)
- Wolf (狼)
- Cat (猫)
- Lion (ライオン)
- Inner World (裏世界)
- Local (地元)
- Global (世界)
- Taiko World (太鼓界)
- Taiko School (太鼓学園)
- Today (今日)
- Tomorrow (明日)
- Yesterday (昨日)
- Every Day (毎日)
- Katsu-Don (カツ丼)
- Rice (ごはん)
- Eggs (たまご)
- Dragon (ドラゴン)
- Donderful (ドンダフル)
- 2000
- retsaM (人達)
- Grand Master (大達人)
- Idol (アイドル)
- God (神)
- Super (スーパー)
- Remember (リメンバー)
- Gorilla (ゴリラ)
- Weekend (週末)
- Katsukare (カツカレー)
- Small Devil (小悪魔)
- Sunflower (ひまわり)
- Spring (春)
- Summer (夏)
- Autumn (秋)
- Winter (冬)
- Season (季節)
- Blue Sky (青空)
- Different Dimension (異次元)
- Sea (海)
- Sky (大空)
- Castle (城)
- Don't Give Up (あきらめない)
- Safety First (安全第一)
- Any Time (いつでも)
- Good Morning (おはよう)
- Hello (こんにちは)
- Good Evening (こんばんは)
- Good Night (おやすみ)
- Firm (がっつり)
- Cute (カワイイ)
- Intense Anger (激おこ)
- Came Back (帰ってきた)
- Past (過去)
- Present (時雨)
- Future (未来)
- Bold (果敢)
- Awakened (覚醒)
- Mettle (気迫)
- Challenge (挑戦)
- Fighting Spirit (闘志)
- Blooded (熱血)
- Fortitude (不屈)
- Great Adventure (大冒険)
- Hot (ホット)
- Cold (コールド)
- Blue (青)
- Red (赤)
- White (白)
- Pink (ピンク)
- Purple (紫)
- Jet (漆黒)
- Kimidori (黄緑)
- Sushi (お寿司)
- Candy (キャンディ)
- Honey (ハニー)
- Vanilla (バニラ)
- Viking (バイキング)
- Chicken (チキン)
- Grilled Beef (焼肉)
- Stamina (スタミナ)
- Mint (ミント)
- Matcha (抹茶)
- Lime (ライム)
- 10's (10代)
- 20's (20代)
- 30's (30代)
- Member (一員)
- Mischievous (おちゃめ)
- Brother (おにいさん)
- Challenger (チャレンジャー)
- Beginner (ビギナー)
- Fantasista (ファンタジスタ)
- Purode Yun'nu (プロデュンヌ)
- Adventurers (冒険者)
- Knight (騎士)
- Onee-san (おねえさん)
- Friendly (やさしい)
- Golden Hair (金髪)
- Black Hair (黒髪)
- Manager (部長)
- Monster (怪獣)
- Fairy (妖精)
- Rabbit (うさぎ)
- Bear (くま)
- White Cat (白猫)
- Tiger (虎)
- Falcon (隼)
- Contact (コンタクト)
- Sailor Suit (セーラー服)
- Bee (バチ)
- Glasses (メガネ)
- Robo (ロボ)
- Skirt (スカート)
- Nail (ネイル)
- Wan-Chan (ワンチャン)
- Only Me (唯我独尊)
- So Warm (あったか~い)
- So Cool (つめた~い)
- Sweets (スイーツ)
- 40's (40代)
- 50's (50代)
- Pioneer (先駆者)
- Master (達入)
- Interfers (干渉者)
- Overlord (覇王)
- Devil (魔王)
- Niso (ニーソ)
- Old Man Winter (冬将軍) (3*)
Livestream-exclusive Title Parts
These titles are only available to players who are signed to the Donder Hiroba at least one week since a successful Comments Challenge being aired during one of the Taiko Team stream sessions. See the Others page for further information.
- E-toilet (エトイレ)
- No Ran (ノ乱)
- Cheese (チィーッス)
- Audio Scan (オーディオス)
- Broadcasting Accident (放送事故)
- Light Attribute (光属性)
- What!? (何ッ!?)
