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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Site Announcement: Taiko Time 6th Anniversary!

Over 6 years have passed since aquabluu/pikaby organizing the very first Taiko game songlist and yes, we're still going strong! As per tradition for us, we would like to thank our readers for their support to our blog through a handful of events and tweaks that we hope will make your browsing experience a more pleasant one.

Starting from the returning events, we'll have very soon the return of the Taiko Time Anniversary Quiz to once again test your knowledge of the franchise! Also to get everyone to actually play some Taiko, for the sixth year let's test out an format with a pilot Taiko Time Anniversary Tournament! Send us your submissions to either of the events in order to have a commemorative item from us for our 6th anniversary celebration. We're also having a brand new Feature article about Taiko console gaming as a whole!

Finally, we're going to add to our Others section the links to all our past Feature and Sympho-Neighbours articles for posteriority's sake, starting from our next Feature's posting date! During this transition, one of the former SN releases -namely the one titled 'Summer Scars'- will be re-branded to Sonority Scouts due to its more-contemporary nature rather than acting as an "historical archive" post.

Thanks again for your support, and keep on drummin'!

-the Taiko Time staff