All unlockables are limited to Banapassport users only.

Don Point unlocks
Taiko sounds
8-Bit Taiko (8ビット太鼓)
- Sacred Treasures Head (神器ヘッド)
- Skater Cap (スケーターキャップ)
- Harajuku Head (はらじゅくヘアー)
- Sacred Treasures Body (神器ボディ)
- Skater Body (スケーターボディ)
- Harajuku Dress (はらじゅくドレス)
Title unlocks
The content will be unlocked at the end of the play after the titles are given out.Songs
Play only songs on the Taiko 3DS1 song list in one credit.
Click to see eligible songs

Play and FC only songs with the word '10', '十', or 'x' in their titles (including completely separable part in one kanji) in one credit.
Click to see eligible songs

Play only
Play only
1. Full combo
2. Full combo
Play and FC only
Play and FC only
Play only
With the nickname changed to one containing "don" (どん), play and FC only containing "don" (either Japanese どん/ドン or English)
Click to see eligible songs
With the nickname changed to "Bashon" (ばしょん), play and FC only songs starting with English letter "m" (both cases)
Click to see eligible songs
Full Combo both
Full Combo both
Play and FC only songs containing "love" (either English or Japanese ラブ or related kanjis 恋/愛) while wearing the Heavy Metal (ヘビメタ) outfit.
Click to see eligible songs

Play and FC only song containing any of the katakanas ラ/リ/ル/レ (ra/ri/ru/re), unless it also contains the hiragana ら/り/る/れ (ra/ri/ru/re) or the katakana ロ (ro). Yokuderu 2000 itself is also eligible.
Click to see eligible songs