- Daifuku (大福)
- Don Ishiki (ドン意識)
- Huge Success (大成功)
- Best (ベスト)
- Speed of Sound (音速)
- Speed of Light (光速)
- Godspeed (神速)
- Third Eye (心眼)
- Ruler (支配者)
- Resident (住人)
- Tehepero (てへぺろ)
- Is Good (得意です)
- Paw Pad (肉球)
- Would Dyed (染めちゃうぞ)
- Staff Wanted! (部員募集中!)
- Wild (ワイルド)
- Diva (歌姫)
- Angel (天使)
- Mania (マニア)
- Master (マスター)
- Rose (薔薇)
- Lady (貴婦人)
- Young Nobleman (貴公子)
- Matchless (無双)
- Fighter (ファイター)
- Surprised (ビックリ)
- Girl (少女)
- Boy (少年)
- Da-(だー)
- Ura (裏)
- Darkness (闇)
- Last Theorem (最終定理)
- Now (ナウ)
- Self-proclaimed (自称)
- Go! (いきます!)
- Full Bloom (まっさかり)
- Legend (伝説)
- Special (スペシャル)
- Gold (ゴールド)
- Forever (永遠)
- Challenger (挑戦者)
- Supreme (至高)
- Drumstick Judgement (バチさばき)
- Chaos (混沌)
- That Donder (とあるドンだー)
- Taiko Warrior (太鼓戦士)
- No Mai (ノ舞)
- Tatsu-Don (立つドン)
- Tsundere (ツンデレ)
- Dakkyu (脱臼)
- Eringi (エリンギ)
- Inner (裏腹)
- Pioneer (開拓者)
- From The Wind (風来)
- Traveler (旅人)
- Leader (首領)
- Capable (敏腕)
- What you Eat (喰らうもの)
- Champion (覇者)
- History (歴史)
- The Carver (刻みし者)
- War (戦乱)
- Who was Riding Through (駆け抜けし者)
- Winning A Race (仏恥義理)
- Grand Valor (愛羅武勇)
- Four Seasons (四季折々)
- Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter (春夏秋冬)
- Lightning Speed (電光石火)
- Dokodon (ドコドン)
- Don (ドン)
- Taiko Unit (太鼓部)
- Super Space Time (超時空)
- Management (理)
- Finiah (完奏)
- Victory (勝利)
- Don Friend (ドン友)
- Historical Fight (歴戦)
- Winner (勝者)
- Always Winner (常勝)
- Rise (上昇)
- Undefeated (無敗)
- Invincible (無敵)
- I'm Waiting! (待ってます!)
- Towards (向かうところ)
- No Enemy! (敵なし!)
- Champion (チャンピオン)
- Defense (防衛)
- Participating In! (参加中!)
- Rival (ライバル)
- Young (ヤング)
- Everyone (みんな)
- I Became a Friend! (仲間になった!)
