Arrangement: NYO
Lyrics: bit
Vocals: Ameko (あめこ) aka Meramipop (めらみぽっぷ)
*credits to the song's entry page on the Touhou Wiki for the English translation of the song!*
先生!チルノはチルノはチルノはチルノは (Sensei! Chiruno wa Chiruno wa Chiruno wa)
チルノはおやつに入りますか? (Chiruno wa oyatsu ni hairimasu ka?)
ケロケロケロケロケロケロケロケロ (x4) (Kero-kero-kero-kero-kero-kero-kero-kero)
⑨チルノは美味しそうだけど (Marukyuu Chiruno wa oishisou dakedo)
神奈子のお粥で我慢しとこう (Kanako no okayu de gaman shitokou)
太らせて食べるのだ (Futorasete taberu no da)
食物連鎖の頂点目指して (Shokumotsurensa no chouten mezashite)
今日も修行だ石段ぴょこぴょこ (kyou mo shugyou da ishidan pyoko-pyoko)
蛙飛びだ~ (ぴょんぴょん) (kaeru tobi da~ (Pyon-pyon))
ケロロケロロケロ ケロロケロロケロ (x3) (Keroro-keroro-kero Keroro-keroro-kero)
ケロロケロロケロ ケロロケロロケロ (けろけろするな~) (Keroro-keroro-kero Keroro-keroro-kero (Kero-kero suruna~))
ケロロケロロケロ ケロロケロロケロ (x3) (Keroro-keroro-kero Keroro-keroro-kero)
ケロロケロロケロ ケロロケロロケロ (ぴょ~ん) (Keroro-keroro-kero Keroro-keroro-kero (Pyo~n))
蛙が (あうあ) (Kaeru ga (A-u-a))
けろけろ (あ、あ) (Kero-kero (A, A))
雨にも負けず (Ame ni mo makezu)
寒いと (あうあ) (Samui to (A-u-a))
冬眠 (あ、あ) (Toumin (A, A))
ミシャクジさまdestiny (あうあうハイハイ) (Mishakujisama destiny (Au-Au, Ai-Ai))
蛙が (あうあ) (Kaeru ga (A-u-a))
ぴょこぴょこ (あ、あ) (Pyoko-pyoko (A, A))
風にも負けず (ハイハイ) (Kaze ni mo makezu (Ai-Ai))
尻尾は (あうあ) (Shippo wa (A-u-a))
にょろにょろ (あ、あ) (Nyoro-nyoro (A, A))
オタマジャクシdestiny (あうあうハイハイ) (Otamajakushi destiny (Au-Au, Ai-Ai))
(チルノノウマミ) ところでこのしめ縄、どう思う? ((Chiruno no umami) Tokorode, kono shimenawa dou omou?)
(ウマミノチルノ) とっても太いと思います (Umami no Chiruno) Tottemo… futoi to omoimasu.)
帽子の中に 誰もいませんよ (Boushi no naka ni dare mo i-ma-se-n-yo?)
ケロロケロロケロ ケロロケロロケロ (x3) (Keroro-keroro-kero Keroro-keroro-kero)
ケロロケロロケロ ケロロケロロケロ (ぴょ~ん) (Keroro-keroro-kero Keroro-keroro-kero (Pyo~n))
オタマジャクシdestiny (Otamajakushi destiny)
nice boatです? (Nice Boat desu?)
いいえケフィアです (Iie, Kefia desu.)
English Lyrics
Teacher! Are we gonna have Cirno as a snack?
Ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit (x4)
Even though Cirno, the circle-nine, looks really tasty,
I have to control myself and now eat Kanako's rice gruel instead.
I'll eat her after she gets fatter!
I'm aiming for the top of the food chain,
so today I'm training again,
Frog-leaping up the shrine stairs~! (Pyon-pyon)
Ribbity-ribbity-ribbit ribbity-ribbity-ribbit (x3)
Ribbity-ribbity-ribbit ribbity-ribbity-ribbit (Stop ribbitin'!)
Ribbity-ribbity-ribbit ribbity-ribbity-ribbit (x3)
Ribbity-ribbity-ribbit ribbity-ribbity-ribbit (Pyo~n)
All the frogs go (A-u-a)
ribbit-ribbit (A, A)
and won't lose even to rain
When it gets cold (A-u-a)
they hibernate (A, A)
it's the Mishakuji-sama destiny! (Au-Au, Ai-Ai)
All the frogs go (A-u-a)
jumping around (A, A)
and won’t lose even to wind (Ai-Ai)
Their tails go (A-u-a)
wiggling around (A, A)
it's the tadpole destiny! (Au-Au, Ai-Ai)
(Good taste of Cirno) So, what do you think of these shrine ropes?
(Cirno of good taste) I think they're very...big.
There's n-o o-n-e inside this hat, is there?
Ribbity-ribbity-ribbit ribbity-ribbity-ribbit (x3)
Ribbity-ribbity-ribbit ribbity-ribbity-ribbit (Pyo~n)
Tadpole destiny!
Nice boat?
No, that's Kefir. (*)
(*) - reference to a catchphrase featured in this Japanese commercial.
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