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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Song of the Week! 29 November 2014

Let's head back to the long-time restricted Children/Folk genre with today's feature, starring the tune with the highest BPM values ever peaked for its category.

 Russian Folk Medley (ロシア民謡メドレー)
Allx4 (122)x4 (169)x7 (332)x7 (468)
 Taiko 8, 0, Taiko PS2 6, Taiko Wii 4, CD Donderful
 Children/Folk -> Variety -> Children/Folk

Along the years, Taiko games have featured of playable medleys from videogames of any genre, but sometimes there are other grounds that have been touched, outside the gaming culture. Thus, enter today's medley about Russia's traditional and most popular folk songs! Arranged by Idolm@ster-related composer Koji Nakagawa (中川浩二), the Russian Folk Medley features three different pieces of popular music from the last-centuries Russian tradition.

The first track being featured is the Korobeinki (Russian word for 'Peddlers'; also known as 'Korobushka'), a XIX century track about the meeting of a peddler and a girl, haggling around the price of several common goods. Among the many different versions and arrangements of the song, Korobeinki is surely most known as the main theme for the first portable Nintendo-published version of Tetris, the always-popular puzzle game and the first 'Killer-App' for the original Game Boy.

The next portion of the medley comes from the 1860 folk tune Kalinka, written by Ivan Petrovich Larionov (1830-1889). Singing about several varieties of trees, such as the title-referenced Viburnum Opulus (more commonly known as the 'snowball tree'), the Kalinka is widely considered a staple of choral folk music worldwide.

The last segment comes from a nameless piece of music which is commonly associated with the Russian dance known as Troika (lit. 'Three-Horse Team'), where a man dances with two women through movements and gestures that recall the prancing of horses pulling a sled or a carriage (thus recalling to the Russian word's meaning). For the record, troika is also this Taiko medley's ID!

Between increaing BPM changes and some subtle scrolling alterations, the Russian Folk Medley's slow pace makes a good place for average 1/16 note patterns between single notes and small clusters from Kantan to Oni mode.