- 2000+
- True Dragon (真龍)
- Fish Sausage (ちくわ)
- Ramen (ラーメン)
- †
- Fallen Angel (堕天使)
- Boys
- Subspace (亜空間)
- I Am (ボクハ)
- Kirakira (キラキラ)
- Garigari (ガリガリ)
- Doki~tsu (ドキッ)
- Have Cold (冷えてます)
- Memories of Summer (夏の思い出)
- Gira~tsu (ギラッ)
- cool
- Haunted (おばけ)
- Ghost Story (怪談)
- Sunburn (日焼け)
- Short Sleeved (半そで)
- Wave (波)
- Yukata (浴衣)
- Wind Chime (風鈴)
- Swimsuit (水着)
- Watermelon (すいか)
- Beach (渚)
- Sandy Beach (砂浜)
- Outdoors (野外)
- Summer (サマー)
- Semi Shigure (蝉時雨)
- Heat Haze (陽炎)
- Sultry Night (熱帯夜)
- Summer Vacation (夏休み)
- Midsummer (真夏)
- Under Blazing Sun (炎天下)
- Toaru Natsu (とある夏)
- Scorching Heat (灼熱)
- Blue Sky (蒼天)
- That Summer (あの夏)
- Observation Diary (観察日記)
- Independent Research (自由研究)
- Homework (宿題)
- Drill (ドリル)
- Pool (プール)
- Festival (祭)
- Kimodameshi (きもだめし)
- Fireworks (花火)
- Camp (合宿)
- Fair (縁日)
- Camping (キャンプ)
- Soft-serve Ice Cream (ソフトクリーム)
- Shaved Ice (かき氷)
- Barley Tea (麦茶)
- Beetles (カブト虫)
- Cicada (セミ)
- Jellyfish (海月)
- Torizoku (鳥賊)
- Starfish (海星)
- Tentacles (ゲソ)
- August 31st (8月31日)
- Cotton Candy (わたあめ)
- Spicy (激辛)
- Chilled (冷やし)
- Mosquito (蚊)
New Year Title Parts Gacha (from December 15th, 2014 to January 31st, 2015)
- Winter Vacation (冬休み)
- Eve (イブ)
- Christmas (クリスマス)
- Santa (サンタ)
- I Bet You (きっと君は)
- We Love (あいてます)
- Christmas Eve Festival (聖夜祭)
- Single Bell (シングルベル)
- Jingle Bell (ジングルベル)
- Holy Night (ホーリーナイト)
- Lonely Night (ロンリーナイト)
- Bright Red Tail Nose (真っ赤なお鼻)
- Merry (メリー)
- Housecleaning (大掃除)
- Paid (納め)
- What Next Year (来年こそは)
- Regards Next Year (来年もよろしく)
- Red and White (紅白)
- Countdown (カウントダウン)
- 2014 Year-end (2014年の瀬)
- 2015 New Year (2015年新春)
- New Year (あけまして)
- Koto Yoro (ことよろ)
- End Year (末年)
- Next Year (来年)
- New Year (正月)
- Only This Year (今年こそは)
- Burnished Ball (おとし玉)
- New Year (おせち)
- Was Too (much to) Eat (たべすぎました)
- Neshogatsu (寝正月)
- Have Been Seared (たたきまして)
- First Strike (初叩き)
- First Sunrise (初日の出)
- First Full Combo (初フルコンボ)
- First Play (初プレイ)
- Parlor Tricks (かくし芸)
- Good Fortune (福)
- Seven Deities of Good Luck (七福神)
- Kite (凧)
- Priestess (巫女)
- Kichi (【吉】)
- Shochiki (【小吉】)
- Daikichi (【大吉】)
- Chukichi (【中吉】)
- Donkichi (【ドン吉】)
- Katsukichi (【カツ吉】)
- Mekakichi (【メカ吉】)
Idolm@ster Cinderella Girl Collab Limited Title Parts (from January 29th to March 8th, 2015)
- Uzuki Shimamura (島村卯月)
- Rin Shibuya (渋谷凛)
- Mio Honda (本田未央)
- Cute (キュート)
- Cool (クール)
- Passion (パッション)
Group B
- The (は)
- There (が)
- I (な)
- In (で)
- And (と)
- To (に)
- Of (の)
- As Well (も)
- The (を)
- Make (する)
- Which is (たる)
- And (かつ)
- From (から)
- To (まで)
- Be (なる)
- From (からの)
- But (でも)
- System (系)
- Faction (派)
- The (ザ)
- the
- de
- is
- of
- or
- !
- ?
- !?
- &
- .
- =
- ☆
- ★
- ♪
- 、
- 。
- /
- ~
- +
- ×
- ÷
- →
- ←
- ⇔
- ※
(1*): Only available to players who have a ranking in Taiko Sorairo's Dojo Ranking mode.
(2*): Only available to players who have a ranking in Taiko Momoiro's Dojo Ranking mode.
(3*): Only available as a prize to players of the Donder Hiroba '14 Winter Camp tournament.
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(2*): Only available to players who have a ranking in Taiko Momoiro's Dojo Ranking mode.
(3*): Only available as a prize to players of the Donder Hiroba '14 Winter Camp tournament.
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Back to Taiko 0 Kimidori song list