Full Body
- Happy Festival (お祭りはっぴ) - Play Taiko 0 White ver. with your Banapassport once
- Pirate (かいぞく) - Play J-Pop songs 10 times
- Train (きしゃ) - Play Anime songs 10 times
- Sweets (スイーツ) - Play Children/Folk songs 10 times
- Polar Bear (しろくま) - Play Variety songs 10 times
- Apple (りんご) - Play Vocaloid songs 10 times
- Submarine (せんすいかん) - Play Classic songs 10 times
- Treasure Ship (たからぶね) - Play Game Music songs 10 times
- Peacock (くじゃく) - Play Namco Original songs 10 times
- Lucky Cat (まねきねこ) - Play songs in the 'Popular' folder 10 times
- Mt. Fuji (富士山) - Clear only J-Pop songs in one credit
- Lion (らいおん) - Clear only Anime songs in one credit
- Jewel (ほうせき) - Clear only Vocaloid songs in one credit
- Shark (さめ) - Clear only songs with names of food on their title (in Japanese or English) in one credit
- Red Cow (あかべこ) - Clear only songs with names of seasons in their title in one credit
- Navy (水兵) - Clear only songs with exclamation marks (!) in their title in one credit
- Train (でんしゃ) - Clear only songs with full Hiragana titles in one credit
- Jingly Rope (チリチリロープ) - Clear only songs with full Katakana titles in one credit
- Heavy Metal (ヘビメタ) - Clear only songs with full Kanji titles in one credit
- Strawberry (いちご) - Clear only songs with names of colors in their title in one credit
- Princess Girl (姫ギャル) - Clear only songs with 'Love', '恋', '愛' or 'ラブ' in their titles in one credit
- Tiger (とら) - Clear only teenage anime songs in one credit
- UFO (うちゅうひこうし) - Clear only robot anime songs in one credit
- Beetle (カブトムシ) - Clear only new songs in one credit
- Hero (ゆうしゃ) - Clear only songs on Taiko 3DS' songlist in one credit
- Mametchi (まめっち) - Play any Tamagotchi song once
- Yumemitchi (ゆめみっち) - Play any Tamagotchi song once
- Hoshimiya Ichigo (星宮いちご) - Play any Aikatsu! song once
- Golden Bomber (ゴールデンボンバー) - Play any Golden Bomber song once
- PuzDra Tyrra (パズドラ ティラ) - Play Walking Through The Towers once
- Hatsune Miku (初音ミク) - Clear any song with Hatsune Miku as the main singer on any difficulty once
- IA - Clear any song by IA on any difficulty once
- GUMI - Clear any song by Megpoid GUMI on any difficulty once
- Muse Police C (ミューズポリスC) - Clear Extreme MGG★★★ on any difficulty once
- Muse Police M (ミューズポリスM) - Clear Music Revolver on any difficulty once
- Jibanyan (ジバニャン) - Clear Geragerapo no Uta once
- Komasan (コマさん) - Play any Youkai Watch song
- Brave Cat Series (ブレイブネコシリーズ) - Clear Monster Hunter 4 Medley once
- PuzDra Z Syrup (パズドラZ シロップ) - Play Sakasama Sekai once (only during Momoiro Version's operation period.
- Kumamon (くまモン) - Play Kumamoto Surprise!
- Hakurei Reimu (博麗霊夢) - Play any Touhou Project Arrange songs
- PuzDra Tamadra (パズドラ たまドラ) - Play Kessen!!
- Oozora Akari (大空あかり) - Play Du-Du-Wa DO IT!!
- Koro-sensei (殺せんせー) - Play Seishun Satsubatsu-ron
- Relax Korosensei (リラックス殺せんせー) - Play QUESTION
- Sachi Sachi (さちさち) - Play Sachi Sachi ni Shite Ageru
- Marisa Kirisame (霧雨魔理沙) - Clear any Touhou Project Arrange song once
- Professor (きょうじゅ) - Full Combo either Bokura no Sekai ni Dance o, Picopico Mappy or Picopico Ruin (Ura accepted) once on any difficulty
- Hosogai-san (細貝さん) - Play Taiko Murasaki between April 28th 2015 and August 31st 2015
- Akemi-chan (朱美ちゃん) - Play Taiko Murasaki between April 28th 2015 and August 31st 2015
- Tikkun (チックン) - Play Choujikuu Adventure
- White Awakening (白の覚醒) - Choose Sacred Ruin so that the timer stops at an odd double digit, and FC it.
- Black Awakening (黒の覚醒) - Choose Sacred Ruin on Abekobe so that the timer stops at an even double digit, and FC it.
- Takkun Ride (タックンライド) - Play Choujikuu Adventure
- Ice Dress (こおりのドレス) - Play Let It Go ~Ari no Mama de~
- Festival (お祭り) - Clear all songs in a single credit
- Drum (ドラム) - Clear only songs with full English titles in one credit
- Dog and Cat (いぬねこ) - Clear only songs with names of animals in one credit
- Tambourine (タンバリン) - Clear only old J-Pop/Anime songs in one credit
- Deluxe Taiko (豪華な太鼓) - Clear only hero-related Anime songs in one credit
- Hosogai-san (細貝さん) - Play Taiko Murasaki between April 28th 2015 and August 31st 2015
- Akemi-chan (朱美ちゃん) - Play Taiko Murasaki between April 28th 2015 and August 31st 2015
Tatsu-Don (立つドン) - Invite a new Banapassport friend (or be invited by another person and accept) through the New Friend Invite Campaign function.
Promotional Period unlocks
Taikai February 2016 Gacha (from February 1st to March 31st)
The following Petit Chara items can be unlocked by using 2 event tickets
*DISCLAIMER* - Tatsu-Don poses are blurred up in the Taikai promotional material, so their naming is pending and subject to change.
- Mirai (みらい)
- Fuuga (ふうが)
- Raruko (ラルコ)
- Princess Soprano & Raruko (ソプラノ姫&ラルコ)
- Maou (マオウ)
- O-men Gousou 1
- O-men Gousou 2
- O-men Gousou 3
- Lantern Eel (ちょうちんうなぎ)
- Cat and Ladle (ネコと杓子)
- Princess Soprano (ソプラノ姫)
- Arashi (嵐)
- Fuuga & Mirai (ふうが&みらい)
- Tatsu-Don (Pose 2) (立つドン)
- Tatsu-Don (Pose 3) (立つドン)
Two sets of rewards can be unlocked at random by using a variable amount of event tickets, obtainable by playing World Championships 2016 songs with a credit play. Titles are worth from 1 to 2 tickets, while the three songs below are unlocked with 8 tickets each. The three songs became permanent additions for everyone after the release of the next firmware, Taiko no Tatsujin Red Version.
For the title unlocks, we forward you to the White Version title list page.

It's also possible to unlock the following Petit Chara by earning tickets at least once during certain months:
Taiko (太虎) - Earn tickets for the event during the month of April 2016
Tatsujin (龍神) - Earn tickets for the event during the month of May 2016
Don Challenge unlocks
All songs will be unlocked by default on the month following the Don Challenges. This section will be updated as the Don Challenges for White Version are issued.
One-Time Play song unlocks
In order to permanently unlock the following songs, play them once in a multiplayer match with someone who already has unlocked it or by secondary methods, which will be addressed below:
Back to Taiko 0 White ver. song list