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Friday, January 29, 2016

Taiko no Tatsujin White Version: Rewards Shop


Continuing from Taiko Momoiro, the Rewards Shop is a service on the Donder Hiroba website, where players can access their play data and customize their costumes, Don-chan colors and titles. The shop makes use of the accumulated Don Points (which were useless in previous HD arcade firmwares after the counter was maxed out) by allowing players to use them as currency to buy things like costumes and costume parts.

All the not-limited items which were purchasable with Taiko Murasaki arcades can also be purchased by Banapassport newcomers on Taiko White, as well as new items since the latest arcade firmware's launch.

Costumes - Full Body
Spacecraft (うちゅうせん) - 1000 points
Auspicious Decor (めでタイ) - 1000 points
Ramen Stand (やたい) - 1500 points
Warrior (むしゃ) -  1500 points
Dragon Year (たつどし) - 1500 points
Robotic Arm (ロボットアーム) - 2000 points

Costumes - Head
Halloween Hat (ハロウィンハット) - 5000 points
Polka Dot Ribbon (水玉りぼん) - 2000 points
Headphone (ヘッドフォン) - 2000 points
Wild Hair (ワイルドヘア) - 2000 points
Wedding Dress (ウェディングドレス) - 2000 points
Jewel (ほうせき) - 2000 points
Sumo Wrestler (おすもうさん) - 1000 points
Fawn (こじか) - 1500 points
Blindfold (めかくし) - 50000 points
Mask Boy (Fox) (お面小僧(きつね)) - 50000 points
Goldfish Nebuta (金魚ねぶた) - 1000 points
Polka Dot Headband (水玉はちまき) - 1000 points
Maid Hair (Black) (メイドヘアー (黒) ) - 5000 points
Pirate (かいぞく) - 2000 points
Student's Cap (学生帽) - 2000 points
Side Tail (サイドテール) - 2000 points
Sunflower (ひまわり) - 2000 points
Camera Lens (カメラレンズ) - 2500 points
Rocket (ロケット) - 2500 points
Lion (らいおん) - 2500 points
Tengu (てんぐ) - 3500 points
Handsome Hair (Silver) (イケメンヘアー(銀)) - 2000 points
Princess Hair (Gold) (姫ヘアー(金)) - 2000 points
Tuna Head (かじきまぐろ) - 3000 points

March 2016 only
Butterfly (ちょうちょ) - 2500 points

June 2016 only
Vacation Sunglasses (バカンスサングラス) - 2500 points

Costumes - Body
Halloween Body (ハロウィンボディ) - 5000 points
Jewel (ほうせき) - 1000 points
Sumo Wrestler (おすもうさん) - 1000 points
Champion (チャンピオン) - 1500 points
Time of the Beast (ケモノのころも) - 1500 points
Fawn (こじか) - 1500 points
Wedding Dress (ウェディングドレス) - 2000 points
White's Awakening (白の覚醒) - 5000 points
Black's Awakening (黒の覚醒) - 5000 points
Aka Happi (あかハッピ) - 1000 points
Ao Happi (あおハッピ) - 1000 points
Maid Dress (メイドふく) - 3000 points
Takoyaki (たこやき) - 1000 points
Earth (ちきゅう) - 1000 points
Soccer Ball (サッカーボール) - 1000 points
Forest Friends (もりのなかま) - 1000 points
Luxurious Drum (豪華な太鼓) - 1500 points
Black Drum (黒太鼓) - 1500 points
Chibi-Don (ちびどん) - 2000 points
Tetsuo Rider (テツオライド) - 2000 points
GolDon (ゴールドン) - 2000 points
Camera (カメラ) - 2500 points
Stand (やたい) - 2500 points
Rocket (ロケット) - 2500 points
Bowling (ボウリング) - 3000 points
Tengu (てんぐ) - 3500 points
School Blazer (学ラン) - 2000 points
Sailor Outfit (セーラーふく) - 2000 points
Tuna Body (かじきまぐろ) - 3000 points

January 2016 only
Kabuki Hakama (かぶきはかま) - 2500 points

February 2016 only
Block (ブロック) - 2500 points

April 2016 only
Goku (そんごくう) - 2500 points

May 2016 only
Jungle (ジャングル) - 2500 points

Costumes - Makeup
Rabbit Face (うさぎ顔) - 1500 points
Eye Burns (もえる目) - 1500 points
Heart (ハート) - 2000 points
Round-And-Round Cheeks (ぐるぐるほっぺ) - 2000 points
Patching (つぎはぎ) - 3500 points
Kiba (キバ) - 5000 points
Mask (ふくめん) - 5000 points
Sumo Wrestler (りきし) - 2000 points
Anim-eyes (アニ目) - 3500 points
Blindfolded (目かくし) - 50000 points
Gan... (ガーン・・・) - 1000 points
Heart Cheeks (ハートのほっぺ) - 1500 points
Heavy Metal (ヘビメタ) - 1500 points
Ike Ike Sunglasses (イケイケサングラス) - 1500 points
Shiny Eyes (キラ目) - 2000 points
Panda Face (パンダ顔) - 2000 points
Eyepatch (眼帯) - 2000 points
Eye of Truth (真実の目) - 5000 points
Eyelash (まつげ) - 1000 points
Manly Brows (男気まゆげ) - 1000 points
Three-Strand Hair (三本ひげ) - 1500 points

Yuugen no Ran (幽玄ノ乱) - 76500 points
Mirai e no Kagi (未来への鍵) - 7650 points
Surfside Satie (サーフサイド・サティ) - 7650 points
Total Eclipse (トータル・エクリプス 2035) - 8760 points
Burning Force Medley (バーニングフォースメドレー) - 8760 points
Metal Hawk BGM1 (メタルホーク BGM1) - 10000 points
Akuukan Yuuei ac12.5 (亜空間遊泳ac12.5) - 20000 points
STAGE 0.ac11 - 7650 points
Dadakko Monster (駄々っ子モンスター) - 7650 points
PaPaPa Love - 10000 points
EkiBEN 2000 - 20000 points
Concerto in F No.3 (ヘ調の協奏曲 第3楽章) - 8760 points
Shiro Neko Caramel Mugen no Wata ame (白猫きゃらめる夢幻のわたあめ) - 10000 points
Kimi no Akari (きみのあかり) - 7650 points
Yumeiro Coaster (夢色コースター) - 7650 points
Knuckle Heads (ナックルヘッズ) - 8760 points
URBAN FRAGMENTS - 8760 points
Toccata and Fugue and Rock (トッカータとフーガとロック) - 10000 points
Kuon no Yoru (久遠の夜) - 10000 points

Taiko Sounds
Funassyi (ふなっしー) - 2500 points
Wada Don (和田どん) - 5000 points 
Mekadon (メカドン) - 5000 points
Conga (コンガ) - 4000 points
Handclap (手拍子) - 5000 points

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